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you stumbled back, cupping your cheek, not feeling the slap across your face impact you since you have unfortunately gotten used to being consistently hit.

"dohyun told me everything."

you sighed, lowering your gaze to the floor. as your mother continued to speak of how dohyun told her where you've gone to at the event, you felt yourself grow more impatient and frustrated with her. your mother continued to nag, on and on, and you were growing tired of it.

"who knew you'd be sleeping, with jeon jungkook." your eyes immediately widens, as you looked up to her direction — her eyes glaring at you in response.

"why?" she asked, as you remained silent. "why did you have to associate yourself out of all people?!" a hard, impactful slap across the face, for the second time tonight made you fall to the floor.

you glanced up at your mother in fear, as she walks towards you, raising her voice.

"do you know how much trouble you're putting our company at?!" she shouts, loud and clear. flinching from her yelling, she grabs you harshly by the wrist and pulls you up from the floor.

"you're sleeping around so shamelessly!" she added and pulls your hair. "s-stop! please," you pleaded as you stutter, between your words — the held in tears started to flow down your reddened cheeks, as your mother pushed you away from her.

domestic abuse.

this is what you had to endure with, for your whole entire life, up until today.

the woman continued to hit, you making your steps unsteady. you fell onto the floor, as your mother hit you endlessly — you flinched by her touch, and now you had to admit that you are afraid of this woman.

you sobbed on the floor as she finally halts between her movements, looking down at you in a disgusted manner. your mother was a monster and all her life she has always had some hate provided toward you.

you were a stubborn kid as you were growing up but mistakes were meant to be caused.

however your mother has always had these intense high expectations towards you. yet whenever you'd fail to follow her expectations, they would instantly lead, to consequences — it brought you to violence.

your hair was messed up along with blood dripping from your nose. your mother rested her hands over her hips, as she tried to steady her heavy breathing. dark eye bags are seen under her eyes, as she's also looked like she aged, within these past few months.

she looked tired.

"i'm sick of you." she said. "for these past few years, your father and i have tried nothing, but for what is best for your future. for what's beneficial." she said.

you couldn't bring your eyes to meet up with her, as you remained onto the cold floor, along with slight sobs leaving your mouth, as she continues to speak.

"stand up." she demanded.

you obeyed her demand but continued to avoid any contact from meeting her gaze. if you are to explain or describe how your mother acted towards you she would be pure evil. your mother despised you while you continued to life under her roof. she set you up for arranged marriages, with multiple of filthy rich men, and even a numerous amounts of blind dates.

and in the end they've all failed. you were either not interested or you were not good enough to meet the mens expectations for when they looked for a bride.

but since the scandal — this time you had no choice but to contribute into this arranged marriage which happens to be the worst you had to endure through.

"why are you being so difficult, y/n?" she asked in a low tone, her voice sounding stern. your breathings unsteady as small sobs continued to leave your lips. with blood dripping down from your nose you hear your mother sigh, by the trail of blood on the floor.

"i have warned you the previous time to stop seeing that man." she pointed her finger towards you, you keeping your head low, as she did so. "and for what you have done that leaves me with no choice but to move the wedding earlier."

you immediately look up towards her, with shock in your eyes as your lips parted.

"i don't want this wedding!" you raise your voice as she crossed her arms. more tears left your eyes and stained your cheeks, as her expression stayed stern. "p-please, i don't want to marry dohyun.." your beg as you stuttered between sobs.

you were desperate.

so desperate to escape this arranged marriage, and to escape from the life you've been enduring — you could not handle it any longer. just as things began or even seemed to become better, when you've met jungkook, your life escalated quickly took a drastic turn. it turned into the way, you've never expected.

your mother continued to keep her mouth shut and she proceeds to watch you fall to your knees, as you begged for her to change her decision.

"i don't want this.. dohyun abused me for years and you and father have never done anything!" you said with your voice weakening. you looked up to her, as there was no sympathy seen in her eyes.

her expression remained emotionless, as if she did not care about what you have been through during your time with dohyun. she didn't experience what you've been through and wouldnt even consider to think of how to bring the domestic abuse to a stop.

she wasn't like a mother to you at all. she was only
a monster disguised as someone who seemed to be the loving motherly figure out in the public. theres no love, and no care into her relationship with you.

and worst of all, no effort.

"get up and leave." she demanded. "i do not wish to see you until the day of your wedding which will be moved sooner, than later." she exclaims, and scoffs.

with that all said, she turns on her heel and walked away from you without another word. you watched as her figure disappears down the hallway, and the lights turns off leaving you in the foyer, in the dark.


for those who saw the mistake upload, of part 39, pretend that u didn't... hahaha...

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