Chapter One

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"Alcaeus Gallen I presume?" a middle-aged man questioned as soon as Alcaeus had stepped out of the large black SUV. His dark eyes were quick to analyze the man who bowed his head in respect.

"You assume correctly" Alcaeus confirmed as his two warriors Luka and Skai stood either side of him. A wolf rarely travelled alone.

"My name is Eden, I was sent to greet you by the Alpha Carion. Please follow me" everything about the man-made it obvious he was on strict orders on how to conduct himself but then only someone of serious stupidity would contend with an Alpha let alone a member of the Gallen family. Alcaeus obliged the man letting him lead him and the two warriors through the large estate. It was quite modern and not much to Alcaeus's taste but it wasn't his problem he was just here to get things in order so he simply followed the older man through the house until they reached a large sitting area.

Alcaeus was full of observation he was always one to pick up on every tiny detail which is how Alcaeus was quick to know exactly what sort of man he was expecting. A house so large and overdone a true Alpha didn't need such excessive things an Alpha radiated power off of who he was and as Alcaeus took in his surroundings while seating himself on one of the armchairs the head of the Carion household entered the room. Alcaeus wanted to roll his eyes at the dramatics of the man opening both of the double doors of the room as he entered making it clear he wanted acknowledgement. Alcaeus had to fight the urge to scoff at this man's clear need for attention as Alcaeus eyed his attire fancy suit, dress shoes neatly polished and worst of all the chunky over the top jewellery.

"Alcaeus" he spoke giving a bow of respect "I am Brais Carion, welcome" he greeted ever so formally forcing Alcaeus to oblige and rise from his seat easily standing over the older man.

"Thank you for your hospitality. Shall we get straight to business then?" Alcaeus asked he wanted to get this over with.

"Yes, of course" he glanced over his shoulder to the doorway "Deiha" he called and a slender young woman appeared in the doorway "Alcaeus this is my daughter Deiha, Deiha say hello to Alcaeus your future mate" Brais instructed to the girl. It was obvious she was his daughter same large emerald eyes and oval face however Deiha had long sandy coloured hair and very feminine features she certainly was a stunning she-wolf so Alcaeus could at least appreciate that even if she turned out to be as dull as a doorknob at least he would have something pretty to look at.

"It is lovely to meet you" she greeted in a sweet tone.

Alcaeus moved forward causing both father and daughter to become tense but he knew his role in all of this so as soon as he was a few feet from the girl he extended his hand with barely any hesitation she let her delicate hand slip into his. Alcaeus gave a gentlemanly gesture by placing a kiss to the back of the silky smooth skin of her hand before relinquishing his hold and in return, she gave a gracious smile.

"Seems you two will get along swimmingly" Brais smiled at the interaction "I will leave you to become acquainted and then we will discuss business," the middle-aged man said before leaving. Alcaeus nudged his head to dismiss Luka and Skai who simply gave a nod before leaving also. As soon as they were alone Alcaeus turned his gaze back to the shorter woman.

"So Deiha, how do you feel about this arrangement? I don't imagine you had much say in the matter" Alcaeus asked his hands clasped behind his back as he began to pace the room.

"No, I didn't have much say but seeing as I have already lost my mate I suppose it doesn't matter much" she seemed to carelessly shrug at the idea before making her way to the window. The floor-length white gown trailing behind her with each step.

"My apologies for your loss."

"Your apologies? Doesn't your family kill their mates?" she seemed to scoff at the mere thought of an apology from him.

"True but I do understand for most it is painful to lose a mate so..."

"Any loss is painful losing your mate is losing a part of yourself" she simply explained.

"Look Deiha, I am not going to sugarcoat this situation" Alcaeus made his way over to her and took a seat on the seat by the window "I agreed to this because you are an Alpha's daughter you will bring a lot to the table which makes my grandfather pleased which is good. I know you may view my family ways as archaic and deplorable but I do promise I will treat you very well. You will always want for nothing and be treated respectfully I am aware of the rumours which would make you nervous of the arrangement but I can promise despite my family rules I will take care of you."

"And what happens when you find your mate, Alcaeus? I do not know how I feel about being bound to someone who can simply dispose of their mate and defy the Moon Goddess" Deiha explained as she took the seat beside him.

"It's simple really..." Alcaeus opened his mouth to speak but it simply snapped shut when a figure caught his eye out the window. A small brown wolf with fur the colour of caramel but seemed to flicker like gold in the sunlight he found himself captivated by its movements.

"Alcaeus are you alright?" Deiha questioned getting him out of his thoughts but he struggled to tear his gaze from the little wolf.

"Yes, of course. I was just surprised to see such a small wolf" Alcaeus answered hoping to not display to much interest or curiosity.

"Who?" Deiha turned her gaze out the window before letting out a small chuckle "you mean Hele?"

"Hele?" he was quite perplexed.

"Yes that's Hele. She's a little she-wolf we found about three years ago she had been living out with a pack of grey wolves for seven years. Apparently, her family was killed" Deiha sighed "but Hele is lovely she just prefers to stay outside and be in her wolf form." as soon as Deiha explained the heaviness of the situation suddenly weighed on him as the little wolf darted in and out of bushes he realised why he was captivated.

"Why are you curious?---"

"She's his mate..."

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