Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You're challenging me for Alpha?" Conri questioned his dark eyes solely set upon his grandson who stood before him.

"Perhaps I will leave" Brais spoke looking between the pair before practically running out the door. The tension was thick in the air between the two Gallen men making anyone nervous.

"I asked you a question" Conri snapped his jaw tensed so tight in the silence you could hear his molars grinding together.

"Yes, I'm challenging you" Alcaeus confirmed standing tall. He was only a fraction taller than his grandfather but he used it to his advantage standing over the older man.

"I see..." Conri let out a sigh "you know I always thought you would take over the Alpha position once I stepped down it's just a shame you couldn't wait till I did."

"You would never step down willingly grandfather" Alcaeus couldn't help but scoff at the thought.

Conri chuckled "maybe so but I always thought I could count on you the most, Alcaeus such a shame you're turning to be just another disappointment just like everyone else" Conri let a questioning gaze linger on his grandson "but since you have stood by me all this time I will give you another chance" the older Gallen cleared his throat before straightening his elegant maroon jacket, fixing the brass buttons into place "perhaps your challenge was in the heat of the moment to which we can dismiss right now. What do you say Alcaeus?" Conri extended his hand holding it out expectantly for his grandson to take "just shake my hand and all will be forgiven" they stood in silence for what seemed like forever their eyes staring one another down but Alcaeus not seeming to waver this time "so be it grandson" Conri spoke in clear disappointment as he let his hand drop back to his side.

"I am not backing down this time" Alcaeus growled out fierce and defiant. His crimson gaze holding onto his grandfathers.

"That's a shame" Conri sighed and shook his head. The older Gallen reached out and placed a hand onto Alcaeus's shoulder "you've always been a strong man, a strong Alpha. An asset to the Gallen bloodline" Conri gave a small smile as he stepped back as he seemed to examine Alcaeus, the tall broad stature of the young man that stood before him proud like all the others in the family "Just a shame you couldn't follow the family line" his words confused Alcaeus just for a moment that was until Conri smirked, an unsettling look on the older man's face before he lifting his hand the silver clawed glove settled over his fingers within a single blink of an eye he struck the silver tips clawing across Alcaeus's neck leaving four gashes in their path. Blood gushed from the wounds and automatically Alcaeus clutched at his throat attempting to keep more blood from flowing. Conri watched as his grandson dropped to his knees "now grandson... If you survive this perhaps you will know your place" words dripping with venom before he swiftly turned on his heel and left leaving Alcaeus bleeding out on the floor.


His foot was tapping relentlessly against the white tiled floor. He had been waiting all day to see if his brother was alright. Anger burned deep within him for his grandfather seeing what he had done to his baby brother. The man had killed their parents, his mate, scared and blinded him in one eye and now attempted to kill his baby brother Sly was an emotional mess.

"He will be okay" Deiha whispered a hand stroking along his arm as she sat close beside the young man. Her other hand resting between his shoulder blades "everything is going to be okay."

He turned his gaze to face the beautiful blonde beside him removing the hand from his arm and gently taking it into his own hand "my little brother" he practically whimpered.

"I know" she moved closer and tightened her grip on his hand but the moment was quickly disrupted when the door swung open and Sarvis came sauntering with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Sly stood abruptly with a snarl.

"I heard what happened to my dear nephew" he spoke keeping the smirk on his lips.

"Yes your loving father did this" he all but shouted.

"So I heard" Sarvis spoke so casually as he began stepping closer to the pair "such a shame isn't it?"

"He will recover" Deiha defended.

"Is that right?" Sarvis chuckled "silver blades to the throat" he stepped even closer till he was directly in front of Sly "I will tell you a secret the only way he is healing from that is if his mate was here."

"What?" The two looked confused.

"That kind of wound isn't going to heal not with silver eating away in it" Sarvis's dark gaze set on Sly "in our family perhaps we don't keep our mates but I do know some facts such as a mate being by the others side helps with healing" Sarvis chuckled before glancing to the door where Alcaeus was being held "shame he made the girl hate him hmm?"

Sly gave a confused look before quickly composing himself "I don't know—"

"Oh, I think you do know" Sarvis smirked "A father betraying or family line, a disgrace of a son and now the other" Sarvis shook his head "the other lying and attempting to challenge the Alpha... I did try to warn him against all this but... Seems he didn't listen."

"Leave" Sly growled his eyes narrowing as they focused on his uncle.

"I was just about to. I just thought I would tell you without that little girl there is no way he will survive so... Say farewell to your baby brother" Sarvis chuckled once more before turning his back on them and heading to the door "I think I will bring orchids this time to the funeral I already brought red to your parents they are definitely overrated" and with that Sarvis left. Sly sighed before pulling his phone from his pocket.

"You can't call her back, Sarvis... As soon as everyone knows she is his mate they will both die" Deiha looked up at the man with worried eyes.

"What other option do we have?" Sly lifted the phone to his ear after dialling and listening to it ring "come on, Hele. Please..."

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