Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Guess it will be the hard way..." Conri sighed shaking his head "take him" he instructed the guards who descended upon Alcaeus in full force. Alcaeus wouldn't give up without a fight however and neither did any of his warriors. Growling, clawing and snarling the werewolves were in a full brawl against one another. Five stood surrounding Alcaeus as soon as one grabbed at his arm the deep crimson eyes very practically a glowing lava pit his vicious assault on anyone who came in his way were just left in a bloody path until Conri's voice caught him off guard "come peacefully, Alcaeus or I will go after your mate" the words made him stop in his tracks.

"What did you say?" The glowing embers of eyes were now focused on his smirking grandfather.

"You heard me, I know where she is you know... Your little mate, as soon as you confirmed things it wasn't hard to look into" Conri chuckled "come with me now, Alcaeus or I will be coming for her" silence suddenly fell upon the werewolves as Conri and Alcaeus seemed to have some sort of stare down.

"Alcaeus... You can't" Sly whispered to his younger brother.

"What choice do I have?" Alcaeus spoke through gritted teeth.

"Indeed what choice does he have? It's either you or your mate, Alcaeus. Though if you let me go after your mate at least it would go how it was supposed to, following our family rules" he shook his head "I'm disappointed in you. Here I thought finally I had someone to pass down my legacy too."

"The only disappointment in this family is you" Alcaeus growled out baring his fangs.

"Look at yourself Alcaeus, once a respectable member of our family. Carrying the family name with pride now here you are all of this for what? A girl?" Conri scoffed "please."

"She's not just any girl she is my mate" his voice was so fierce and angry it was barely human.

"Your mate?" Shaking his head once man. Conri stood tall tapping a single claw of his silver clawed glove against the sleeve of his jacket "well what's your answer? You or your precious little mate?"

"Cae..." Sly spoke with concern. The same deep crimson eye similar to his brothers soft and worried over his little brother.

"Everyone stand down!" Alcaeus suddenly shouted causing all his warriors to stop dead in their tracks Conri waving his hand and signalling for his to do the same as he stared expectantly at his grandson "I will go with you."

"Cae no..." Sly called to which Conri couldn't help but smile.

"Sly, leave it. Stay take care of the pack" Alcaeus ordered. Glancing to his warriors who all shared the same worried look.

"Cae, please don't do this" It was clear Sly was on the verge of tears at what was happening.

"I don't have a choice" Alcaeus held his confident tone refusing to show a sign of fear as he turned to Deiha who stood beside Sly clinging to his arm "take care of him."


"Just take care of him" Alcaeus instructed to her before letting out a heavy breath.

"Ready Alcaeus?" Conri continued with the smug smirk on his plump lips. Alcaeus held his head high and simply gave a nod to which warriors surrounded him capturing his arms in silver chains. It stung but he refused to show any more weakness than he already did.

"No!" Members of Alcaeus's pack screamed. The struggle continued between packs as they attempted to haul the young Alpha away.

"You didn't think I would come without back up did you?" Conri questioned the crowd then signalling at the forest line ahead where wolves began to reveal themselves from between the trees "everyone stop before everyone here dies."

"Listen to him" Alcaeus called just wanting to protect his pack as they began leading him away. While Conri just stood by watching everyone with sick satisfaction.

"You're a sick bastard" Sly growled out.

"Now, now grandson doesn't make me take your other eye" he threatened lifting his silver glove and waving his claws.

"Sly... Sly stop please" Deiha pleaded holding onto her mate by his waist.

"Yes, listen to the girl would you. Since I cannot trust you all seems I will have to have the warriors here watch over you all till we deal with Alcaeus" Conri chuckled as he signalled for the wolves by the tree line to move in "say hello to your stand in Alpha would you?" everyone was quiet besides Sly and Deiha, the blonde's eyes went so wide they practically bulged out of her head.

"Hello Deiha..."


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