Chapter Twelve

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It seemed like some sort of strange exchange really. Deiha was just a she-wolf wanting a simple life yet here she was being driven away in a large SUV like some celebrity hidden behind tinted windows. She was nervous and scared but at the same time happy to be away from her father and pack. She had always been a lonely little thing but it wasn't like Alcaeus was much company though she was going to get to see Helena and that certainly lifted her spirits. She tried to stay positive that perhaps not everyone that was amongst the Gallen's were like Alcaeus, Sarvis and the head of the clan Conri she didn't know much of the oldest brother Kingsly only that he was spoken of poorly and that Conri had punished him and disowned him she just hoped he wasn't like the others.

Nervous as ever her slender long fingers toyed with one another entangling and releasing over and over until the car finally came to a stop. Deiha hadn't noticed however to focused on her hands until the driver finally spoke "Deiha, we are here" the words caught her by surprise and her baby blues widened and began to look around but outside the door filled her with dread standing beside the vehicle was a large man a single eye completely white with large scared claw marks along his face. She couldn't help but be intimidated. "Are you going to get out? Your father needs me back as soon as possible?" the driver Vic questioned. Her teeth gnawed at her lower lip but she slowly nodded and pushed open the door pulling her small duffle bag with her. She had only just closed the door when the SUV pulled away in a hurry her father had never been one to care much for her safety but then again Alcaeus was the man she was supposed to be bound to.

"Deiha?" the large man questioned his hands tucked into the depths of his black jean pockets as his singular good eye focused on her. The similarities suddenly caught her attention making her realise that must be the oldest Gallen brother.

"Yes, I am Deiha Carion, nice to meet you" she attempted to hold a forced smile.

"I'm Kingsly. You can call me Sly and don't worry you can drop the formalities" Sly chuckled at the girl's nervous nature "I know you know the whole situation with my brother you even yelled at him and challenged for a deal..." Sly couldn't help but size her up he would never have guessed such a princess looking girl would have the balls.

"I was just upset that day... He was going to hurt my friend and--" Deiha rambled but Sly chuckled once again.

"It's okay. You have some balls not a lot of grown bodybuilding looking mother fuckers have it in them to challenge Cae let alone some girl who looks like she should be in cheer camp. Got to give my respects to that" he smiled that same devilishly charming smile that didn't seem as quite as sinister as Alcaeus's.

"Thank you Kin-- I mean Sly. For the respect not for the cheer camp comment" Deiha couldn't help but laugh. Those nerves had quickly been forgotten. The easy-going nature of Sly was so soothing and calming she almost forgot where she was.

"Apologies for Alcaeus not greeting you any way he's umm..." his eye lingered back to the large estate "busy."

"With Hele?" Deiha questioned.

"Something like that. They're in the middle of working things out" he spoke but very unconvincing as his fingers brushed through the long brunette strands of hair "anyway shall we" he gestured for the house.

The began to walk towards the large abode that stood ever so intimidating much like its owner "How is this going to work? Aren't you all well..." her eyes shifted from side to side as though looking for someone who was ears dropping "with your family rules and all."

"He's not supposed to have a mate and kill her on sight?" Sly replied bluntly over the matter "we are supposed to yes."

"What... well I've heard the rumours but what happened with your mate?" Deiha couldn't help but pry as she walked beside the large man though she couldn't bring herself to actually face him.

"A ah" he cleared his throat his gaze falling thoughtfully to the floor "a story for another time perhaps let's just get you inside alright" he ushered her in through the large dark wooden doors but the pair were quickly stopped by the loud screaming and shouting from above "and I'm guessing he told her" Sly seemed to mumble to himself.

"What?" Deiha questioned.

"How! How did I get stuck with such a bastard of a man!" The tiny brunette shouted as she stormed out of a room and onto the walkway of the second floor "unbelievable, insufferable, arrogant prick!" She screamed slamming closed a door.

"Well at least the vocabulary we practised together came in handy" was all Deiha could seem to say causing Sly to laugh, "I thought mates were meant to be in love."

"All they have been doing is arguing or avoiding one another since yesterday. I can't blame her on this one though" Sly let out a heavy sigh.

"What do you—"

"Deiha!" Helena called the small pixie-like girl came bounding down the stairs "it's so nice to see you."

"Hele, I've been worried about you" Deiha spoke watching the brunette. It was odd to see her fully clothed and not frolicking around in her wolf form or carelessly nude. It was rare she was in her human form but there she was in front of Deiha in a simple dress with her hair even brushed and maintained. It had only been a few days but it was like the girl had transformed.

"Don't worry about me, Sly has been keeping me company" Helena spoke as she stepped closer.

"Deiha" the deep voice boomed catching everyone off guard and turning to the figure that stood above them. There he was the Alpha himself broad shoulder resting against the doorway "may I speak with you in my office" he spoke before retreating back into the room and once again Deiha was overcome with nerves.

"Don't worry it will be fine" Sly seemed to notice her mood change as he attempted to comfort her.

"Thank you Sly" Deiha gave a nod in appreciation. "Well, it seems I have a meeting with an Alpha to get to."

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