Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"You can't do this!" Deiha screams as two of her father's warriors grabbed hold of her arms.   Deiha struggled against their hold but was no use for the slender girl.

"Let her go" Sly snarled his eyes ablaze and fangs beginning to bare but it was only a matter of time before four warriors had him pinned to the ground.

"You can't do this father" Deiha cried as she continued to struggle while other members of the pack were being captured by Brais's warriors.

"I'm in charge of this pack now, young lady..." Brais shook his head as he held his hands clasped together behind his back while approaching Deiha "my, my look at you" his blue eyes travelling over her being "what a disappointment you turned out to be. I should have killed you with your mother and brother" he leaned closer whispered causing her eyes to widen in horror.

"Y...You didn't... You... Why?" she stammered over her words not sure what to even say at the horrifying things her father had said.

"May I remind you, Deiha. I get rid of things I don't need. I certainly didn't need some boy to try and take my Alpha title and a mate getting in my way for power" he scoffed "either way it doesn't matter now especially since you've certainly finished your use to me" Brias's blue eyes glanced around at the captured wolves most pinned down to the ground struggling for release while others stay back in fear "take all of the ones captured to the dungeons back home, anyone else that tries to fight now either capture or kill" a smirk fell on his lips when he turned to his daughter " let's go home shall we."

Deiha had never been in the dungeons before but they look exactly how she assumed. Cold and dark. There were no windows and the only lights were several that lined the hallway outside of the cells, the silver bars keeping all the wolves locked away inside. Deiha sat on the floor of the stone room her head resting against the cold, rough surface only because she knew Sly rest against in on the other side "We are going to die, aren't we? And your grandfather with kill Alcaeus... We don't know where Helena is.." Deiha let out a sigh her head rolling forward and letting her face rest in the palm of her hands.

"Deiha" Sly said firmly though there was some shakiness to it he attempted to sound confident in his words "We will get out of here."

"How can you be sure?" She was sniffling now as large tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Because..." he slipped his arm through the bar hissing as it brushed the silver.

"Sly What are you doing?" She asked hearing his noise of pain. Quickly looking up she saw his hand sticking through the bars. His arm bent around the wall between them "Sly you're going to hurt yourself" she quickly clutched hold of his hand.

"It will be worth it" was all he replied as his fingers slipped between hers "listen to me, we are going to get out of here, Deiha I promise you."

"You can't promise that when you don't know if it's true" her voice was weak when she rested her forehead against his hand still held in hers.

"I know it's going to be true. There is no way after all these years that I get to meet you now and die..." Sly shuffled as close as he could to the bars "we will be happy together, Deiha. We will have a long and happy life with many pups" the words made her laugh between her crying "I love you, my mate. I always will and I promise you we will get out of here and have all those things."

"Sly..." she whimpered.

"I mean it, Deiha. We are getting out of here" he spoke firmly as though trying to sound more convincing.

"You wanna get out of here?" Luca one of the warriors in the cell with Sly. The warrior pushed himself off of the wall dark eyes focused on Sly.

"That's the plan" Sly put it simply.

"Well, what's the plan" Luca questioned glancing around the rest of the warriors sharing the small space "we are listening."

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