Chapter Three

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A scowl had immediately formed at Deiha's words and Alcaeus was quick to stand in the doorway "oh my..."

"Don't!" he snapped angrily his fingers tensing on the door frame. It seemed as though the metal would bend under the pressure.

"You are a liar" Deiha exclaimed.

"Shut up" Alcaeus barked at her angrily attempting to keep his voice low "this is no longer your concern so for your own well being stay out of it."

Deiha's bright glistening eyes couldn't seem to budge from the small curled up form on the back seat mostly hidden under the large jacket that was once on Alcaeus, she really did seem as though she was dead until noticing the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Alcaeus remained tense noticing Deiha's stare "look... I won't say anything alright" the words caught Alcaeus of guard his eyebrows began to furrow in suspicion "well I am assuming you're not going to kill her so you're going to try and keep her safe right?" to which Alcaeus simply nodded "then I will keep it a secret. I will even tell my father we are continuing our agreement as a cover."

"A reasonable arrangement but how do I know I can trust you with this?" Alcaeus was still sceptical.

"Hele is my friend I certainly don't want her to get hurt. You had the chance to kill her but you didn't so as long as keep her safe..." Alcaeus hesitated for a moment at her words before slowly nodding and retreating himself into the car "there is one more thing I need though.. To keep this a secret."

"And what would that be?" Alcaeus responded seeming unimpressed but certainly not surprised by the matter.

"Please..." Deiha's voice had fallen to a whisper "please get me out of here." her eyes were desperate and begging for him to agree.

"You have a deal, Deiha" ignoring her begging as he remained his usual cold and stoic self before simply closing the door on her however Deiha was too relieved for him to agree to bother with his distant mannerisms.


"Fuck..." Alcaeus cursed once they had pulled away. His two warriors in the front remaining silent over the matter while he sat beside his sleeping mate. Her delicate fingers clutching the coat that covered her body. The day had not turned out at all what he had planned, he couldn't even kill her as his grandfather insisted. Sly had been right all along on how difficult it was to face them and simply rip away their life if only she had stayed in her wolf form maybe he could of, maybe he could have ripped out her throat and left her to bleed out on the dirt and go back to the plan but he couldn't as soon as her eyes focused on him eyes they were so golden and beautiful as though they were truly absorbing the suns light he was lost and Alcaeus knew straight away the game was over.



Not far from the border of the tree line he had left his warriors with his clothes and set off after the little brown wolf. Her scent easy for him to track and even easier in wolf form so his large wolf bounded through the woods. Large paws thudding against the dirt and fallen leaves as he followed after her the little wolf had been a blur throughout the trails she had quite the speed that his larger form couldn't seem to keep up with but suddenly in the middle of a small clearing he stopped in his tracks. The large black wolf with fur as dark as the night sky raised his nose in the air sniffing the surroundings the smell of the wolf was now behind him. He was quick to turn ready to charge at her, take her down, rip her apart with no regrets until Alcaeus really saw her. The small figure stepped out from the trees no longer a wolf but a young woman. She was so petite he could have picked his teeth with her. Her large unblinking golden eyes focused on him while most of her face was hidden under a long mess of dark chestnut waves all the way to her navel, like a true wolf she showed no sign of embarrassment to stand before him in her completely naked form.

"Shift!" she suddenly barked at him. Her voice husky and holding an accent he wasn't too familiar with. Her feet stomping against the ground as she approached him "I said shift, now!" she shouted her eyes blazing. He wasn't sure if she was angry but if so maybe he could still pull through and kill her despite the doubts that were lingering in the back of his mind.

He finally relented after what felt like hours being held under her fierce gaze. He shifted, his bones cracking and reforming to take shape into his human self but even when Alcaeus was human he couldn't seem to find the words he wanted to say the small girl who barely reached his shoulder kept him captivated. Her golden eyes trailed his form as his had done to her taking in each detail as though they were a fascinating painting to one another "my name is Helena Mirnov" the brunette's voice had become a whisper as she circled him, fingers trailing the details of his arm. The warmth of the contact was like nothing Alcaeus had even felt as though lighting a raging fire within him that burnt out of control "what are you called?"

"Alcaeus Gallen, Cae is what you can call me" he finally found himself able to speak but his tone somehow losing it's usual harsh edge.

"Did you come out here to find me, Cae?" she asked after finally finishing circling him and stopping directly in front of Alcaeus.

"Yes..." Alcaeus remained mesmerised as though he had fallen into a trance or under some sort of spell that he couldn't get out of but with the beautiful little creature in front of him the large young Gallen wasn't sure he wanted to break whatever it was instead he embraced it. His large hand reaching out and resting on her cheek a thumb brushing her over her cheekbone while his other fingers became inlaced in her thick waves of hair. Helena was quick for her hands to latch to his wrist and bury herself into his hand as she inched closer. It was an odd thing, to say the least an anyone meeting a stranger would be formal and distant but with mates... It was an entirely different matter as though your soul was finally whole and your heart was now complete a very unique thing indeed.

"Well now you have found me" her eyes remained focused on his own "what will you do with me, Cae?..."

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