Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Come now. Hand her over" Brais spoke as he entered a smug grin across his face the house followed closely by his warriors. In the dark when he met with Brais only a few nights ago he didn't notice but now in the league light of day he could see the marks he bared from Deiha's attacked claw marks along his neck that were slowly healing if he was a human with that sort of injury he would he dead, even a part of the man's ear had been ripped again leaving his right ear missing the top half.

"Grandfather--" Alcaeus spoke attempting to argue over the matter but Conri shook his head.

"Deiha is Alpha Brais's daughter, Alcaeus. She belongs to his pack and he has every right to take her back" Conri explained to his grandson holding a very serious look.

"Go find her" Brais ordered to his warriors who quickly went off in search of the girl.

"This is my pack" Alcaeus growled, "this is trespassing."

"This pack is held undermine, Alcaeus and I approved of his search" Conri corrected his dark gaze on his grandson which was suddenly making him feel like a weak child once again. The three didn't have to wait long before they heard shouting from the second floor. Warriors dragging the blonde she-wolf still in her pyjamas which didn't consist of much a baggy sweatshirt and some tiny shorts. A shade of red had made its way along her neck and cheeks making it obvious the girl was embarrassed.

"You couldn't hide from me for long daughter" Brais spoke as soon as the warriors dragged her down the staircase.

"Let me go father" she snarled struggling in their grip but she winced with their hold on her arms.

"Let her go this is absurd" Alcaeus shook his head "this is my home—"

"Alcaeus" Conri snapped "do not interfere."

"That's right. It isn't your place anymore, Alcaeus. You turned down the agreement of becoming mates. You have no claim now my daughter will return home with me" Brais snatched Deiha from the grips of the warriors causing the girl to stumble "plus she needs to face punishment for her attack on her Alpha" he growled at the girl who quickly averted her gaze to the floor.

"Wait!" a voice from upstairs made them all turn seeing Sly standing by the stairs.

"You, you're not supposed to show yourself when I'm here" Conri snarled at his oldest grandson.

"Shutup old man" Sly snapped as he quickly descended the stairs.

"You dare speak to me in such away. I am your Alpha you disgraceful--"

"Alcaeus is my Alpha" Sly corrected his eyes blazing to life like the colour of lava and much like a volcano Sly was ready to erupt.

"It is a pack still under my territory, boy. Don't forget your place" Conri stood tall his claws extended as he puffed out his chest.

"It's still my pack, Grandfather. Sly is my second in command. I may allow you to grant access to Brais but you can't disrespect my pack members" Alcaeus quickly stepped in between the men ready to defend his brother.

"Alcaeus" Conri looked to his grandson in a disapproving manner.

"Sly came down for a reason. Despite your issues with him grandfather. I would like to hear the reason" Alcaeus turned to his brother giving him an approving nod to continue.

"Yes, please do I have business to attend to" Brais spoke his eyes holding clear impatience over the matter.

"As I understand Deiha has to return with you because Alcaeus turned down the agreement--"

"Yes, we just went through this" Brais sighed in annoyance.

"Well, you still can't take her" Sly suddenly said causing them all to look at him in confusion.

"She is my daughter and apart of my pack, I can do as I please with her" Brais spoke his voice firm over the matter but Sly didn't back down and Alcaeus began to smirk understanding where his brother was going with this.

"I am claiming her" Sly said he stood stoically his usual relaxed manner long gone and somehow the Alpha instinct in him returned.

"A disgraced Alpha who is partially blind" Brais shook his head letting out a chuckle "no, no way--"

"I'm twenty-two. I'm old enough to agree on this myself father" Deiha pulled her arm from his grip and turned to Sly "I accept" she spoke a small smile forming on her lips as she looked to Sly.

"Well Alpha Brais, looks like the problem is solved" Alcaeus crossed his arms over his chest "Deiha is now agreed to be mated to Sly. A member of my pack seems you now have no claim."


"Alpha Brais, your daughter has accepted it's done" Conri spoke his dark eyes focused on the shorter man.

"Of course, Alpha" Brais was quick to change his demeanour once the older Gallen spoke "in fact how about his I don't want to leave us on bad terms after all" a wicked smirk crossed his lips as his eyes fell on Alcaeus "since your dear grandson here will be needing a mate. I have one to offer you."


"We are listening" Conri cut him off with a wave of his hand as he set his intimidating gaze on Brais.

"I have a niece--"

"Father!" Deiha snapped.

"Quiet Deiha, she is another Alpha's daughter and as you know it is difficult to find a proper mate from a powerful family" Brais held his smirk as he held another potential card to play "so what do you say Conri?" dread overcame Alcaeus as he watched his grandfather think it over.

"If I look into this and you're not saying this to gain my favour you will have a deal" Conri gave a firm nod "if we agree" he suddenly turned to Alcaeus "I already let you out of one agreement, Alcaeus. It won't happen again. If we come to an arrangement you will follow through with it or else."

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