Chapter Sixteen

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The drive was silent between Helena and Sly as he drove focusing mainly on the road while occasionally checking on her in the rearview mirror but Helena just stared out the window. After a while, the silence was broken when Sly began to chuckle. His childish sniggering caught Helena's attention, her dark eyebrows frowning as he continued to laugh. Sly was ten years her senior yet at that moment he seemed like a child.

"What? Why are you laughing?" she suddenly snapped unable to take anymore.

"I just.." he laughed once more "just thinking about yesterday and you launching yourself at my brother" he broke out into laughter once more "it was quite a sight."

"It wasn't funny!" she huffed.

"It was. You're a tiny thing and seeing you jump at my brother who let's face it is quite a big guy... It was something. I tell you no one has tried anything like that with my brother before" Sly spoke as he glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

"Well, he deserved it. Sending me away... Going to chose to mate with my.." Helena sighed "friend..." her gaze fell to her lap where her fingers seemed to fidget with one another "he wouldn't even fight for me, Sly."

"I know" Sly's voice quickly turning serious "I know and I'm sorry. There are just things in this world that even big bad Alpha's aren't willing to face... As much as I wish it was different I can't blame him too much I mean look what happened when I tried" he pointed a finger to the deep scars down his face "my mate is dead, I was stripped of being an Alpha and blind in one eye."

"Should you really be driving then?" Helena gave a playful smile.

"Is that really your only take on what I said?" He couldn't help but laugh once again her bluntness was far too amusing sometimes.

"No, no. I'm sorry that happened to you, Sly. It's a lot to go through but at least you tried and I'm sure your mate would have appreciated that... To know that..." she gave a shrug looking back out the window once more "that you cared" it fell quiet once more between them until Helena spoke again "but really are you supposed to drive?"

Sly shook his head a grin spreading across his face "get some rest, Hele. It's a long drive."

"Okay..." Helena leaned back on the headrest "and thank you for being there for me" she spoke he was about to reply but when he looked in the mirror she had shifted herself into her wolf form. The chocolate brown wolf lay curled up on the seat.

"You're welcome, Hele" he spoke before turning his focus back to the road continuing on with their travels.

"Alpha why didn't you let us deal with that little she-wolf yesterday? It's our job to look out for you" Luca one of the warriors spoke as he stood at the doorway of the study.

" It's my job to look out for all of you, Luca. You're my pack and my responsibility though I appreciate you and the other warriors fighting for us. I certainly don't need anyone to take care of a little she-wolf for me" Alcaeus spoke lying through his teeth. If only everyone knew how much he wasn't able to handle Helena.

"Of course you can but we are here to fight with you no matter the obstacle especially when it's a direct attack" Alcaeus couldn't help the smirk forming he admired the loyalty of his men.

"Then I'm sure I can rely on you all to have my back when the time comes?" Alcaeus questioned an eyebrow-raising in question. The question was confusing which was evident on Luca's face but the warrior nodded firmly.

"Of course Alpha" he spoke with another firm nod.

"Alpha?" Deiha's voice suddenly caught both men by surprise causing them to turn their gaze to the blonde.

"Yes?" Alcaeus asked "you're dismissed, Luca" the warrior gave another nod before leaving to pair alone. While Deiha wandered closer into the room.

"Why did you send her away?" Deiha asked her large blue eyes watching his movements.

"We came to an agreement of keeping her safe did we not? That's what I'm doing" Alcaeus's voice fell quickly to indifference.

"Alcaeus..." she sighed "yes we agreed but being here seeing..." Deiha bit at her lip "I know we don't really know each other but Hele is your mate and she's alive for a reason because you couldn't do what was expected of you that has to mean something. It means that as much as you act it you clearly care about her" her words easily gained his attention though he kept composure the interest was obvious in his eyes "sending her away won't solve the problem you're having."

"Enough, Deiha" his voice was firm. Always one with authority.

"You need to listen to me here. I've known Hele a lot longer than you and pushing her away won't get you anywhere--"

"I'm not trying to get anywhere with her" he was quick to interrupt "I am keeping her safe, Deiha that is all."

"I don't believe you--"

"Believe whatever you want" he couldn't help but interrupt once again.

"Like I said Alcaeus you clearly care about her. I care about her too she's well... She was my only friend in my father's pack and I don't want her hurt any more than she is" Deiha spoke those large blue eyes like that of a puppy. Deiha was stunning and that move would work on anyone but Alcaeus wasn't swayed easily. He had never had his head turned well that was until he met Helena.

"I assure you I have no plans to hurt her. Frankly, I've never had those intentions. I already told you I will keep her safe and I will keep my word on the matter. Just because she is your friend though I don't understand how any of this affects you" Alcaeus spoke curiously of her reaction.

"Its because we are friends, I care about her a lot so it affects me also that I have to continue this facade that we are going to be mated, Alcaeus or did you forgot that fun fact" Deiha snapped at him but Alcaeus smirked. She was going out of her way to protect herself, yes but she seemed to have Helena's best interest at heart.

"Well if you care as you insist you do. I have a job for you" Alcaeus's eyes watched the she-wolf and she stirred uncomfortably at the sudden statement "when you return home I would like you to observe your fathers behaviour closely."

"You want me to spy on my father?" Deiha attempted to clarify.

"You just said you don't want Helena to be hurt anymore, well this is a start to that" he explained as though it was so simple.

"How is me spying on my father going to help?" a smirk grew on Alcaeus lips at the question. It was indeed a good question from anyone who was watching closely on what was going on and Alcaeus was never much of a talker he had always been an observer and watches things closely. It always paid off to have a plan in the Gallen family and Alcaeus always had one.

"All in good time, Deiha..."

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