Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It had been days of silence while Alcaeus hung on for life. Every moment it felt like the young Alpha was slipping, his wounds eventually being forced to be stitched closed since the silver wouldn't let them heal, thickened black veins ran down his neck to his chest and even his face with the signs of infection. The silver acting as a poison in his weakened system. Every moment of spare time Sly was by his bedside waking for baby brother while he attempted to run the pack and find Helena, he had already sent a group of warriors to the territory she was staying in and Sly was just hoping for some sort of good news.

"You should get some rest" Deiha's voice caught him by surprise. Sly glanced to the doorway. Ever since Alcaeus had been moved into an actual hospital room Sly had bunkered down on the seat right beside his little brother.

"I will when Cae is up" Sly's voice wasn't his usual tone it had an edge but he had been stressed ever since it happened "my parents, my mate now Cae..." Sly began to grumble "I'm going to kill him."

"Sly" Deiha rushed to his side "wait till Alcaeus wakes up--"

"Why would be doing this to him... Alcaeus was his protege, he was going to carry the family title just as Conri did. Why would he do this" Sly began to ramble Deiha quick placed her hand over his own in comfort, her slender fingers curled around his tensed hand.

"We will find out when he wakes up" Her voice was soft when she spoke to him doing the best she could to provide the oldest Gallen brother with some relief.

"That's if we find Hele. I've tried calling the pack no one is answering I finally just sent Ace to lead a group up there... I'm waiting for his call" Sly looked defeated, it wasn't hard though things didn't seem to be looking up in any way "I really am sorry now... If something happens to Cae, Deiha that will be it for all of us loyal to him. Grandfather will put someone who is under his thumb in charge of the pack and the rest of us will be killed or ousted... I'm sorry" he took her hand gently and guided it to his lips placing a kiss to her knuckles.

"Don't be sorry" she whispered as she sat in the chair beside him "if anything I would much prefer to go down with you and the ship then anything else" she forced a smile just trying to lighten the moment.

"I couldn't think of a better partner to be going down on the ship" Sly returned the smile. It was a harsh reality they had to face just in case the worst were to happen. Before either of them could speak the phone began to ring surprising them both. Sly hurriedly pulled the phone from his pocket and answered "Hello."

"Sly..." Ace's voice on the other end was somewhat of a relief.

"Ace, you're there? Did you find them? Did you find Hele?" Sly couldn't help the rush of questions shooting from his mouth.

"Sly... It's not good man... The place is burned" Ace's saddened voice spoke on the other end of the phone "its a massacre... Everyone here... They are all dead."

"Did... Did you find Hele?" Sly was trying to process the words but he at least needed to know if all hope was lost.

"Not yet, I don't think... There are a lot of bodies here, man" Ace let out a sigh "I will keep you updated" with that he hung up.

"Fuck" Sly growled dropping the phone on the chair " it's all gone... Someone found it, someone found the pack and killed them all, Deiha."

"Oh, my goddess" Deiha spoke in a shaken breath.

"They are searching for Hele... Hele's body" Sly sighed closing his eyes suddenly before he heard the sniffling of his mate "Deiha?"

"She was my friend" Deiha could barely speak as she began to break down in tears.

"Deiha" Sly knelt down in front of the young woman taking her shaking hands in his own but she continued to cry. Tears fell down her cheeks dripping onto their joined hands on their lap "Deiha" he repeated, "I need you to listen to me okay?"

Deiha slowly gave a nod of her head. She had never had many friends in her old pack until Helena, despite her odd upbringing and how she was more wolf than human she was always sweet, kind and one of the only people not spending time with Deiha to get ahead in the pack, she had been a true friend to her and apart of her crumbled at the thought that she was gone but it wasn't the time "I'm listening?" Deiha whimpered.

"I will message Luca to watch over Alcaeus but you and I need to get to the main house now" Sly was quick to busy himself on his phone.

"What are we doing?" Deiha couldn't help but wonder watching Sly attempt to keep calm with her wide tear-filled eyes.

"I will tell you when we get there."


"What are we doing, Sly?" Deiha asked as soon as they entered Alcaeus's office which suddenly felt emptier without the large man's presence.

"If Hele is gone, I need to protect Cae as long as I can, my grandfather won't do anything till he hears the news of Cae's death" the words were obviously hard for Sly to even say but he attempted to push through the best he could as he began searching through Alcaeus's desk.

"Then what? What will be done?" It was though she hoped he had all the answers to the problems Sly was just as worried, just as scared as she was for what was about to come down.

"Cae is a private person but I know he kept a track of who could be trusted and who couldn't if we can pull enough help—"

"Then what?" Deiha asked she had followed him none the less but otherwise felt was feeling defeated.

"Try and... Try and fight" he almost stumbled over the words.

"For how long?"

"As long as we can... If you want to go, Deiha" Sly suddenly stopped his search his dark eyes the only ones of the family that seemed to be filled with such depths of sadness were staring at her "you don't have to stay."

"I said I would go down with the ship didn't I" she gave a weak smile. It was quiet for barely a minute when a thud came from the first floor the large front door banging against the wall caught the pair by surprise. Sly stood upright before walking over to the door followed closely by Deiha as they exited the room. When they got to the balcony that overlooked the entry their jaws almost hit the ground. Standing in the middle of the room was none other than the tiny brunette Helena, covered in dirt and filth she was panting heavily as she frantically looked around until her honey eyes found a shocked Sly and Deiha "Hele."

The girl continued to let out a few more heavy breaths before finally speaking "Where is he?"

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