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contemplating, you then deeply exhaled before you take a shot glass and downed it, afterwards placing the now emptied glass, over the counter. you grasp onto the box of cigarettes and step down from your barstool, and head towards the back exit, of beauty and essex.

making your way through the large crowds, of party people, you pushed the exit door opened and exited the establishment being greeted by a clear sky filled with stars and its one moon. no clouds a no terrible weather just as you liked it.

there was no breeze, and there was barely anybody outside, or so you assumed.

you leaned your back against that wall behind, and brought the box of cigarettes up, into sight. you flip
the top fold of the box which revealed the half used cigarette box and a dark coloured lighter stuck into the box as well, which causes you to grin due to the  convenience.

bringing a cigarette between both, the middle, and index fingers, you brought the cig up between your lips as well as the lighter afterwards. you brought a lighter up towards the end of the cig, attempting to light it up however, the lighter seemed to be out of fluid, which stopped the flame from setting.

before you brought your hands down, nearly about
to give up, another hand was held up with a lighter occupying their hand. he set the lighter off causing
the end of the cigarette in your hands, to burn. you inhaled the chemical allowing the smoke to escape from your lips, as you turned to the figure who has fulfilled the deed  for you.

"pretty girls don't light their own cigarettes." were
the words that left jungkook's lips.

you seemed brave, however you feel your in-shock eyes were portraying you at that exact moment, of
this mans sudden appearance — you steadied your breath studying his features just like how you used
to, whenever he'd hit a cigarette.

he realizes your staring, and faces your direction, as you automatically turned away avoiding eye contact from the man. there is an awkward silence, between the two of you before jungkook has decided to break it, as the smokey chemical flows out of his mouth as he speaks.

"people like you shouldn't be out here alone late at night. you are a lady. you should be more cautious,
of your whereabouts, don't you think?" he insisted,
as you let out one obnoxious scoff, side-eyeing him.

the corner of your lip slightly tugged up into a grin, somehow not surprised that such reckless words of sexism left his mouth. you then feel annoyed by the consistent looking down upon you. aroused at your glaring, jungkook rolled his eyes.

"sexist, huh?" you replied, conceitedly.

"perhaps, however you know it's true." he proceeds,  "don't be considerate to only that. but, consider how filthy men could have messed around with you." the words that left his mouth seemed to have some kind of accuracy, but you didn't want to admit it. admit it and you were basically losing to a self cantered man. you most definitely wanted to avoid that.

"and you..." you paused, studying his features, and physique. "you're talking to me, because you've got those intentions, of messing around with me?" you teased, but managed to catch him off guard.

"i beg your pardon, but that will be the least, of my desires.." he confirmed, inhaling that last of his cig, afterwards tossing it down to the gravelled ground.

"if i must ask, why did you approach me?" you ask, causing jungkook to stare for a brief moment, only thinking of how he can compose a proper response
to your question.

"i was just finishing up with this," he spoke and he looked down to his cigarette bud, referring to that. "and all of the sudden come across a fine lady who was struggling to light her own up." he explains as your lips formed into a smirk due to his flirtatious statement.

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