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that powerful feeling of the alcohol attacking me in
my throat was what i felt that was keeping me sane during this bitter end, of the night. watching as the time on my clock changes from seconds to minutes from the absence of my dear y/n, i began growing a slight bit worried, and impatient.

she was gone for too long and the temptation of me needing to send a text was expanding.

but what stopped me, are the harsh words that had left that pretty mouth before she vanished from my presence. i was hurt, and surely didn't want to drag the situation any further.

so i remained silent, as she had asked me to.

grasping onto the wine bottle, the thoughts of that woman now being fully aware of my past lover, hit me. i was hurt to be reminded of the past, and was heated of y/n figuring something out, that i intend
to bring to the grave with me.

i intended to keep my past lover a secret, though, i know she deserved better, than my clandestine life
i had forced myself to physically hide, during these past years. however, being hurt with memories it'd cause me to reminisce this past of mine, every time
i see an opportunity to find love again.

i pour the remaining of the liquid content into my glass, that had been filled with this wine, once too many times in one tonight.

the transparent wineglass is half filled, with bitter wine coloured a dark red — bringing the glass into
my clutch, i downed the remaining of the liquid as
a form to drown the pain, hidden within me, away.

alcohol to me, usually was a reliable source when i was in my earlier years, as a young adult, after had just losing my former wife.


my phones ringer went off for an instant second in indication that i've just received a notification. i've contemplated to check whether it was y/n sending some sort of message. hoping it was her i picked it
up, allowing my phone to recognize my face id and immediately my phone unlocked — bringing me to
the messages app, i read as there was a text from a unknown contact.

i tapped the screen, which revealed something so uncalled for, something beyond my expectations,
and most of all something that built up my anger.

there it was, displayed on my screen was a photo; taken from a distance, of my girlfriend inside of a vehicle kissing another man.

"she's cheating on me?" i whisper, under my very breath, in absolute shock of what i have just seen.

apart of me was feeling downhearted but the other was experiencing more of a furious feeling. i felt as
if i was fuming with rage and insanity, at that sight.

i slammed the glass against the table and stand up, causing the wheeled chair to slightly roll back. with anger riddled up inside of me, i exited the study, as well as dressed up and headed to that place which i considered my comfort zone, beauty and essex.


"jeon, relax a little." namjoon said just as i downed
yet another shot of hard liquor.

"jesus, kid." hoseok spoke as he leans forward from his seat getting a view of my face. he pat my back in
a comforting way, "hey you're red as fuck, you need
to slow down with the alcohol." he warned.

inside, i've felt if the strong taste of the alcohol was simply burning away my concerns, and problems. it was an enjoyable feeling, however, at the same time
i had been covertly experiencing both dizziness and sadness inside of me.

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