Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Will you?" Alcaeus mumbled against her lips "stay?" he questioned further despite the fact he had her captured in his arms and her lips against his. He had to know if she wanted to but that was promptly answered when she suddenly pushed him away. Causing a sudden disappointed over Alcaeus.

" I... I can't" she shook her head suddenly as she attempted to straighten herself up although her skin was still flushed and her hair dishevelled.

"Why?" he couldn't help but ask even though she lifted her gaze looking as though he was an idiot.

"Why? After everything that's happened, you're asking me why? I can't just stand here and pretend everything is okay" she explained that fierce look in her honey coloured eyes that it so often held.

"I'm trying..." his deep voice suddenly falling soft.

"I know but..." she sighed and quickly brushed back the long brunette strands of hair that fell around her face " it's going to take time. I just found out a lot about my family and you... You just killed your uncle and are about to have your family come crashing down on your head" she sighed once again "you should have told me about your family, Alcaeus."

"I wanted to but I couldn't" was all Alcaeus could say.

"Instead you sent me away? Thinking I'm rejected?" Those fierce eyes suddenly changed to hurt and if Alcaeus didn't know any better he would think his mate would cry but that wasn't Helena's style she had two main emotions happy or raging anger.


"If the pack wasn't killed if you weren't hurt how long would I be out there in that pack? Would you ever came for me?" the questions were hard and hit Alcaeus like a brick.

"Helena" he began before stepping closer to her. The large Alpha froze in his tracks when she shook her head and let her gaze drop to the floor.

"Goodnight Alpha, get some rest you need it after today" she quickly made her way to the door.


"Thank you again for defending me" she didn't say another word after that just walked out of the room leaving a deflated Alcaeus standing by the bed.


"Its quiet" was one of the first things Sly said when he woke up. He remained laying still in the bed under his grey sheets listening closely to the goings-on outside of the room but that was only partly the reason as the beautiful blonde beside him resting on his chest. Her long slender arm wrapped tightly around his torso, Deiha was one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen and some days it still astounded him that she agreed to be his mate. She stirred slightly after he spoke eyes partially opened revealing the blue orbs.

"What?" he mumbled sleepily burying herself further into his side which Sly couldn't help but smile over. It had been a long time since he had any company in the bedroom he never kept them around after more than eleven years without his mate he never really looked at another female-like he did his mate that was until Deiha, somehow that emptiness of his heart was feeling a little more full.

"Nothing..." he began to get out of the bed to which she groaned in annoyance trying to reach for him "go back to sleep" he whispered fixing the blankets around her and she was soon to settle once again as he left the room. Despite the house only occupying a few people it was rarely quiet and as he left the bedroom making sure the door was closed behind him he noticed the lack of activity. Down the hall, his bare feet stepped on the cold floorboards checking his little brother's room. The dark navy blue blankets sat neatly made but he wasn't sure if Alcaeus had slept or simply was up early as he usually was since the man was always so organised and neat anyway. The sun was barely up and he assumed Alcaeus was simply out for his usual morning run, closing the door he continued down the hall to the room Helena was staying in. Opening the door he could almost chuckle at the opposites of the pair. The room was messy as it often was when it came to Helena but there was no sign of the little brunette either, even her curtains were drawn open which was odd since she often liked to sleep long into the morning. He stepped into the room the scent of her was fading making clear she hadn't been in the room for a few hours and that was when he noticed it, the note sitting on the unmade bed and as he stepped closer his jaw tensed with worry at what it would say. In his large hands, he picked up the single page reading over the words he didn't want to read. A letter saying goodbye.

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