Chapter Forty-Seven

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The older Gallen sighed, his worn face holding an unimpressed look as he stood opposite his oldest grandson and Helena. It was suddenly silent between the three and the only noise was from the commotion outside the cold stone building while Conri shook his head staring at the pair "this is disappointing even for you Kingsly, despite you're never-ending embarrassment on this family I thought you could once stand aside and take what was to come. Yet here we are you coming into rescue yet another disappointment Alcaeus..." Conri's eyes glanced to the barred window of the cell "I thought he was different, I shouldn't be surprised however tainted blood the both you coming from that mother of yours" he sneered "corrupting your father against our ways" those dark devious eyes shifting back to Sly and Helena "I suppose it won't matter after this. You've made it this far yes but you won't win grandson, you never will. I suggest you just give up now."

"I'm not backing down this time grandfather" Sly growled, "I am not that seventeen-year-old boy you can stand over anymore."

Conri chuckled as though it was the most amusing statement in the world "oh you're a man now are you?" But the laughter quickly disappeared and a scowl was quick to take its place "you will never be a man, Kingsly just a pathetic little boy who could protect anyone. Couldn't protect his parents, his mate, himself and now his brother and the pack" Conri's eyes trailed over the young man in disgust "and as soon as I've won I will keep you alive because the next will be that chosen mate of yours" his voice was almost a whisper when he said the words but it was enough to stir something within Sly, a sinister growl escaped his mouth as his fangs began to elongate, his eyes once again set ablaze in fury as he lunged at his grandfather swinging a now clawed hand at the older man who dodged the attack, anger was fueling Sly as he continued stalking his grandfather who was backing away "unlock that door, Helena" he ordered.

"I assume that's the mate?" Conri commented as though Sly wasn't snarling at him "pretty little thing you are, aren't you" the simply ignored his words as Sly went to lunge again one of Conri's guards had come up from the staircase and lunged at Sly giving Conri enough time to flee the room while Sly wrestled against the guard. Helena kept her focus on the door she could see her pained mate within the room which only fueled her further. Helena attempted to rip through the locks and barge open the door but to her dismay, it didn't budge, her claws extended she attempted to scratch at it but as though spelled it didn't even leave a mark.

"Hele!" Sly suddenly called from on top of the guard pinning the man to the floor. Helena turned her gaze just in time to see keys flying in her direction which she caught midair with ease turning away as Sly continued to wrestle with the guard. Helena filed through the many keys on the chain trying them in the large lock none of which were working, key after key. More guards began finding their way into the room and Sly had found himself playing bodyguard as she attempted to free Alcaeus. Finally, on the seventeenth key, the bolts clicked as it turned within the hole on the door and finally opened. Sly continued his fight with the guards as Helena rushed inside closer to the mate she hadn't seen in months, his eyes were closed and he hung their limply as though already dead.

"Alcaeus" she spoke softly probably one of the few times she wasn't so abrupt with her mate "Alcaeus" she repeated causing him to finally stir.

"He...Helena?" He croaked out the usually deep, booming, powerful voice was weak and strained.

"We need to get you out of here" she ran to where the chains were locked to the floor which held him elevated from the ground.

"W...Why are you here?" He attempted to speak again.

"What am I doing here?" She scoffed at his question "I'm your mate, Alcaeus" she didn't face him but simply remained focused on the task of trying to unlock the chains.

"Hel...Helena, I...I'm sorry" it was sincere "I love you, I... I've loved you since I first saw in the woods. I...I'm sorry I was a coward" he spoke weakly attempted to lift his head but having obvious struggles. Helena was silent after he spoke deep in thought over what he had said and on the other hand trying to get him free. When she finally succeeded in the task and the chains unlocked the chains fell suddenly from their hold and with them, Alcaeus went tumbling to the ground.

"Alcaeus" Helena ran to his side. Worry coursing through her veins at the sight of the usually strong man in practically a weak, crumpled heap on the stone floor "Alcaeus, please" she sat in front of his hunched over body her small hands reaching out and touching his stumbled cheeks attempted to lift his heavy head. His eyes were barely open as she sat crouched in front of him the usually neatly kept hair was a mess and the dark strands of his fringe had fallen over his forehead "Alcaeus" her thumbs brushed against his perfectly shaped cheekbones as he finally opened his eyes revealing those dark crimson orbs, he looked tired but none the less handsome to Helena. Alcaeus finally brought himself to move but just his arm to let it gently hold onto Helena's forearm as they gazed at one another until Sly came bursting into the room.

"We need to go, we need to go after Conri, take him down once and for all" Sly was slightly puffed but a few guards weren't anything he couldn't handle.

"We do, we need to go" Helena agreed tearing her eyes from Alcaeus their tender moment quickly disappearing to a more serious one.

"He can't get away with it this time. We've stood by far too long, little brother. It's time we finish this" Alcaeus sat there for a moment taking in Sly's words but slowly blinking his eyes the usually crimson of colour were nothing but pitch black as he stared at his older brother.

"He won't get away" Alcaeus's voice was suddenly booming once again as the muscular young man began making his way to his feet "let's go get the old bastard."

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