Chapter Forty-Two

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Sly growled, aching to grab the bars and rip them off the hinges when Deiha didn't return. The worry for his mate was overwhelming as the tall brunette paced back and forth in the cell "any luck?" he questioned the others who were still searching for a possible escape.

"Not yet" Rocko one of the warriors from their pack replied sadly. He had to admit the place was certainly built we'll that was for sure.

"Keep looking... Where is Deiha" he muttered the last bit under his breath not that it mattered since he was surrounded by werewolves all with extraordinary hearing abilities.

"They will bring her back soon" Luca attempted to comfort him but the clear worry on his face was a dead give away he too was filled with concern. Sly wanted to break down, he had spent year's alone never thinking he would find love again until he got to know Deiha, the blonde, sweet, bombshell wormed her way easily into his heart and the thought of losing another person he loved was too much to even bear. He couldn't lose Deiha, not his Deiha but the sound of the door opening caught him off guard and shook him from his deep thoughts. The tall young man couldn't help but keep his eye glued to door till he released a breath of relief at the sight of his beloved mate but it was quickly replaced with worry once again seeing the blood coating her arm and cream coloured dress. "Deiha, Deiha, What happened? Are you okay?" temptation to reach through the bars again was suddenly high as she walked closer to the cell door "talk to me baby, what happened?" his voice softened once she stood opposite him. The usual blue eyes were slightly dilated and almost glowing but she seemed calm in her demeanour as she reached out with a glove covered hand and unlocking the door sliding it open. Sly practically burst out of the cell and grabbing a hold of her, he was desperate to hold onto Deiha, a few moments ago he was riddled with worry he would lose her. Taking the keys and glove he handed them off to one of the others to unlock the other cells as Sly stood there with his mate his large hands moving from around her shoulders to then cup her cheeks she was still so quiet it made him worry "What happened?" he questioned once again his eyes meeting hers.

"I... I" Deiha huffed "I killed him, Sly... I killed my father" Deiha practically whispered the words but it sounded loud and clear to him.

"What did he do?" Sly began to examine her with his eyes searching for wounds.

"Nothing physical. He was giving me one last chance to come back to him, Sly but" she sighed glancing up at the man with bright eyes full of tears threatening to spill "he's already taken enough I wouldn't let him take anymore" it was a simple explanation but one in which he understood. With a nod, Sly pulled her to his chest where she was quick to burry her face. Sly was just happy his mate was alright. It was all he could ask for and standing in the cells as prisoners began to file out into the halls he just held Deiha a little bit tighter just for a moment.

"Hate to interrupt" Luca cleared his throat catching both Deiha and Sly's attention "we have a situation" Luca turned his gaze to the entrance prisoners were getting ready to bust out "what are we going to do?"

"Alright, everyone!" Sly shouted out over the already loud room. He stepped back from Deiha but an arm remained around her slender shoulders "we have a few fights on our hands so today in another day. When we get out of this dungeon we are taking this pack!" Sly practically screamed "we are taking down anyone who goes up against us! We will claim back our home and then we will take down my grandfather and save my brother your Alpha!" He was screaming at this point so loud it was heard outside as warriors from Brais's pack began to bang on the door "are you with me!" He screamed once again to which they all howled in reply. A long, loud unified howl as the door opened and wolves began to stumble into the already busy hall. Sly's eyes narrowed those usually dark eyes were alight like flames while he bared his fangs "let's do this" was the final thing he said when chaos ensued. Fists were flying, fangs were gnashing and claws were scratching. It was a brutal brawl amongst everyone involved but Sly kept Deiha behind him as he carved his path through the wolves and out of the dungeon. Any wolf that got in his way was on the receiving end of a brutal blow before he finally made it to the surface. It wasn't much better outside screams were heard while prisoners had emerged and begun attacking the warriors against them. "Get Luca and a few others round up all those not involved and lead them to safety outside the pack lands at least till all this is over" Sly suddenly turned to Deiha.

"But what about you. I can't leave you" her bloody hand curled into a fist clutching at his shirt.

"You're not leaving me" Sly leaned closer letting a kiss linger to her forehead "you need to be safe, make sure everyone else is safe and..." Sly reached out placing a hand to her still flattened stomach "you have something else that's very important to protect."

"How did you know?" her eyes widened in surprise.

"You can't hide anything from a Gallen, baby" his her forehead once more with a smirk on his lips "now go, Deiha" she gave him a worried look before darting off. Luca wasn't far behind him and one of the strongest warriors no doubt she would be protected but until then Sly let out a loud vicious growl he had to finish this.

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