Chapter Two

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"She's his mate" the voice of her father caught the pair off guard as he stood in the doorway "can't you see it in his eyes, Deiha. Oh, how interesting wait till I call your grandfather about this" Brais seemed to grin over the matter.

"No, no I can handle this myself" Alcaeus replied his hard gaze on the older man.

"Handle? No, you can't kill her! Please she is my friend you can't!" Deiha began to beg.

"Be quiet girl. This isn't your matter to deal with. She is Alcaeus's mate and he has the right to deal with it the way he sees fit" Brais harshly snapped at his daughter.

"Please, Alcaeus. Please don't" Deiha begged.

"Shut up!" Brais snapped at his daughter once again they continued to argue back and forth but it all seemed like white noise to Alcaeus who couldn't keep his gaze from wandering out the window and following the movements of the brown wolf. "Alcaeus? Alcaeus? Are you going to do it or should I call your grandfather?" Brais's words made him focus once again.

"I said I would take care of it" Alcaeus spoke his tone falling harshly over the subject "I cannot just kill a wolf on another packs land however it is against the rules. So Brais what do you say?"

"Father please, please don't let him kill her pl--"

"I allow it, feel free to hunt down your mate, Alcaeus" Brais nodded in agreement before gesturing for the young Alpha to proceed with his hunt which was enough to send Alcaeus practically running out the door followed by his warriors.

"Father how could you!" Deiha shouted to the middle-aged man.

"She isn't even apart of the pack, Deiha" he snapped at his daughter "Now come" he spoke firmly to his daughter forcing her to follow his lead as they walked out the front of the house waiting for any sign of what was going to happen.


Twenty minutes had felt like hours to Deiha as she stood nervously watching the tree line hoping by some miracle Hele would escape. In any other situation, it would be expected for her to be hurt the man she was supposed to be bound to have found his mate but that was the furthest thing from Deiha's mind. She was worried about her friend. The small she-wolf who after two weeks of letting her onto their territory would sleep as a wolf at the end of her bed, she had taught Hele so many things finally gaining her friendship and to now lose her. Deiha had lost her mother, her brother and her mate. Now losing one of her closest friends it was becoming too much to bear for the blonde she-wolf but she watched on staring at the tree line leading into the depth of the woods hearing the faint whimpers and howls then finally nothing but a thick silence especially when Alcaeus emerged blood still thickly coating his hands dripping onto the dirt as he stepped the once-crisp white shirt her wore now stained. He was closely followed by one of his men who carried the limp body of Hele, the jacket that once hugged Alcaeus's torso now covered her lifeless form the only things uncovered were her thin legs and a single dangling arm.

"Skai will dispose of her" Alcaeus spoke so coldly over the matter it was enough to send a shiver up one's spine but Deiha's eyes remained on the man carrying Hele away and she couldn't help the sobs that escaped her once perfectly painted red lips.

"Of course" Brais gave a nod in understanding.

"Perhaps we can continue this meeting another time it seems some of us need time to take in the developments of today" Alcaeus spoke acknowledging the devastation of Deiha "until then can I use the bathroom before I leave?"

"Of course, second door to the left at the top of the stairs" Brais instructed and Alcaeus was quick to follow direction.


The water tinged red as the blood washed from his hands down the drain. It coated his skin all the way up to his forearms where his sleeves had been rolled up. This day hadn't gone how Alcaeus wanted or expected he thought as he scrubbed at his skin. Finding his mate had been one of the last things he had wanted. All Alcaeus had wanted was to follow along with the family rules but it was all looking as though it was falling to shit quite quickly especially with the girl he was supposed to mate especially now she could barely look at him. As he continued to scrub at his hands to his surprise the door flung open to reveal a furious looking Deiha.

"How could you!" she snarled "Hele was my friend she never did anything."

"I'm sorry this has hurt your feelings but she, unfortunately, turned out to be my mate. As you know the rules of my family we do not look kindly to them. I did warn you did I not" he spoke so formally and careless as though it didn't matter at all.

"You're a fool, Alcaeus Gallen. A fool. To throw away someone who will give you unconditional love--"

"Someone who will hold me back!" Alcaeus shouted as he faced her through the reflection of the mirror "have power over me, how I feel" he merely scoffed at the idea before shaking his head "I don't think so" he stood up and straightened his shirt the best he could before turning around to face the angry she-wolf "now if you will excuse me." was all he said before barging past her knocking the girl out of his way.

"We are not finished here!" Deiha shouted chasing after him. She raced down the hall to the top of the marble staircase but he was already at the door bidding farewell to her father "Alcaeus!" she screamed.

"Deiha do not speak so disrespectfully" Brais scolded the girl.

"I have to leave" was all Alcaeus said not even giving her a glance before he was out the door but Deiha hadn't given up, she never did that easily as she made chase even with her father calling after her.

Out in the driveway was where she caught him. Deiha's hand clasping the door as Alcaeus went to close it "let go of the door now" he growled.

Deiha opened her mouth to speak only to release a gasp "Oh my goddess..."

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