Chapter Thirty-Three

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No one uttered a word as Alcaeus made his way from the room. They simply parted like the red sea after his claims and then killing his uncle and the Alpha of the pack but he didn't care the mighty young man just stormed through the crowd leaving his uncles body beaten and bloody on the ground like a bag of trash. Sly stood awkwardly in shock in the office as Deiha quickly hurried to his side.

"Sly, we need to go" she whispered gently taking his hand.

"This wasn't how the plan was supposed to go" Sly replied turning his gaze to the short pretty blonde.

"I know. Let's go" he let his fingers slip between hers as they made their way out stopping suddenly in front of one of the stunned warriors "make sure to clean that up and inform my grandfather of this but nothing else am I clear?" Sly ordered though it pointless there were too many witnesses so it was only a matter of time before the news got back to the self-proclaimed Alpha King but hopefully enough time to get a new plan in order.


Alcaeus remained in his room staring at his blood-stained hands, his knuckles healed but the blood remained a mix of his own and his uncles. It was an odd feeling that had overcome him. Alcaeus had killed before, in fact, many times as most wolves had but never someone so close, not his own blood. Despite the issues apart of him mourned what he had done at the end of the day he had grown up with Sarvis, the man had always been his uncle and even though his evil and disgusting actions made Alcaeus despise him the fact he was his family tugged at his heartstrings. A knock at his bedroom door suddenly caught him off guard, Alcaeus glanced around they had returned home in the afternoon and he didn't even realise he had been sitting their so long darkness had settled in outside, the moon was beaming in through his window as the curtains were still open.

Another knock came but this time the door began to open "Alcaeus" the soft voice of his little wildling mate somehow soothed his soul. His eyes even automatically closed just at the tender sound of her saying his name "Alcaeus..." she spoke again finally entering the room and quickly closing the door behind her. Helena wasn't very domestic or very tender but she couldn't help the pullover her wounded mate. She simply made her way across the room turning on a lamp on the bedside letting light into the darkness before she closed the curtains and then stopping in front of a deflated Alcaeus that sat slumped on the edge of the bed "You're such a mess."

"I thought I was an idiot" he replied attempted to make light of the conversation. He was simply too tired for it right now.

"You are usually but today you're a mess" she explained. He really did enjoy her bluntness. Helena made her way to his ensuite bathroom grabbing a face cloth off the edge of the sink and rinsing it under warm water in silence the pair occasionally glancing at one another as she busied herself before finally coming back to him "Ow" he whined when she tugged at his hand and roughly began to clean off the blood.

"Don't be a baby" she scolded concentrating on cleaning him up.

"A baby, a mess, an idiot... What else am I to you?" he questioned sitting and watching her movements. She was a rough little beauty, that long untamed hair, wild eyes, scarred flesh and now she was amongst people more she was wearing clothes but still clothes she was easily able to get out of. They were an odd pair his large imposing self always neatly dressed even then a perfectly buttoned-up shirt and there was his wildling in front of him in short overalls it was almost something worth laughing over how opposite in appearance they were.

"My mate..." she said knocking him out of thought once again by her soft voice but she wasn't looking at him as she spoke, "you announced it."

"I wouldn't let him take you, Helena" he sighed.

"Is that all it was? You prevented him from taking me as his?" she huffed and slapped the cloth against his skin "is this a territorial thing if you can't have me no one can?"


"Then what you want me now? Because you said you didn't" she attempted to remain focused but the irritation was obvious as she scrubbed harder at his hand.

"I do want you, of course, I do" he growled out almost embarrassed over the whole talk "its all the other bullshit in the way... It was me..." he sighed before finally bringing his dark gaze up to once again watch her face "I was a coward to not stand up you were right."

"I told you so" she grumbled but the words caused him to laugh. Silence came again as she finished cleaning off his hands standing back up and making her way to the ensuite again. Her unkempt eyebrows were furrowed as she scrubbed the cloth trying to get out the blood "th--then what? What now?" with a deep breath she emerged from the bathroom to stand in front of him "what do we do now, Alcaeus? There isn't anything stopping you now. Everyone will find out now it's out there. You say you want me but is it enough for you to actually do something or not because if not I can turn around and le--" but she didn't get a chance to finish the words as Alcaeus stood his hand capturing the back of her head pulling her in closer. Their lips connecting and it was mere seconds into the interaction she simply melted into his touch. It didn't last long but he didn't pull away either just gave enough space to whisper one word "stay..."

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