Chapter Forty-Six

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The little she-wolf had returned and seeing her amongst a sea of grey wolves was quite an interesting sight but as long she fought beside them Sly couldn't complain as all the wolves began to close in. Conri's wolf army went against them head to head. The body count was high on both sides but Sly was determined to get through those large doors. With the new line of defence made his chances easier, Sly began marching through the crowd of wolves his red blazing eye focused on the door, no wolf could get in his way, Sly may have been partially blind but at the end of the day he was a Gallen and Alpha blood was running through his veins so the lower rank wolves really didn't stand a chance against him by the time he got to the steps and carelessly stepped over the dismembered body of the body, he spared a pitying gaze to the dismembered head to one of their strongest warriors Luka but he continued on his path, long legs stepping in stride and practically smashing open the large wooden doors.

It had been years since he stepped foot in this his grandfather's abode, it was still the same cold and void of any sort of home-like feeling. The day Conri had killed his mate was the last time he stepped foot in the place and he couldn't say he missed it, granted Conri raised Alcaeus and himself since they were boys but he was never very close to the man. Sly knew he was never the one he wanted to make Alpha anyway by the time Conri found Sly's parents and killed them Sly was deemed too old and therefor been contaminated with his parent's ridiculous ideas which in truth Conri wasn't at all wrong about Sly and frankly Sly was all too happy to disappoint the older man.

"Sly!" that little voice shook him from thought but he was all too happy to hear it. Turning around to the doorway there she stood. In her human form once again and dressed in a shirt she must have quickly stolen on the way in. The short brunette whose long hair that once hung down to her lower back was now cut to her shoulder and shaved along one side, she looked stronger than she was almost as though the months away she had suddenly grown up.

"Helena" he smiled she stepped hurriedly towards him wrapping her arms around his torso which he welcomed with his arms wrapping around her shoulders "where have you been?" he couldn't help but ask.

"I went home..." she replied before stepping away from his hold "once I found out about my family, Sly. I went home. They thought I was dead this whole time, they thought I was dead like my parents and my poor old Bunic was still running the pack. These last few months he's been training me to take over the pack and become Alpha."

"You're an Alpha? No wonder you and Alcaeus are always butting heads" Sly chuckled before his face falling serious at the realisation "you felt him didn't you? That's why you came? You felt the pain?" she was quick to nod in reply.

"I did... I could feel he's in trouble" those large honey eyes held concern for her long lost mate "what happened?"

"He officially challenged our grandfather and then he ambushed us at my and Deiha's mating ceremony he said if Alcaeus didn't go with him that he was coming for you instead so.. Alcaeus went he wouldn't let Conri go after you" Her eyes turned away for a moment seeming to process what Sly had just said to her a small smile almost formed at the thought.

"That idiot" she mumbled "whats going to happen to him?" she suddenly asked alarmed "when we arrived we first got to your pack Deiha only said Alcaeus had been taken and you were here and that I needed to hurry."

"They were planning on executing him, Helena. It's why we are here fighting against Conri" Sly explained at the words Helena's eyes darkened those sweet honey eyes were almost a dark chocolate in a blink of an eye.

"Then let's not waste any more time" she growled out swiftly turning she sniffed the air but Sly already knew his way through the place he had been raised in. Tugging her arm to follow they quickly rushed through the halls the place was like a damn castle and the dungeons were on the very end of the large place but the two-run. They could still hear the fight continuing outside and could only hope it was going in their favour as the two ran into the dark depths of the corridors. Suddenly there were fewer windows, fewer lights and it was obvious the two were getting closer the only problem that arose when they got to the dungeon was the number of cells there were.

"Can you find his scent?" Sly questioned the girl was already sniffing at the air.

"It's faint this place is full of pungent smells but I think I can find it" she was suddenly taking the lead, down another hall, breaking through several doors, up six flights of stairs to the top of the tower in a small dark room, through the small barred window they could see him, hanging from chains just dangling like a lifeless marionette "Alcaeus" Helena gasped at the sight of him "help me break down the door."

"Oh I wouldn't do that" a sinister voice spoke from the darkness. The old eloquently dressed older man "finally I get to see my grandsons mate who all this fuss is over hmm" a smirk was across his lips as his dark eyes looked her over.

"Grandfather" Sly growled.

"Hello, grandson..."

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