Chapter Thirty

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"No" Alcaeus growled out. Two weeks they had waited till Alcaeus was healed, the larges claw marks across his throat and partially his chest visible with his black button-up shirt partially undone as he stood by the windows in his office.

"Cae—" Sly attempted to continue.

"I said no Sly" Alcaeus growled once again.

"It's not your decision, Alcaeus" Helena suddenly snapped at the larger man.

"The hell it isn't!" His dark eyes suddenly focused on the small brunette.

"Oh, are you implying you control me?" She stepped closer challenging the man.

"Easy now" Deiha attempted to settle the pair but they just stepped closer.

"You're MY mate" he snarled at her getting closer with his large strides. Such an imposing man closing in on someone would surely make someone else cower but Helena wasn't someone else instead she welcomed it.

"Am I now?" She snorted "that's certainly some news."

"Don't push me, Helena" his voice was low once he got in front of her low for only her to hear.

"Don't push me, Alcaeus" her honey eyes remained challenging him "you want to be mates start by learning you aren't the boss of me."

Alcaeus's eyes narrowed for a moment "I don't like this plan. They just tried to kill her" he continued in his gruff tone but his eyes set on his short counterpart.

"You know our uncle, Cae if he wanted her dead he would have done it. No there is something else to this. They man..." Sly stopped suddenly and his gaze fell to the floor.

"The man what?" Helena questioned.

"Helena..." Alcaeus sighed as he stepped one step further his hand reaching out and to touch her arm "our uncle he... He killed your family" Alcaeus explained but the pure horror on her face said it all.

"We don't know how he knew you were... Well, who you were but he did and why he left you alive" Sly gave a shrug "We don't know."

"I will do it" Helena spoke in a weak voice while Alcaeus's hand gently rest on her arm.

"Are you sure?" Sly questioned.

"If he did this I need to know why also—"

"But he tried to kill you" Alcaeus brought up again.

"I don't think he did. Think about it uncle knows what she looks like and everyone else was killed the exact time you were almost killed then after he goes on about how the only way you will live is if your mate is there. You think it's all coincidence?" Sly asked as he glanced to each person in the room.

"What would he even have up his sleeve?" Alcaeus wondered aloud.

"That's what we want to find out right? He hid Helena in a pack he was obviously aligned with then tried to sell you off with Deiha there has to be a reason for this. Do you remember much about your family Hele?" Sly turned his gaze to the brunette she-wolf.

"No... Not really. It was a long time ago" Helena spoke the sadness obvious in her voice.

"We have to do this, Cae. If we can get to Sarvis and handle him first then we can move to grandfather and finally be free.." Sly explained his eyes shifting between the two in front of him "free to do as we please."

Alcaeus let out an annoyed groan before turning and slumping down onto his chair "give us a moment" Helena insisted to which Sly and Deiha nodded before leaving the room "we already argued about this" she suddenly said to her mate once they were alone.

"I'm aware we've already argued, Helena—"

"Are you truly this possessive?" Her hands held firmly on her hips as she marched towards him.

"It isn't about my possessiveness" his voice was firm but held a softness to it she hadn't heard before.

"You're worried" She stated but he didn't reply "you're worried about me" Helena didn't stop till she was beside him at his desk.

"You're my mate, Helena despite what I've done I just did what I thought I had to to keep you safe believe it or not" he looked almost uncomfortable with the sudden confession to the girl who seemed somewhat almost amused with his words.

"You can play the overprotective mate role if you want, Alcaeus but it will just be history repeating itself of not going well" Helena inched closer reaching out her hand she placed it on his broad shoulder "you can worry as I would for you but if this is ever going to work we need to be partners you need to understand that" and with another pat to his shoulder she stood up and walked to the door "I am doing it whether you disapprove or not. So you better suck it up."

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