Chapter Forty-Nine

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Exiting the building the demise of their Alpha had hit them, the feeling of the loss seemed to stun them all as what was left of Conri's pack stood still in shock as Sly and Alcaeus stood on the steps of the large stone building the werewolves began to turn and face the pair the realisation dawning and one by one Conri's pack began to bow down to the two surviving Gallen's, after such a long and somewhat shady history it was now Sly and Alcaeus left as the living heirs to the title. The werewolves stood before the brothers their head low as they continued to bow "Your Alpha has returned" Sly suddenly announced to the pack causing all the gazes to shift to the younger Gallen who was looking towards his older brother, he had never been so proud of him, growing up he had always looked up to Sly and even though the past few years things hadn't been as they used to be seeing everything his brother had done just made him prouder.

"Actually..." Alcaeus stepped forward granted he was still tired, bloody and weak from the torture, imprisonment then having to fight their grandfather but he pushed through anyway "after a while I've had time to think things through" Alcaeus stood before the group giving them his attention "my grandfather has done a lot of damage to our people, our pack, our way of life..." side glancing to his brother "our family and it's now time to change that to make things better for ourselves. Too long has he stood over us controlling our every moves preventing many of us to be happy but not anymore. Everyone is now free from his reign" the crowd before him cheered despite some hesitation from the rest of Conri's pack which was understandable since they had lived under his thumb for so long and the members of Helena's pack that we're now gathering on the sidelines.

"Alpha Alcaeus!" the crowd began to cheer and applaud for the new Alpha.

"One more thing!" he shouted over their loud voices causing them to quieten down "I have been an Alpha now for several years, I've lead my pack with pride and taught them to be strong but I couldn't have done any of that without my brother, Kingsly" Alcaeus looked at his brother with a smile but it was obvious Sly was confused to where it was leading "so I am announcing now I am stepping aside for my brother the rightful Alpha to the pack" Alcaeus turned to Sly who still seemed to be in shock "it's your pack, Sly it always should have been" without a word Sly engulfed his baby brother in a hug and Alcaeus welcomed it.

"Are you sure about this, Cae?" Sly whispered.

"Never been so sure" Alcaeus leaned back a smile still held the youngest Gallen had never been so happy in his entire life. Things were different now, things were changing and they could have a better future for themselves "plus...." Alcaeus glanced over his shoulder to his mate who stood proudly amongst her people "I have somewhere else I need to be" another tight hug from his brother as the crowd began to chant for their new Alpha. Alcaeus stepped away from his brother letting him enjoy the moment and embrace his new title as he made his way over to Helena.

"You gave up your title" she seemed to have to acknowledge the fact.

"I did"

"Why?" apart of her was still hesitant after everything that had occurred.

"For many reasons, one of which was the title was never meant to be mine but the main reason for you" he explained.

"For me?"

"Yes, Helena. I know I screwed up in the past and was a coward but I'm here now and I love you, Helena I love you and if you would have me I want to be with you" his words were sincere as the large dark eyes stared deeply into her honey-coloured ones. Everything Holding the usually stoic young man back was gone and all he wanted was his little wildling.

For a while, she stared at him quietly before finally, a smirk appeared "you're an idiot" those words were enough to make him smile knowing all too well after all this time that those words meant a lot more coming from Helena. She stepped closer to the large man "but I love you, I always have since we first met" her voice softened but that was enough for him capturing her by the waist the all too comforting feeling settled between them in their embrace and once their lips met it was like everything had finally fallen into place. When she pulled away slightly flustered from their kiss Helena was smiling "let's go home."

As they stepped further apart but their hands interlocking with one another "let's go home" he agreed but before moving he glanced back to his older brother. Finally, they were free, finally, they could be happy and finally, they had a future to look forward too.


(Thank you so much for reading Defying the Pack. I hope you enjoyed the story and appreciate you giving it a chance. Till next time everyone. Lots of love)

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