Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was silent between the pair as they entered the bedroom. Sly sighed and pulled the little band that was holding his hair and letting it fall around his face "Thank you..." Deiha suddenly said her wide eyes nervous watching his every movement.

"I was about to apologise" he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why? You just saved me. If you didn't do that I would... I would have had to return to my father and..." she sighed before sitting herself down on the heavily cushioned bed "he would have killed me Sly."

"I know and I don't regret protecting you from that it's just" he groaned before approaching her then sitting down onto the spot beside her "I've saddled you with me and your father is right I'm a disgraced Alpha, my title was taken away from me--"

"unfairly taken" she interjected.

"It was still taken and I know..." he sighed once again as he pulled one of his hands to cover the scared part of his face "I am not the best to look at" he attempted to laugh it off as he sat down beside her.


"I am sorry though cause you're a wonderful beautiful girl and you definitely deserve a lot better than..." Sly gestured around them "this.." Sly's eyes closed for a moment before looking away "I can always figure something out maybe send you somewhere where you can be safe and start a new life--"


Sly quickly shook his head and turned to her with a forced smile "Look I will let you get dressed for the day" was all he said putting his palms to his knees to help himself stand before he began walking to the door.

"Sly!" Deiha called out but he continued his path to the door "stop" she ordered causing him to finally stop at the door remaining still but with his back to her "thank you... For those kind words" Deiha spoke as she began approaching him until a few feet away "but you don't have to send me away, Sly--"

"Deiha" he attempted to interrupt as he turned to face her.

"No, it's my turn to talk. I appreciate what you did for me but I'm not going away. I'm staying here" Deiha's voice was soft as she reached out and taking his hand in her own "I'm staying here with you, Sly" she raised her other hand and let it rest against his scared cheek her thumb gently brushing over the uneven claw marks which left Sly captivated with her movements "you and I are mates now okay?" Deiha looked up at the man with a smile one in which Sly thought he would never see a look of affection, adoration which was almost enough to make the man blush.

Sly leaned forward till his forehead rest against hers "Okay, Deiha."


Anger bubbled within Alcaeus as he listened to his grandfather carry on about the young Alpha's future. He had hoped to delay this further since he and Deiha agreed to go against their arrangement and truth be told the only person Alcaeus wanted was Helena and no other would do till he could get his feisty little wolf back, he had a plan but as his fury circulated throughout his body and his grandfather's threat just fueling the fire within him.

"Alcaeus is already twenty-five it's about time he starts continuing on the Gallen name," Conri said as he kept himself focused on Brais.

"Of course, I apologize for my daughter" Brais shook his head.

"As long as you can make up for it" Conri spoke his head held high in his usual superior manner.

"Yes, yes" Brais so obviously attempting to gain Conri's favour.

"Are you listening, Alcaeus?" Conri suddenly barked "I have already warned you about this" his voice suddenly lowered. Alcaeus's eyes focused on his grandfather fierce older man holding him under his dark gaze.


"No, you weren't listening?" Conri wanted to clarify.

"No, I don't agree" As soon as the words left his mouth Conri growled.

"You don't agree?" Conri questioned once again hoping his grandson would retract his words.

"I am not agreeing to this, grandfather" Alcaeus stood tall his eyes narrowed as both grandson and grandfather stood clearly attempting to intimidate each other.

"You better take back those words or--"

"Or what?" Alcaeus practically scoffed at his grandfather's threats the youngest Gallen far too go in his anger to go back.

"I will remove you as Alpha" Conri practically spat out the words. The room fell quiet between the two men as they stood in front of one another growling. It was as though they were about to tear each other limb from limb. Conri eyed his grandson waiting for a reply but Alcaeus despite his blazing eyes remained silent finally causing Conri to scoff "that's what I thought" shaking his head he began to turn away.

"I challenge you" before he could stop them the words left his mouth.

"What did you say?" Conri questioned.

"You heard me grandfather" Alcaeus squared his shoulders, his jaw so tightly clenched just below his ear began to tick.

"What did you say to me?!" Conri all but screamed it.

"I Alcaeus Gallen challenge you, Conri Gallen, as Alpha and head of the Gallen family..."

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