Chapter Fourteen

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"Hele let me explain" Deiha spoke softly her heart ached for her friend who was so angry and distraught all the while her supposed mate just seemed to sigh and rub his index finger and thumb at the bridge of his nose.

"I couldn't stop her" Sly suddenly entered the room his hands reached out to Helena but it was too late the little she-wolf lunged. Sly and Deiha both cringing expecting the worst for the blonde she-wolf. Wolves were very territorial in nature but to their surprise, she leapt onto one of the chairs then with another jump landing with a loud thud onto Alcaeus desk directly in front of him. He found himself taking a step back unsure of her next move as she suddenly became still. Skai, Heni and Rowe came running clearly hearing the screaming and growls they arrived just in time to see the little wolf pounce onto their Alpha and to witness such a petite figure who stood perhaps five foot two bounding into such a large man was quite a sight indeed. The warriors and Sly made movements to approach while Deiha stood wide-eyed backed into the corner as Helena was clung to Alcaeus like some sort of vicious snarling baby Koala.

"OUT!" he shouted his deep voice booming throughout the room "all of you out" he ordered everyone before anyone could even reach them and as he attempted to keep Helena from biting into his flesh. No one was going to argue so the warriors were quick to leave while Sly escorted Deiha from the room and closing the door behind them. As his dark cherry eyes watching the door shut he brought his gaze back to Helena as his hands struggled to hold her back "enough Helena!" he ordered.

"You don't control me, Alpha" she snarled raising a hand with dark almost black nails extended into claws attempting to scratch at his face but his reflexes bested hers only just did he catch her wrist but not before a single nail grazed his cheek leaving a thin cut just under his cheekbone. Alcaeus growled back as soon as the blood was shed his own fangs bared at her but didn't seem to matter his position in the world he had no authority over Helena.

"Stop this, Helena. I'm warning you" his jaw clenched so tight you could see it tick just below his ear as he slammed her down onto the desk. His hands holding tightly to her wrists, holding them firmly against the wooden desktop while he attempted to avoid her gnashing teeth.

"You're warning me?" she scoffed and let her head fall back onto the hardwood beneath her letting her now tired jaw rest from its seemingly endless snapping "are you going to kill me, Alcaeus? Hurt me?"

His dark eyes watched her though they looked sinister there was an endless depth to the red pools. He simply shook his head, his hands releasing her wrists and he went to step away but she wouldn't relent with her slender legs remaining wrapped around his waist holding him right. There was a heavy silence between them as her eyes searched his, he remained tensed and uneased until her hand met his cheek the comfort and warmth of her touch was like home as though something he never even knew he needed till it was there. The claws were gone as she seemed to evaluate the damage she caused his skin the gentle tips of her fingers brushing over his cheekbone while her palm sat just beside the corner of his mouth and it took everyone parts of his being to turn and kiss the tempting flesh of hers instead his eyes closed and his face leaned in welcoming the touch he had craved, he let his body fall and just supported by his forearms his body then pressing against her own, he hadn't felt so comfortable in days since he was last with her. "Is this why you're sending me away?" her soft weak voice forcing him to open his eyes but she seemed to keep her gaze focused on the ceiling.

"No..." he practically whispered back "the arrangement with Deiha is from an agreement, not my... Affections."

"Then why? Why can't it be me?" she questioned finally letting her eyes focus back to him. Alcaeus groaned and straightened himself up attempting to pull away once again but Helena tightened her legs once more keeping him in place as she propped herself up on her elbows.

"It just can't--"

"But why? ... Alcaeus I know you lied when you said you didn't want me so why can't we be--"

"Don't push it, Helena. We just can't" he pushed out of her hold, quick to turn his back on her and her legs dropped limply as though giving up on the fight.

"I'm sure whatever the reason we could figure it out" Helena attempted to reason with him but he just shook his head "Deiha is my friend surely she will understand when I tell her we are--"

"She already knows, Helena. She knows we are mates and she agreed to the arrangement so I would keep you safe" Alcaeus explained as he turned his back on her.

"Keep me safe from what? You told me I was in danger but from what?" Helena jumped from the desk her bare feet hitting the floor "Alcaeus, whatever the danger is we can do something--"

"Me!" Alcaeus suddenly shouted out "me and my stupid family because of our rules. My family cares for two things Helena power and strength and to them, a mate is just a weakness. Aside from Sly any other member of my family or even our family warriors would kill you."

"But we can do something right? You said it was stupid maybe we could challenge them" Helena stepped closer looking for any sign of hope.

"I can't and I won't, Helena" he spoke firmly but he couldn't even face her when he said it.

"You won't fight for me? For us?" she asked but he went quiet and that was answer enough " I really was right when I called you a coward" she mumbled before she quickly retreated for the door but just as she held he door handle in her grip she glanced over her shoulder " I changed my mind. I'm happy to go to this other pack with Sly escorting me of course but I'm won't be leaving in three days like you asked I will be leaving tomorrow morning, Alpha. Enjoy your evening" and with that, she opened the door and stepped out. Helena lingered at the doorway apart of her feeling stupid for doing it but the other part holding out hope her mate would come around that he would burst out of the doors and agree with her but it never came, nothing came but a silence that seemed to cause her heart to ache. After five minutes Helena was done she wouldn't wait any longer so she did all she could and walked away.

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