Chapter Ten

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Alcaeus was left with his brother's disappointment. What was he to say to his older brother, what was he to say to his mate. Their life wasn't easy and perhaps if Sly took over as Alpha instead he would understand there were more responsibilities and weight on Alcaeus' shoulders. Alcaeus couldn't help but sigh the largely built man had never felt so exhausted there was a longing and aching from wanting his Helena but what was Alcaeus to do. Going up against their grandfather was a death sentence he was far too powerful and would kill them all something Alcaeus wasn't going to risk. They had lost enough and if that meant Alcaeus had to sacrifice sending his mate away and dismissing her existence then that was what he would do. His pack and family came first and though the need inside of him for Helena weighed heavily in his chest Alcaeus had learnt to deal with many heartaches he was sure he could live with this one too.

"It was better this way" his uncle Sarvis' voice caught his attention. The burly man was much like Alcaeus in looks clean-cut, wide shoulders a beast of a man. Seemed to be a family train amongst the Gallen men.

"I know..." Alcaeus pressed his large hands to his face with a groan of frustration.

"Best your grandfather doesn't find out about this, nephew. He would be terribly disappointed in you" Sarvis let his large body lean against the door frame of the adjoining room.

"How did you know?" Alcaeus couldn't help but a question. As soon as his grandfather had left after their conversation Sarvis was there and somehow already knew about Helena.

"I'm not a stupid nor ignorant man, Alcaeus. I have eyes everywhere. Just be glad they were my little birds and not your grandfathers" he shook his head "another one who couldn't kill his mate. My, my what is wrong with our family line becoming weaker and weaker in the generations" Sarvis approached his nephew the large cherry coloured eyes focused on the young man "but you can still make up for it..." Sarvis leaned closer his large hand clutching his nephew's shoulder as his voice fell to a whisper "make it right, Alcaeus. Kill the girl. You wouldn't believe the feeling they always say it's painful for your mate to die but doing it yourself it's a different story it's like taking their power into your own. You're not clouded with this feeling in your chest or a need for them you're free Alcaeus. You will be truly free" the words left nothing but a distaste in Alcaeus' mouth it felt wrong in the depths of his pitiful soul it felt wrong but that wasn't what he could show right now.

"I'm sending her away, uncle. She will be far from here and she will never return the problem will be solved. I will take the Carion girl and I will form the bond with her" Alcaeus spoke calmly as he explained.

"Do you know much about the bond?" Sarvis' hand dropped from Alcaeus' shoulder with an eyebrow raised "even if you take the Carion girl it will still linger" Sarvis' thick finger tapped at Alcaeus's firm chest "here. It will burn and ache and prepare to swallow you whole because being without your mate will consume you. Are you strong enough for that, Alcaeus? Hmm..."

"You have no idea, uncle" Alcaeus sneered," I tell you now. I will not kill her I will send her away."

"If you insist my dear boy" Salvis scoffed as he sized up his nephew "don't say I didn't warn you" with another pat to his shoulder Sarvis walked out his tailored shoes tapping against the polished wood as he went. As soon as the door closed a growl escaped Alcaeus's lips his temper on edge and ready to destroy the room in an unleashing of anger but he was stopped when the soft whisper inside of his head began to call.

'Alpha' the call once again made him realise it was one of his men calling out to him through their link.

'What?' He snapped back no caring for his manner.

'We found an intruder on the property? Shall I bring them to you?' he questioned.

'Yes, yes meet me in my office' he replied. Another deep breath, a hand raking over his almost shaven scalp before straightening out his suit jacket attempting to calm himself down. He was the Alpha no matter how out of sorts he was Alcaeus he to be presentable.


What his warrior had brought him was not what Alcaeus was expecting. He was expected a lone wolf, an enemy even but it served him right for being a silly prick and not announcing they had a guest. In front of his stood his stunning mate a coat resting over her shoulders. Her face held a look of anger and surprise coming face to face with her mate once again that day considering how much the man had attempted to avoid her.

"Leave her here. I will deal with it" Alcaeus was quick to dismiss his warrior as he remained leaning against his desk the epitome of cool, calm and collected on the outside until the warrior walked out that is. "Why wasn't Sly with you?"

"I guess I run faster" she stated flatly she couldn't have looked more unimpressed with the young Alpha.

"Hillarious, you could get hurt out there alone you know" He scoffed shaking his head at her humour.

"Oh and you care, do you? I heard your conversation, Cae... Or should I say Alpha Alcaeus" she let out a low growl.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" he spoke through gritted teeth.

"You capture me in the woods, bring me here, show me acceptance to turn around and say no... No, you don't want me huh?" she approached him in quick strides "don't need a mate mister all-powerful Alpha huh?" Helena shoved at his shoulder with her petite hand it barely made him budge but the idea seemed to make it's point as his jaw seemed to tick but his dark eyes refused to meet hers "look at me and answer!"

"Don't" he growled out it was so low his voice behind it was barely audible.

"Well answer! Tell me, Alcaeus" her finger jabbed at his chest.

"I said don't" he stood suddenly to full height towering over the she-wolf but it didn't stop her or waver her confidence in any way.

"Answer me then. You said you don't want me is it true?" he remained silent and even though he stood over her his gaze was struggling to meet her own fierce one "is it true or not?" her hands curled to fists and she pounded them against his chest. Her anger fueled in each hit.

"STOP!" he shouted his voice echoing the room and certainly the halls outside as his hands captured her wrists refusing to let her attack continue.

"Then fucking answer me! I am your mate and I am standing right here in front of you. Do you fucking want me!" she was screaming at him. He had never been screamed at perhaps by his grandfather but nothing like this. Not this pained scream that was laced with hurt and sorrow it was pleading for it all to be a lie while her eyes held a fire in them that was ready to burn Alcaeus to the ground. Alcaeus was tired however and he didn't want to fight with her the last thing he wanted was to fight with Helena. With unsteady breaths he let himself slouch to let his head lean in closer until his forehead was resting against her own "you wanted me before... When we met."


"I know you did" her fingers slacked from making a fist as they quickly clutched at his shirt "even now you do. I can feel it, Alcaeus so you denying it you're either stupid or a coward" it fell silent between them as their bodies remained together while he continued to let his forehead rest against hers. Savouring a warmth that would soon be gone. The feeling of wholeness was very real and overwhelming and being with her made him feel the weakest and strongest he ever felt.

"I don't want you" he spoke as his jaw tensed as though not wanting to let the words to even leave his mouth but once they did it was in the air between them but Helena remained unmoved her eyes watched him closely as though taking in something that he didn't quite understand. There was nothing on her face no sign of hurt or anything just a cold expression.

Her fingers loosened from their hold as she stepped back "you're a fucking coward, Alcaeus" Helena spat at him before storming out. It hurt to even say what he did but it made him realise how little he ever. knew about his mate and he couldn't deny the firey side was intriguing but it was something he would have to let go for his family, for his pack.

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