Chapter Forty-One

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Sly growled, aching to grab the bars and rip them off the hinges when Deiha didn't return. The worry for his mate was overwhelming as the tall brunette paced back and forth in the cell "any luck?" he questioned the others who were still searching for a possible escape.

"Not yet" Rocko one of the warriors from their pack replied sadly. He had to admit the place was certainly built well that was for sure.

"Keep looking... Where is Deiha" he muttered the last bit under his breath not that it mattered since he was surrounded by werewolves all with extraordinary hearing abilities.

"They will bring her back soon" Luca attempted to comfort him but the clear worry on his face was a dead give away he too was filled with concern. Sly wanted to break down, he had spent year's alone never thinking he would find love again even when he was just a teenager he had his mate for the briefest of moments before she was ripped from him then eleven years he spent alone until he got to know Deiha, the blonde, sweet, bombshell wormed her way easily into his heart and the thought of losing another person he loved was too much to even bear. He couldn't lose Deiha, not his Deiha. The sound of the door opening caught him off guard and shook him from his deep thoughts, his kept focused on the entrance attempting to see whoever it was and if they were bringing Deiha back but he was shocked seeing the blonde rushing down the hall towards Sly's cell door.

"Deiha, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he was frantic with worry his one good eye travelled over her body searching for any wounds but she quickly shook her head.

"I'm fine, Sly. I'm okay" she reassured as she began to attempt to unlock the door.

"What happened?" Sly questioned standing as close to the bars as possible longing to touch Deiha.

"He... He wanted to give me another chance, he said he would forget everything if I came back and agree to mate with someone else on his terms" the words alone made Sly growl.

"What did you say?" he asked. She fell silent for a moment until the key finally clicked and the door unlocked. Sliding it open everyone rushed off. Deiha handed over the keys and armoured sleeve to Luca to open the other doors as she stood in front of Sly. The taller man was quick to rush towards her capturing the she-wolf in his arms and holding her close "what did you say, Deiha? D-Did you agree?" even the question was painful to get out.

"Sly, my love" Deiha leaned away from his tight embrace "I would never agree to be anyone else."

"Then what did you do?" he kept his arms securely around Deiha's waist.

"I ah..." Deiha lifted her blood-stained hand in front of Sly's now surprised face "I killed him."


"Sly!" Marco called from the exit doors. It had become loud within the dungeon now filled with freed wolves.

"What is it?" Sly questioned the dark-haired wolf.

"We have company" Marco announced merely seconds before the doors burst open and warriors from Brais's pack began flooding in.

"Well, shit..."


"Wake up" ice-cold water splashed onto Alcaeus face. Causing his eyes to fly open with his now soaked face and upper torso, he spat out the water that had dripped into his mouth and onto the cement floor. With his arms bound above his head by chains that hung from the ceiling and legs shackled by the ankles to the floor. Once his eyes were opened Alcaeus was greeted by one of his grandfather's warriors who held a smirk "you've been out for two days now sleeping beauty it's time to wake up plus Alpha wants to speak to you" he said before simply turning and leaving the darkroom. He wasn't even gone a few seconds before Conri entered in his usual elegant but over the top attire, blazing eyes set upon his grandson as though ready to rip the young man's head off.

"My grandson... My heir, the one of my family I truly believed would take over my place in this world" Conri sighed shaking his head in disappointment "how far you have fallen. You could have had it all Alcaeus, the power to rule over all of the werewolf kind yet here you are. The same fate as your father..." he scoffed his deadly gaze held on Alcaeus "what a waste, seems I've made nothing but disappointments with my heirs perhaps it is time to start again" he was almost rambling to himself.

"Are you done?" Alcaeus asked easily over the conversation.

"You know the night I found you and your brother" he chuckled, "your father thought he could hide from me. When I found him I was furious here was my oldest son, the heir to my thrown throwing it all away for some she-wolf, giving in to the ridiculous mate bond but despite his mistake, I took in you and your brother to raise you both hoping this time things would be better. Perhaps it was too late for Kingsly but you... You Alcaeus" he stepped closer to the young Alpha his old hands reaching out and capturing his stubbled cheeks "you were practically made in my image yet here you are just another letdown. Why? Don't you see the power you could have had."

"Power isn't everything grandfather" Alcaeus growled out "even if I never see Helena again I would take the little time I had with her over becoming you."

"She's made you soft!" Conri exclaimed.

"She made me strong! Stronger than you will ever be" Alcaeus yanked at the chains on his wrist releasing a defiant snarl.

"I see... Seems you have made you decision then" Conri spoke beginning to back away "I've made my decision too" when the older Gallen got to the door he gave Alcaeus on last glance "enjoy your last two days, Alcaeus they will be your last" and with that left Alcaeus alone once again in the dark cell.

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