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"in the matter of the city, of seoul, south korea." a cold shiver runs down my spine, as the court clerk spoke with a sharp, and loud powerful voice.

"as to the count of rape in the first degree as to the count of assault, in the first degree, as to the count
of assault, in the second degree count, to the count  of attempted kidnapping, in the first degree," as he continues to speak, the clerks voice only got louder and more powerful.

"as to the count of sodomy, and to the count of rape in the first degree, count of sexual abuse in the first degree," he paused.

i felt my heart stop. thick beads of sweat ran down my temples as my heartbeat pace fastens, as quick
as possible. a thick tear brimmed, and escapes my eye, sliding down my pale cheek.

"and to the count of attempted murder of ahn y/n, the jury finds the defendant..." the clerk paused in between his sentence inhaling a short deep breath.


for my whole life, i thought others had that empty feeling too, and once i got over that strong feeling
of emptiness i've never thought i'd encounter that displeasing emotion again.

i always imagined the analogy of a house, with a lot of rooms. each one was filled with one aspect of my life; schools, careers, jobs, ambitions, relationships and family.

but, there is always a wrong room. the empty room with nothing there. the room had no meaning, and no purpose. however, i tried to avoid that room but
i didn't know where it was.

i would dwell inside that house visiting each room, sometimes staying in one room for a while.

and each time i would leave a room, i might end up in that wrong empty room. and i do. this room is so big that i know its not right. the room is larger than all the other rooms combined.

there remained nothing there. no sound, no air, no light and no darkness either. no walls but you can't leave. however, i was still able to breath perfectly. i just felt trapped. it felt like a cage i'd be locked into.

everything i thought i had in those other rooms are gone, because i know this room, is my entire house.

all the time, i thought i was in different rooms. but soon, i realized i wasn't. i was just trying to fill this one empty room, but i couldn't. and somehow this room is filled with absolutely nothing — it couldn't  and could never, hold anything other than that.

people come to this house, but also can't come into this specific room. i know they will never figure out entrance to that room. but right now, i was trapped inside that room. and i needed a way to escape. but unfortunately, it was over.

my whole life thrown away.

i froze in my spot, tears trickling down my cheeks. the sound of cries filling the room, screaming and shouting. some people shouting that it was wrong and some shouting that it was well deserved.

the loud cries of agony and the screaming faded as
i felt as if this wasn't real.

knowing that i was being wrongfully accused, over something i would never bring myself to do, really pissed me off. my tears streamed down my cheeks, causing me to suddenly feel infuriation invade me. but that's when i lost it. i pushed the wooden table
as i kicked the chair that was displayed behind me, making it knock over, completely. the guards start
to run towards me due to my sudden harsh action.

"i didn't do this!" i shout, but then immediately felt one of the guards' strong shove against my back. as they shoved me down against the table, more tears escaped my eyes, as i feel them cuff my hands back together. i groaned by their harshness.

i just wanted to be out of this. i wanted to be home, and free from this hell.

"i'm innocent!" i shouted, being pulled up from the table, from the guards who held me securely. "trust me, i'd never do such a fucking sick thing!"

i was cut off halfway through my plead from one of the officers, yanking me towards the side exit of the courtroom. but suddenly, the entrance doors to the courtroom was pushed opened revealing a familiar man. not one, but five others behind.

"let go of him! he's innocent!" namjoon shouted, as my eyes diverted towards his direction.

in his hands, namjoon held a large box filled with a bunch of random things, that i wasn't able to make out, from my point of view. panting, my movement came to a halt as well as the court officers who held me still — every person who remained inside of the courtroom, had their back turned towards me, and they watched namjoon and the five others entering the courtroom in a quick manner.

they were all dressed formally, appropriate for the current occasion.

"i have proof that his innocence is accurate. there is only one sly man, who was behind all of this." jimin declares, his voice filled with sternness as he spoke.

namjoon placed the box over of the attorneys table, leaving everyone including the judge, speechless. it shocks me seeing them make a sudden appearance.

but i also felt relieved.

"and that bastard was none other than, lee fucking dohyun!" jimin exclaims, the anger within making
a appearance. jimin suddenly slams his fist against wooden table causing an awful loud sound to echo throughout the entire room and gaining sounds of people gasping in shock, and flinching.

and to acknowledge that the judge is visibly taken aback from a sudden intrusion, is understandable.

from the bold, and shameful statement declared by the male, who came formally dressed in a dark suit, dohyun immediately rose from his front seat in the large gallery that was filled with many others.

"shut up park, you don't know nothing!" he shouts, as everybody inside the courtroom protests against one another. the courtroom, was filled with intense screaming and shouting. meanwhile, i stayed quiet.

with the guards still keeping a sharp eye on me the judge suddenly stood up from his seat, hitting onto the gavel a numerous of times, gaining everybody's attention.

"silence!" he exclaimed.

everyone froze, looking towards his direction while some people continue to boldly whisper, murmur a few words to the person next to them.

"your honour, please." namjoon pleaded. "we must confess the repulsive, displeasing, shameful truth."

there is a brief moment of silence. complete silence as the judge seemed to have taken the mans' words into deep thought — into deep consideration.

my heart was racing at that very moment, hoping i would be given a chance, to prove my innocence. it shocks me, as the judge seats himself back onto his large chair.

he rested his elbows over the wooden podium, with his hands clasping together, and his slender fingers intertwining. his thin lips were pressed tightly, into
a flat line as his expression remained indescribable.

the judge sighed.

"let us hear what you've got to say." he responded.

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