Chapter Thirty-One

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Helena wasn't as nervous as she assumed she would be perhaps it was because she knew her mate and friends were close by but she was oddly calm when she walked into the office, tastefully decorated just like his nephews. Family genetics were certainly strong. The wolves of the pack had given her dubious looks as she passed into the second in commands office but she paid them no interest as she did the only thing that caught her off guard was once she was in the room and facing the older man a smirk on his lips as though he had been expecting her.

"Sweet little Helena, I haven't seen you since you were..." he slowly stood from his seat as his dark eyes examined her form "perhaps seven or so... I always suspected you would grow into a stunning woman and I certainly wasn't wrong" he slowly approached her as he continued to watch Helena closely as she attempted not to fidget "so what are you doing here?"

"You killed my family... Killed all the pack of where I was living and somehow knew I was meant to be mated to Alcaeus... How? Why? Why am I alive?" she asked she remained stoic as she stood by the door.

"I see... Well please have a seat" he gestured towards the chair opposite his desk. For a moment she was hesitant but suddenly obliged "first of all my dear I come from a very powerful family which gives you the chance to have many fingers in many pies and one of those would be seers, if you pay enough money to some it's amazing what you can uncover like who my brat nephews mates are. Sly was easy directing him in the way of his mate... So desperate for love and his morals always in the way it was easy for him to fall however Alcaeus proved to be harder than expected my father got to him much more than I anticipated."

"You're really just going to explain everything no hesitation or arguments?" Helena couldn't help but be puzzled.

"I will get to my reasons at the end" he simply chuckled before leaning back and letting his thighs rest against the desktop "now I've gotten that question out of the way. The pack Alcaeus sent you too well that's simple. It was to lure you out and it clearly worked. I mean here you are--"

"I was already on my way for--"

"For Alcaeus, of course, your bond would make it easy to sense something was wrong especially since it is so strong--"

"You still haven't said why you killed my family" she interrupted with the hardest question of all.

"You were so young do you even remember much about your family?" he asked with a single eyebrow raised but she quickly shook her head "I should have guessed you would be one of my nephews mates considering your family lineage. Your family was from Romania, quite a strong pack. They had quite a fierce leader named Matei, feared by many but getting older in years even though he wanted to start branching out with their pack since it was so large so his son Vasile stepped into the picture preparing to take the thrown and his first start was taking on their fiercest competitor but Vasile became distracted from his mission when he met a beauty from France Auradette, quite the creature she was I couldn't blame him for his distractions considering what an absolute stunner she was" Helena looked confused for a moment as he seemed to become sentimental over the whole matter.

"She was your mate" Helena more stated than questioned.

"Indeed she was but... You know our family traditions with mates don't you, dear. Once Vasile was back on track concurring place after place till he finally landed in America. Wanted to go against my father the man taken the title of Wolf King" Sarvis scoffed at the thought "ridiculous so father sent me out to do what needed to be done... The fact he had married, mated and had a child with my mate was frankly just an odd turn of events but none the less our men and I slaughtered them all, letting the woods run with red but call me sentimental when I saw a little honey eyed bit of a thing staring at me in tears hiding behind her mother's dead body I just couldn't find myself to rip away her young life also."

"Y--You" Helena couldn't help but stutter at the overload of information she was receiving "you killed my family."

"Yes, dear but didn't you hear the most interesting part. You're the lost heir, across the sea there is a kingdom with your name on it" he spoke as though the whole thing didn't matter which in all honesty it was obvious none of it mattered to Sarvis.

"Why-- Why did you really spare me? You're not the-- the sentimental type" she attempted to keep her stoic form but it was wavering with each word he man said.

He chuckled "so observant...We attempted to take you with us but instead, you attacked anyone that got close and fled to the woods no one could find you but now here you are."

"But you've known where I was" Helena was confused by his words.

"Indeed, once you were found I was the first out to check it was really you. Made sure you were taken care of... I know my nephews are weak I was hoping Alcaeus would attempt to cut the bonds between you and then I could continue with my plans" he continued explaining.

"And what plans are those?" Helena was suddenly nervous. The whole time he spoke she felt mostly saddened but now she was overwhelming with nerves because she knew it wouldn't be good.

"The plan for why you are here. For us to reclaim your title and role in Romania taking charge across the ocean while I take charge here... You, my dear will be a Queen and I will be your king..."

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