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"but don't forget who i am, i'm capable of anything. so don't say or do anything you'll regret."

you noticed as his eyes shifted between your eyes to your lips which caused goosebumps to form all over your skin like no other has done before.

you felt shocked by the sudden boldness that had irrupted in him, and that he did this in a public
place as well, without a hint of shame whatsoever.

"and is that a threat?" you asked, mentally slapping yourself for talking back. it just suddenly came out, and that made jungkook lift a brow.

"only if you'd consider getting sexual as one, then indeed it may be."

you gasped at his statement, as he released you out of his grasp and steps back — a chuckle escapes his lips, which is soon followed by this devilish smirk. what a pervert.

jungkook turned his back on you, and walked out of that isle, heading towards another, where all of the beverages were displayed. you followed after, as the man acted casual as if the scene that had occurred moments ago meant nothing to him.

you decide to brush it off, knowing that he was just messing around with you. you hoped that he was.
you watched as jungkook scans the many beverages displayed looking for a specific drink as he walked further down the isle. 

"and why are we here?"

he sighs at your question, "guess. what does it look like?" he asks, not bothering to spare you a glance. you rolled your eyes at his rude response, which is something that isn't new to you anymore.

"i'm buying water." jungkook spoke. "if you'd like, pick out something you want, and buy it."
your eyes widened as a wide smile formed on your face.

"seriously?" you asked, lips slightly parted by the kind offer he insisted.

he nods, "yes. but make it quick, otherwise i won't hesitate to leave you." he responded as you quickly walk off, heading towards the candy section of the store. your eyes scan the racks of different candies neatly organized.

living with your parents, you were rarely allowed to have any sweets, especially candy.

so, it excited you to given the chance to finally have candies for the first time in a while. you couldn't help but to smile to yourself. you were like a child. perhaps, jungkook isn't as cold as you thought.

you picked out a little specific pack of gummy bears, the brand that you used to munch on as a kid. you notice jungkook already standing at the counter —you approached him, and placed your candy on the counter displayed in front of you.

you raise an eyebrow, seeing the man swipe his card on the credit card terminal.

"wait, but sir i think you forgot to scan my item," you spoke, scratching a nape of your neck.

jungkook tucks his card back into his leather wallet as you watch, confused. "oh, but do you recall me offering that i'd pay?" the jerk questioned. by his playful acts, you felt annoyance overcome you by the immature attitude within the guy.

"i'll be in the car," he cooed, grabbing his bottle of already paid water from the counter, afterwards walking towards the glass doors, exiting the store.

you groaned in annoyance as you reached into your designer purse in search for your wallet. inside, you felt nothing but your phone, and a few receipts.
your heart began racing, realizing that your wallet isn't there.

"what the hell..." you muttered, as a man suddenly placed his few items on the counter. you flinched at his sudden appearance, and turned towards him.

"i'll pay for both." a soft voice exclaimed, as he placed his items onto the counter — the cashier then began to scan each item of his, and your little pack of sweet treats.

the man looked rather young, perhaps in his early twenties like you. he wore a black baseball cap, with black ripped jeans along with a black crewneck, that had a white t-shirt sticking out from underneath. you couldn't help but admire the taller man, who is slim and handsome in your opinion.

but also, you couldn't help but chuckle at his black on black attire.

it was quite odd, dressing in all dark colours but it looked good on him. it suited him. cutting yourself out of your train of thoughts, you watched as he swiped his card on the terminal and picked up all of his items, along with yours as well.

"bag?" the cashier offers him, but the boy declined and thanked the older worker.

he turned towards you, handing you the packet of candies that you've longed for. you retrieved the snack from his hands, and flashed him a shy smile.

"thank you, but you didn't have to," you chuckle, as he shakes his head, returning the smile. "no, it's okay, it was cheap anyways." he responded, as you felt a wave of guilt hit you due to this kind gesture.

"have a goodnight," he spoke, turning on his heel to leave the convenience store. you couldn't help but to feel bad for your own mistakes of misplacing your own wallet.

"wait," you called out.

the boy paused in his steps, turning around to face you with a lifted brow patiently waiting for you to speak up.

"i can't help but feel guilty." you said. "allow me to pay you back. may i have your number?" you insist as his lips slightly parted, but soon smiled cheekily which caused his eyes to slightly squint.

you hand him your phone, as he typed down the digits of his number into the device.
after a few moments, he hands you back the device and you scanned the various numbers displayed on your screen.

"thank you," you said, tucking your phone back in your purse as he extends his arm out towards your direction. he takes your hand in his, his fingers wrapping around your petite hand.

"i'm jaesun," he introduced, as you bring your free hand up to your face, covering your mouth after realizing that you have yet to introduce yourself.

"pardon me, how unpleasant." you chuckled. "my name is ahn y/n." you responded, feeling a wave of embarrassment hit you for forgetting to introduce yourself earlier.

"your formal talk is cute," he laughs, releasing your hand from his as you raised a brow, confused by his statement — you brushed it off, though you didn't understand what he meant by that.

suddenly a loud honk is heard, from outside of the store. you knew exactly who it was.

you glance towards the large windows that exposed most of the store from outside and notice jungkook who glared towards your direction in his car. the eager man was impatient, and you were able to tell by the annoyed expression on his face.

"oh, i better get going." you cleared your throat as jaesun nods in return. "thank you again, i appreciate it." you lastly said before you turned on your heel, approaching the glass doors.

"you're cute, don't forget text me!"

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