Chapter Seven

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The morning had come all too soon and the sun was barely casting light across the land but Alcaeus was awake though a natural early riser he had struggled to sleep, he was in a restless state all through the night especially with his newly met mate who decided she needed to venture from the room and explore, Alcaeus was having difficulty saying no to the brunette. So there he was arms folded over his chest wrinkling the once perfectly ironed grey button-up shirt as he stood by the door watching the resting brown wolf curled up on the bed. She really was more comfortable in her four-legged form so much that she preferred to sleep in it which was unlike Alcaeus who only changed when he had too.

"You're being creepy" Sly suddenly spoke interrupting his thoughts. His room was only two doors down from their guest and by his appearance clearly had only just woken up.

"I was just checking on her" Alcaeus replied but his eyes remained on his sleeping mate.

"Did you speak to Doni?" Sly questioned and Alcaeus's fingers tensed onto the door handle still in his clutches. The idea wasn't ideal nor did he like where things were heading but he certainly didn't have any say in the matter.

"I spoke to him last night. He agreed of course, certainly wasn't going to argue with me plus a lost little she-wolf wandering the woods most wouldn't turn that down, of course, he understood why I couldn't keep some she-wolf here..." Alcaeus had to clear his throat the thought of insulting Helena left a bitter taste "a weak, small wolf would be of no use here of course."

"Doni is a good guy, Cae. He will look out for her and make sure she is alright" Sly spoke attempting to provide his brother with some comfort but it just left a heavier weight on Alcaeus's shoulders.

"It should be me though..." his voice fell soft barely a whisper but Sly heard it loud and clear.

"Cae..." Sly began but it was quickly interrupted when the large double doors opened with force making sure the presence was known.

"Where is my grandson?" Conri's voice boomed throughout the house making both brothers groan. The man always had to make an entrance.

"Watch her, Sly. I will deal with him" Alcaeus was quick to order.

"I will. It isn't like he would want to see me, Cae" It was harsh but sadly true and both men knew that. Conri hasn't had any interest in even seeing Sly since he had disappointed him eleven years earlier not that the man spoke to or acknowledged anyone else in the pack his sole focus was Alcaeus.

"I will be back, Sly just make sure Hele is safe" Alcaeus's voice held some sympathy for his older brother but it was quickly hidden once he straightened up and fixed his shirt after all he was about to meet with his grandfather so Alcaeus couldn't be Cae he had to be Alcaeus Gallen. "Grandfather, what are you doing here so early?" He called once he was standing at the balcony of the second floor overlooking the entrance. Conri looked so small and if he really held that stature Alcaeus wouldn't have any hesitation to step on the older man then and there but in reality there he stood tall and proud much like his youngest grandson.

"I was called by the Carion Alpha I needed to speak with you. I figured you would be awake. Early to riser just like me" Conri spoke with pride at his young protege.

"Yes, Grandfather of course. Awake before first light a warrior doesn't need much rest after all" Alcaeus gave his automatic response as though a robot had taken his place.

"That's a good lad. Now get down here so we can speak" he ordered to which Alcaeus was quick to oblige and descended the staircase.

"What did you want to speak about?" Alcaeus questioned once he stood before his grandfather. He was taller than the old man now but just as wide and broad shoulders that would probably knock down a cement wall with one barge.

"Your meeting of course" Conri placed a hand to his grandson's shoulder to guide him through the large archway and into the sitting room "I heard it went well, the Carion girl is happy to continue with this arrangement which is good news. Though I did also hear of the incident, Alcaeus" Conri released the hold on his grandson while he strolled over the to fireplace letting his elbow rest onto the mantle "your mate was there so I heard" just the words caused Alcaeus to fight every fibre of his being not to tense at his grandfather's words.

"Yes, Alpha" Alcaeus simply confirmed.

"It was said you took care of the matter and one of your pack warriors disposed of the body" Conri continued wanting confirmation which he did with a single nod from Alcaeus "well done my boy. This sets you free Alcaeus, that girl would have just been a weight on your shoulders, a burden to bring down all we have built. Look at what that bond did to your parents? Your mother a leader and your father, my oldest son supposed to carry the Gallen name proudly... It turned them weak. You did the right thing, Alcaeus trust me. It will sting and may weaken you for a while but that is just your body adjusting soon you will be stronger than ever" Conri grinned proudly at his grandson a mirror of his own image "I am proud of you."

Alcaeus forced a smirk to form as he faced his grandfather "Thank you."

"To show it I am going to give you a month to recuperate. Get yourself back in order before we continue our plans. I will not lie killing your mate does have some unfortunate side affects but all worth it in the end" Conri stepped closer before slapping a hand to Alcaeus's back "I knew I could count on you to carry the Gallen name with pride my boy" Conri patted the younger Gallen's back once more while Alcaeus continued his show with a false smirk plastered on his lips hoping he could keep it up and fool his grandfather.

Sly stayed quiet by the doorway listening closely to the conversation of his estranged grandfather and brother downstairs. He hoped Alcaeus had it in him to pull it off or the younger Gallen would be stuck in the same boat or worse and Sly certainly didn't want that for his little brother what so ever. No despite the mess Alcaeus had gotten into Sly would do anything in his power to help him get out of it. He wanted a better life for his brother, the best life and even though it made things harder he was proud Alcaeus couldn't follow through with their grandfathers order it seemed the old man hadn't dug his claws in deep enough yet anyway Sly just hoped he could continue to reason with his little brother. For years he had been telling him to follow their grandfathers rules but that time was over. There was still hope for Alcaeus yet and it all began with the little she-wolf.

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