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"let me change your mind." he pleads. "please." he remained standing, as you felt your body tense up.

like before, you never knew what to say nor what to do in situations like these. when engaged into these topics that have to do with jungkook, usually, you'd be completely clueless. however this time you knew what you wanted, and knew what you needed to do.

"jimin," your tone was weak, though you attempted to sound as strong as possible. "give up."

watching the cold look, worn on jimin's face slowly transform into an indescribable one, you could not bare the thick tension, between the two of you. you turned around and left the café, without last words.

guilt and regret.

the two were the only emotions you felt just as you left jimin behind, and headed back to the wedding dress boutique. you felt the need to cry, but held it in. dohyun didn't need to know where you were at.

and if you were to cry, that would've called you out and it would've made dohyun worried.

you didn't know your feelings toward jungkook but tried to convince yourself that you never loved that man — even if you did love jungkook you shouldn't because that would have ruined, both of your lives.


today is the day. today is yours, and dohyun special wedding day — the day you've never thought would come. the past few months sped past in the blink of an eye and you could not believe the sight of you in the wedding dress.

you stood in front of a wide body length mirror, as you examined yourself in the dress.

your hair was arranged into a low bun, wearing an amazingly, custom designed silver crown, as small strands of your hair was let loose, by your temples.

your dress was a laced gown, designed to be off the shoulders for the neckline of the dress. the dress is tight fitted, which showed off all your curves when
it hugged your figure comfortably — the silhouette refers to the overall shape of your gown.

today was meant to be special for you. however you didn't feel that today related to anything special. its supposed to be a happy day where there are no bad or negative thoughts lingering in your mind. but its the complete opposite.


you suddenly heard a knock on your dressing room door. you step back, as your eyes trailed away from your reflection. as you turned the door, one of your helpers opens the door which reveals another. 

"the ceremony will begin, in twenty minutes." she warns, before i glance away without a single word.

the wedding was being held at night for a so-called better experience, said by dohyun — a few minutes pass and there were only ten minutes left, until it's time for you to walk down the isle. the anxious and nervousness inside you only expanded, which only made things worse.

you headed toward the door that would lead you to the extended hallway.

"where are you going?" one of your maids question as you roll your eyes, knowing, that you were going to be stopped eventually. "bathroom.. where else?" the woman looked taken aback for a moment from your tone of condescension, before bowing to you.

she apologized and took a step back as they opened the doors. "would you like to be accompanied?" the same worker asked as you immediately denied, and made your way down the dim hallway.

descending down the dim hallways you had no clue where you were headed. you walked past the ladies' restroom, and continue walking towards the end of the long extended hallway where there is a balcony.

seeing the balcony, it urged you to head toward the direction for fresh air — being surrounded by all of your familys workers all day tired you out. you just wanted to have alone time before you'd be married off which is destined to occur in just a few minutes.

the door is a vintage designed door, with windows built in rows which exposed the natural moonlight that shone down from the sky.

you placed your hand on the knob, and pushed the door opened, in which you are greeted by a breeze, which caused goosebumps to make an appearance.

you approach the railings, placing both hands over it. the metal was cold — it made you shut your eyes as you allows the slight breeze to take over all your senses. your mind was in clouds, yet all that you've desired for, was genuine happiness.

"if i hadn't attended, i would not have realized how beautiful you really are."

you open your eyes, after hearing the familiar voice speak. you turned around, only to come face to face with the man who you have never thought, you will see again. it shocked you to an extent making it feel as if your mind was playing tricks on you, but no.

it was him.

it was jeon jungkook.

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