Chapter Twenty-One

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His mouth hung ajar. How could he even answer that? Alcaeus had let his emotions get the best of him despite giving it time to go see her, in the end, the young Alpha still caved refusing to let anyone else go "Alcaeus..." Helena snapped "is that why? You came to see me?" she questioned him. He could see it that glimmer of hope in her eye as she stood before him barely standing to his shoulder.

"I came to warn you. You have to stay closer to the pack here--"

"Its what I was doing anyway. You didn't have to come here to say that" shaking her head in frustration "you could have sent someone with this sort of news. You didn't have to come."


"No, Alcaeus. You were fine in the start then something changed and you made your choice--"

" It's not that simple--" he attempted again to speak.

"It is that simple. You won't fight for us, Alcaeus. You won't fight for us to be together" she couldn't hide the hurt. It was written all over her face but refused to turn away. The soulful honey eyes burning into his skull like laser beams.

"Helena..." Alcaeus sighed before letting a hand run through his short hair "I just came to warn you that is all. I didn't come for this."

"This? And what is 'this' reality? You thought I would run into your arms oh so thankful you came with a warning" she scoffed and he couldn't help but always admire the stubborn, strong-headed girl "you couldn't have been more wrong. I have no thanks for you, I have nothing for you. I got your warning you can go now" she turned her back to him but Alcaeus's eyes couldn't help to just wander her bare flesh, the subtle curve of her form "Alcaeus..." she curled as she looked slightly over her shoulder.

"Yes, Helena?" he asked wanted to edge closer.

"Leave" her voice was barely a whisper but the word hit like a truck even though Alcaeus logically understood the reasoning of her word it still stung. Alcaeus slowing nodded his head as he began to retreat into the woods.

"We called off the agreement" his words caught her by surprise "I won't be taking Deiha or any other as my mate" he couldn't even face her as he spoke just continuing to stare throughout the trees. Though the words made Helena want to jump into Alcaeus's she reminded herself. He would never pick her and when it came to Alcaeus in her eyes and from her view he would always pick his family rules and at that moment she had to remind herself of that. Turning slowly she came to face his back in his cowardice he couldn't even face her.

"Just... Don't come back."


"How do you think it's going?" Deiha questioned her baby blues staring out into the forest from the gardens. Though the house was something from an old horror movie the gardens she had found were quite enchanting.

"Terrible" Sly spoke with a chuckle as he sat beside her on the stone-carved bench.

"Why do you say that?" she questioned curiously.

"My little brother has a terrible way with words" he answered as he observed the neatly trimmed flowers in front of them.

"So I've seen..." Deiha simply replied and let a silence fall between them.

"I'm sorry..." Sly suddenly said catching her off guard. Her gaze turned to the older man who simply sighed "I'm sorry about your father and all that's happened."

"I'm sorry too about well... You're whole family" her words causing them both to laugh as Sly shifted his body to face the blonde.

"My entire family isn't bad. My mother and father were kind people father were actually supposed to become Alpha after my grandfather but he ran off to be with his mate instead. Grandfather called it the weak blood that runs through our veins as I fell into the same fate" Sly sighed" luckily he didn't kill me but then be became much harder on Alcaeus to take over. Alcaeus isn't bad either fate has just dealt him a rough hand and a lousy older brother" Sly let out a bitter laugh "couldn't protect my parents, my mate... Can't even protect my brother..."

" It's not like I did much better, Sly" Deiha's hand extended and in a simple effort of comfort between the lonely souls she took Sly's hand in her own. Letting their fingers lace together and rest on Sly's knee "my mother and brother died, my mate died and my father is a monster I couldn't even protect myself from.. Seems we are cut from the same cloth."

"Seems so..." he gave her a sad smile to which she returned letting their hands hold one another in an effort for some comfort.

"Maybe... Maybe we can make it better, Kingsly Gallen" she adjusted herself to face the man beside her "we didn't deserve the cards we were dealt yet we were given them" her voice turning softer "You're not a lousy older brother and like me, you were just a child..." Deiha reached out her other hand fingers gently guiding down the uneven edges of the scars on Sly's face "you certainly didn't deserve this" it was a kindness Sly hadn't been given in quite some time an understanding and genuine care which almost made the twenty-eight-year-old blush.

"Maybe you're right" he gave the hand in his a gentle squeeze.

"I know I'm right, Sly. These monsters can't keep winning."

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