Chapter Five

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This wasn't how he expected the day to go, this wasn't apart of his plan at all Alcaeus was infuriated with himself for being so weak. He was no different from his father at the end of the day and just like his brother though he loved them Alcaeus had just wished he could be as strong as the other men in his family keeping the reputation of the Gallen family alive. The thoughts replayed in his mind over and over like a never-ending loop if Alcaeus was lucky he would get out of this alive.

His fingers were digging unto his scalp through the thick shortly kept dark hair while his palms rest over his eyes as he sat in the corner of the spare room trying to figure out some excuse, some lie to why the little she-wolf was here certainly there had to be something till a knock at the dark-stained oak door brought him from his thoughts. With great strides, he went to the door but when he turned the knob he barely opened it enough for himself to be seen. "What?" Alcaeus asked his usual barking tone.

"Brother..." Sly stood in the doorway a sly grin unevenly spread across his lips.

"What do you want I am busy" he snapped with a harsh stare directed at his older brother.

"In one of the spare rooms? Try not to play me as a fool hmm Cae? I know you have someone in there. Did the meeting go so well you've already brought the girl back with you?" Sly questioned his hands sinking into the pockets of his dark jeans.

"The meeting went well and the deal is still going ahead" Alcaeus answered very matter of factly but the answer made Sly's brow furrow at his brothers use of words.

"Well good but who is the girl? You aren't exactly one to bring home random woman" Sly questioned once again and as he observed the tick on Alcaeus's tightening tense jaw he knew the answer before it was even spoken, "oh no little brother..."

"Don't start" Alcaeus growled.

"I thought you had this under control" Sly was quick to lower his voice over the matter "follow the rules. Do you want to end up like me? Or father?"

"I know, Sly. I know you don't need to lecture me over this" Alcaeus rubbed a hand at the neatly shaven back of his head in frustration.

"Apparently I do. Fuck, Cae. What are we going to do? Are you going to---"

"No" Alcaeus stated firmly as he cut his brother off mid-sentence. Alcaeus already knew the question the same question everyone was asking, the same thing he had set out to do in the first place but he just couldn't bring himself to.

"Well, we need to come up with a plan" Sly simply sighed. He wasn't disappointed in his brother like he seemed but mostly worried he more than anyone knew the consequences of what Alcaeus had done.

"We?" Alcaeus questioned his brother's words.

"Yes we, Cae. Of course, I am going to help you" Sly spoke but both males quickly became quiet as a light groan sounded from inside the room. Causing Alcaeus to step away from the doorway and Sly stepping further into the bedroom getting his first glimpse at his brother's mate and she wasn't at all what he had expected. A warrior, tall, amazonian like woman was what he was expecting but to see a tiny she-wolf who looks barely out of school had definitely caught him off guard "how old is she?" Sly found himself asking.

"I don't know..." Alcaeus gave a careless shrug.

"Great, Cae what if she's like fourteen" Sly chastised but it seemingly didn't get anywhere with Alcaeus who seemed distracted by this whole issue.

"She is eighteen actually" the sweet voice caught both men off guard and they found themselves turning to face the four-post bed where the girl had been asleep under the rich royal blue quilt. She hadn't moved much she still remained resting on her side but her eyes were open observing the men.

"I'm sorry we didn't mean to wake you" Sly was quick to apologise "I'm Kingsly Gallen but please call me Sly" he introduced but Sly was always polite a strange trait when it came to the Gallen's.

"He's my brother, Hele" Alcaeus spoke his voice was softer which caught his older brother off guard. His usual harsh mannerism was quick to shut down under the petite brunette's gaze.

"I'm Helena" she introduced herself as she sat herself up. The large coat that had been covering her was gone replaced with a loose hanging black t-shirt.

"Are you feeling alright?" Alcaeus questioned the guilt was obvious as he faced the girl.

"Why wouldn't she?" Sly questioned sceptically eyeing his young brother.

"He knocked me out... But it is okay I understand you did what you had to, to protect me" Helena spoke her wide eyes remaining solely on Alcaeus as though he was the only thing in the world.

"Protect you from what exactly?" Sly's eyes narrowed in suspicion and curiosity of what his brother has said.

"I was in danger. They wanted to kill me" she stated and Sly quickly turned a blank stare to his brother.

"I see... Alcaeus I need to speak to you alone" Sly spoke firmly an odd tone for the older of the Gallen's "it was nice to meet you, Helena" he gave the girl a polite smile as he turned to head to the door. He lingered in the doorway for a moment as he watched his brother approach the small she-wolf.

"I will return soon" Alcaeus spoke quietly almost a whisper as he leaned over the bed. Helena simply gave a nod before the largely built man placed a kiss to her forehead to which she closed her eyes and seemed to revel in the moment.

"Alcaeus" Sly spoke after clearing his throat to gain his brother's attention.

"I'm coming" he growled out as he pulled away from his mate and followed Sly to the door. As soon as they were out of the room and the door was closed Sly couldn't help but shake his head.

"You lied, you lied to that poor girl. Does she know any of it? What's going on?" Sly was irritated obvious in his tone but he kept his voice quiet attempting to keep from unwanted attention.

"No, and it will remain that Sly" Alcaeus spoke his voice holding a hostile tone.

"Does she even know about our family? It's history?" Sly questioned but his little brother's silence answered "fuck, Cae. You can't do this what about the Carion girl you're still carrying on those plans---"

"Just until the matter is sorted" Alcaeus attempted to explain.

"This is a mess you've gotten yourself into but you need to tell that poor girl before--"

"Before nothing! You will say nothing and neither will I. Now stay out of it, Sly" Alcaeus shouted the feral wolf from inside making it's way out with the inhuman tone before he stormed still with no conclusion to the mess he was in.


(The Carion's)

"So the pact is still on?" Brias questioned his daughter as he paced across the tiled floor of the sitting room.

"Yes, father" Deiha spoke, "I understand Alcaeus's duty to his family and I accept that so we will continue our plans."

"That's good, daughter. You know how I feel about disappointment" Brias shot Deiha a harsh glare as though a warning with his words "Alcaeus will be a good match with you, Deiha and bring more strength to this pack" Brias stepped closer to his daughter extending his long fingers and tucking then under her chin to forcefully lifting her gaze to his own "I expect you to do your part in this do you understand me?" Deiha could only nod before he pulled away his hold on her chin "good, now off to bed with you we have much to plan" as Deiha walked away she could only hope Alcaeus kept his side of his agreement. Despite his indifference, she knew his secret and with his families reputation, he couldn't risk it so all she had to do was wait, wait and hope that soon she could get away from her father even if that meant moving to the Gallen's pack the latter seemed a far better option than staying with her father and the Goddess awful pack she was stuck in.

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