Chapter Thirty-Two

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He was to close for her comfort but she couldn't shake the shock from her system after he had laid out his future plans. It left her dumbstruck at the sheer idea "bu— But you're like forty years older than me" she suddenly said it was the first thing that came to mind but as she spoke he was closer than before. A similar build to his nephew large and built with muscles but she wasn't intimidated by Alcaeus and she certainly wouldn't be intimidated by anyone else.

He scoffed at her statement "nineteen" he was quick to correct.

"But that would mean you're only nine years older than you're own nephew" Helena seemed a little confused over the matter.

"Let me clear things up, my dear. My father doesn't believe in mates so when a woman he slept with had his baby he simply took it to raise alone. My brother and I were ten years apart" he stepped closer so close in fact the tips of his sharp shoes knocked against her bare feet "see we aren't that far apart after all" his long fingers reached out to touch her but Helena quickly turned her head but instead he changed tactics and gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger yanking her face back to look at him "now, little wolf, this wasn't me asking this was me telling you what was going to happen. You will be mine whether you like it or not.

Helena suddenly snarled "I will never be yours" with a sudden move she clawed across his cheek the pain she caused was enough for him to release her and Helena to make a run for the door.

"You little bitch" he spat paying attention to his cheek for only a moment before lunging at her before she could reach the handle he had hold of her. His arms wrapped tightly around her torso, her forearms were pinned them to her sides "you will be mine!" He ordered "you better get used to it now or you're in for a rough future" he dragged a flailing Helena across the room before practically throwing her against the desk with a thud she slammed against it causing her to wince but she growled once more not giving up the fight that easily.

"I will never be yours" she spoke through gritted teeth.

"Then whose are you?" He was quick to stand over her once more his arms tightly wrapping around her pinning Helena to his chest where she thrashed like a wild caged animal "you bare no marks so you're free for the taking" he explained leaning closer his mouth inching towards her neck.

"Let me go" she growled, Helena let her claws extend before digging them into the flesh of his forearms. He let out a howl of pain but didn't relinquish his hold.

"Give up now little wolf" Sarvis whispered against her ear clearly attempting to ignore the blood running down his cheek and now the fresh wound on his arms.

"Let her go!" the ferocious snarl suddenly caught them both by surprise. Sarvis turned still holding onto the girl but to see a furious Alcaeus in the doorway. His chest heaving in anger at the scene in front of him.

"Or what nephew?" He chuckled "forgetting something? You denied her, abandoned her and even now you cannot claim her what would my father say hmm? It would be your end nephew."

"I said let her go" his voice was low but terrifying as he spoke.

"Now—" Sarvis began but suddenly groaned from the unexpected elbow to the gut and Helena quickly fleeing from his clutches.

"She will never be yours" Alcaeus states as Helena quickly rushes to his side. Despite their issues, she knew he would always keep her safe.

Sarvis chuckled again "she will be, nephew. Just wait and see."

"Alpha is everything okay?" Warriors suddenly rushed in behind the pair.

"Yes, everything is okay. I was just introducing my new mate to my nephew here" Alcaeus growled in response.

"Your mate, Alpha" the warriors turned to Helena suddenly and bowed their heads.

"She is not your mate" Alcaeus's eyes were practically lava as the amount of fury that rushed through him.

"Oh then whose is she?" Sarvis smirked at his nephew "would you please escort my mate to my chambers" he ordered to his guards but when one reached out Alcaeus was quick to catch his arm.

"Touch her and I rip the arm from the socket" Alcaeus's deadly gaze was now on the warrior who looked as though he was about to wet himself.

"Um, Alpha?" The warrior glanced to Sarvis.

"Ignore my nephew he is just in a mood. Now help me mate to my room or should I say our room, my dear?" That smirk remained and it was enough for Alcaeus as he lunged at his uncle the older man not even getting a chance as the young Gallen was on top of him his large meaty fists showing no mercy towards to older man. He heard shouting in the background but it all seemed so distant he could barely make it out until finally felt a familiar presence.

"Little brother stop" Sly insisted as he stood beside Alcaeus. Alcaeus hadn't even seen when Sly came into the room. His deep red eyes focused on his older brother for a moment before turning to a coughing bloody mess beneath him that was his uncles face. Sly began to help Alcaeus to his feet.

"Alpha Alcaeus What have you done?" One of the warriors exclaimed to the young man but he could barely register the words.

"Stupid boy" his uncle mumbled out before spitting out a mouthful of blood across the wooden floor "we don't keep out destined mates in this family boy. You should just hand her over to me" he continued his sputtering talk while Alcaeus finally brought his gaze upon Helena it was the first time he had ever seen her look scared. He wasn't sure if it was because or him or his uncle's intentions but he was willing to take the chance of her fear if it meant keeping Sarvis from her.

"Your destined mate?" the warrior questioned glancing between Alcaeus and Helena "Alpha Alcaeus is it true?"

"Is it?" even under the blood and bruises he still managed to smile "face it, nephew, you will never stand up to my father" his voice almost a whisper "give her to me."

Alcaeus stood beside his brother. If he backed off they would call it a family fight as they usually had and dismiss the matter. They would usually say harsh words anyway and if Alcaeus stepped aside it would prove to the now gathering crowd outside of the office she wasn't his, the news wouldn't get back to his grandfather but Helena would be gone and taken into the hands of his uncle. Alcaeus's lip curled as he released a growl.

"Alcaeus wouldn't sell me out to you!" Helena finally spoke up but there was a sort of worry in her eyes since Alcaeus hadn't spoken.

"Sure he would" Sarvis groaned attempting to get himself up "you really thing Alcaeus would turn his back on his family? He's angry now of course but he will hand you over in a heartbeat won't you nephew?" everyone was staring at Alcaeus as he stood still.

"Cae..." Sly began but it was too late Alcaeus turned the blood-red eyes practically glowing he stalked back to his uncle and with a swift boot to the face Sarvis was knocked back onto the ground again.

"Never" he simply stated before pressing his boot to the older man's neck. He cast a glance over his shoulder to the young brunette "my mate" he growled out before slamming down his boot causing a loud and ugly crunch to be heard throughout the air as he snapped his uncle's neck.

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