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Adjusting the jacket once again. The black fabric finally settling nicely over his broad shoulders. Alcaeus knew he had to look his best which really wasn't hard for the young man. The Gallen men seemingly blessed by the Goddess with their stunning genes and Alcaeus was just another one in the gene pool with such wonderful features and of course the common feature of all the cherry coloured eyes that always seemed like endlessly deep pools of rich blood. None the less today was important to look the part, the future of his family and pack were at stake and there was in no way he would want to disappoint his grandfather. The consequences of letting the oldest of the Gallen family down was something he knew all to well about from the punishment that had seen given out in the past. Alcaeus always remembered if his grandfather could kill his own son, Alcaeus's father then there was no saying what he would do to his grandsons though Alcaeus had already seen a glimpse into a terrifying fate after what happened to his older brother Sly.

"You ready Cae?" Sly asked his tall slender frame resting against the doorway of the room.

"As ready as I can be" he answered. If there was even a slight hesitation all he had to do was look at Sly to pull himself back into line. His older brother still held the scars of his disobedience. Three long claw marks from hairline to chin down the left side of his face, only one deep maroon coloured eye left with the other now a completely milky white and those were only the physical wounds of his older brother.

"Just get through this, little brother. Agree to this arrangement with the Carion family, accept their terms and follow grandfathers instructions" Sly explained as he stepped closer. The floorboards creaking under every heavy step.

"I will, Sly. Don't worry. I have no intentions of messing up this deal. I will be bound to the Carion daughter. An Alpha's daughter just what grandfather wanted" Alcaeus replied still concentrating on fixing the new suit that had been purchased for the occasion.

"Do you think it's true what is said about her father? That he is just like grandfather? Makes me wonder what the daughter is like. Hopefully not too much of a handful for your sake little brother" Sly chuckled attempting to make light of the situation but it was difficult to make light of however when they were faced with a future out of their hands.

"I suppose I will find out soon enough. If I have to spend my life with this woman hopefully she can be tolerated and if not I suppose I will just have to deal with it won't I" Alcaeus responded the once lively teen had turned almost robotic as a young man now following blindly each and every request his grandfather had for him though Alcaeus didn't have much say in the matter.

"I pray to the moon goddess your mate isn't in this pack brother" Sly couldn't hide the empathy on the matter. He knew all too well what happened when it came to dealing with mates in their family.

"Why? I will just follow grandfathers instructions of what to do. We mate and bond for power, Sly the actual mate bond is just something to tether us and make us weaker. It's why grandfather and uncle are so powerful and father..."

"Father tried to protect us Cae" Sly defended.

"And look where that got us, Sly. Look where that got you. Father was weak because instead of following orders he ran off with his mate. It only got him and mother killed. He was so worried and focused on her instead of being able to protect himself then what happened grandfather took us and had to train us twice as hard to make sure we didn't do the same" Alcaeus sighed his index finger and thumb rubbing at the bridge of his slender nose "it still wasn't enough though was it because you tried to make the same mistake."

"I couldn't deny my mate, Cae" Sly spoke always seeming defeated on the subject.

"You should have, brother. She would still be alive and you would still have both your eyes and wouldn't have been stripped of your Alpha title" Alcaeus simply shook his head before turning to face his older brother. The resemblance between them was simply uncanny right down to the sharp jawline and shapely cheekbones though Sly was slightly shorter and now had a more unkempt appearance with his shoulder-length waves of jet black hair and always having at least three days growth of stubble while Alcaeus kept himself clean cut like a soldier.

"Maybe I should have but I couldn't deny Alora even if I had tried, Cae but I am sorry that grandfather trained you harder after my failure" Sly held an apologetic look that fun-loving little boy he grew up with was long gone and Sly did feel the guilt of it.

"I don't blame you. I wish that you could have been stronger but what happened happened and now we must deal with the consequences of it" Alcaeus once again straightened himself up a last look in the mirror "just make sure you take care of the pack in my absence" he began his walk to the doorway.

"I hope for your sake you never find your mate Cae" Sly spoke as he watched his younger brother.

"Don't worry about me, Sly. If I ever meet her I will do what has to be done. Our family and pack come first... Always" with a firm nod of his head, Alcaeus was gone and Sly was left alone in his little brother's bedroom looking around at the darkened elements of the room.

"We will see, little brother. We will see."

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