Chapter Nineteen

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It had gotten later into the evening when Alcaeus returned. No one had freshened up instead the young Alpha had ushered Sly and Deiha into his office for questioning. Sly sat slumped in the chair beside the blonde shaken female as Alcaeus attempted to get answers.

"I-I told him" she spoke with a quivering lip.

"That we won't be mated?" Alcaeus followed with a question as he stood hunched over his desk with his hands pressed against the wood.

"What?" Sly couldn't help but ask.

"There was a reason I was pushed towards choosing Deiha, Sly. I had to get to the bottom of it. What did you find out?" he kept asking not bothering to have any regard for her shaken state.

"I told him we won't be mated... He called someone and he--" she let out a sob.

"Easy now" Sly spoke in comfort.

"Stop coddling the girl, Sly" Alcaeus growled.

"Well stop being a dismissive prick" Sly spat. He was already on edge over his brother's decision making.

Alcaeus snarled "Sly, don't push me."

"It's fine" Deiha finally spoke adjusting herself in the cushioned seat "he killed my mate and the only reason he kept me around was that I could be used one day to be mated to a powerful Alpha and bring him more power."

"Who are his connections though... A power-hungry wolf is nothing new.. Did you hear a name while he was on the phone?" Alcaeus couldn't seem to help his insistence.

"Can this not wait till morning brother. The girl is clearly in shock and needs rest" Sly pleaded.

"Not until I get all the information" Alcaeus huffed like an impatient child.

"Honestly brother--"

"Sarvis.." she suddenly spoke "that was the name my father said on the phone" both brothers looked to each other knowingly.

"He had to of known, Cae" Sly's gaze settled on his now seemingly deep in thought brother.

"Six years ago.." Alcaeus muttered "six years ago was when Sarvis brought it up that they found a suitable mate for me but--"

"What are the chances of all this? Grandfather hates pure mates and Deiha is a perfect candidate for you in his eyes... What are the chances Deiha's pack finding your mate and taking her in and you be in an arrangement with Deiha" Sly quickly finished the thought.

"How could he of even known?" Deiha questioned her gaze flicking from one brother to the other.

"He would surely have his ways..." Sly's brows furrowed over the sudden speculation.

"We need to keep this quiet. Sarvis has been aligned with Deiha's father along with who knows who else. Just like grandfather he has eyes and ears everywhere so until we find out what's going on keep things quiet..." Alcaeus sat himself down in his large chair his hands still pressed to the desk while the pair made their way out of the room. "Sly" Alcaeus called once Deiha was out of the room and Sly was inches from the door.

"Yeah?" Sly turned to face his younger brother but Alcaeus had his eyes glued to his desk. Though there was nothing remotely of interest on the wooden tabletop he couldn't bring himself to face his brother with what he was about to ask.

"How is she?" The words were barely above a whisper as they left his mouth.

"She's fine, Cae. The place is perfect she's safe and settled" Sly couldn't help but the small smile that tugged on the corner of his lips over his brother's vulnerability.

"Good..." Alcaeus suddenly changed demeanour firmer and more formal after clearing his throat "that will be all."

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight Cae" Sly simply slipped out of the room before he could reply only to come face to face with Deiha the blonde she-wolf still lingering in the halls seeming to feint interest in the paintings on the wall "you should really get some rest and freshen up it's been a long night."

"I didn't know if I should stay in the same room" Deiha spoke as her pale blue eyes continued to linger on the painting. Just another portrait of one of the Gallen ancestors.

"Of course, we left your things in there you're welcome to return to the room," Sly said as he stepped closer until he stood by her side. As soon as Sly was beside her did he realise how tall she actually was both he and his brother were quite tall themselves but Deiha stood level with his nose.

"Thank you Sly" Deiha suddenly turned to face the man her gaze now set upon his face which strangely left Sly a little self-conscious of his features.

"For what?" He couldn't help but wonder.

"For everything. You've been so kind—"

"One of us has to be" he chuckled at the insinuation of his irritable baby brother.

"I mean it. Thank you, you've been so sweet and kind and tonight you went out of your way to comfort me and rescue me" a small smile began to form as she looked at him.

"I—" He stammered at the words "you're welcome, Deiha."

The blonde leaned closer till her face neared his, her breath fanned his face before she finally settled with placing an ever so gentle kiss on his cheek "goodnight Sly" was all she said before turning and walking away.

"Goodnight Deiha" he replied standing in the hall in a somewhat flustered state from the interaction before he finally settled on retiring to his room and wondering what drama awaited for them in the morning.

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