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"and where do you think you're going?" he asked, uplifting a brow.

you rolled your eyes, trying to make your way past dohyun. however, he stops you once more which caused annoyance to be drawn into you. you never questioned or never cared for what he does on his own, so why should he care about what you do?

"none of your business." you respond, annoyance heard in your tone, by the was you spoke.

"alright," he spoke. "do as you please, but if you are to cause any trouble, that is not my part to fix." he warned, pointing his index finger in your face.

you pushed his hand away, "if i may recall, i am no longer a child. there's no need to treat me as if i am one." you roll your eyes, before pushing past him and exiting the club. he was speechless.

walking past the tall, and wide entrance doors of the nightclub, you were greeted by jungkook.

the passenger window rolls down, "get in." he said, as you approached the vehicle, getting comfortable in the seat.

"where are we off to?" you question, as he adjusted the rearview mirror, before he began driving out of the parking lot.

"i hope you don't end up asking as many questions as before. i've realized that you are quite the girl, who tends to be filled with curiosity." he ridiculed.

you scoffed at his at his comment, leaning back in your seat as your eyes focused outside of the passenger side window.

"observant." you commented.

"indeed i am."

you faced jungkook, seeing him adjust the black tie that he wore, around his collar. again, jungkook wore formal attire which would be worn for special events — you realize he's been consistently dressed formally, which made you wonder.

though he insinuated for you to stop with all of the questions, you couldn't help it.

"you're wearing formal clothes everyday." you said, as he sighed. "must i remind you, about how much of a nuisance your questions are—" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"it was a statement," you correct, as he shakes his head, a small grin forming on his face.

"playing smart with me?" he asked, his gaze fixated on the road in front of him, as you secretly smirked to yourself, catching him in your playful act.

"i must say, you're quite intriguing, ms ahn."


both, you and jungkook pull up in the driveway, of an enormous house. almost mansion-like. for sure the house was awfully more sizeable than yours, the one that you share with dohyun. perhaps even larger than your own parents' property.

your mouth is slightly agape, both astonished and fascinated by the large building.

"what, don't act as if you don't live with a little bit of wealth. i don't understand why you're so shocked." jungkook seemed to notice your reaction, as he let out a chuckle, pulling his key out of the ignition.

you face him, "the view is amazing." you spoke, as jungkook stared at you with a blank expression.

"this is your house, right?"

"how reckless." he stated, unbuckling the seatbelt. "you sound like a creep." he joked.

your eyes grew wide, playfully hitting him on the arm, chuckling at his statement. jungkook flashes you a smile, sharing a laugh as he opened the drivers door, stepping outside of his luxury vehicle. you gazed in awe, enjoying how you and jungkook were both slowly getting along.

you couldn't help but smile to yourself. you had to admit, that when jungkook isn't a cold, egocentric jerk, he was rather cute and playful.

he caught you in your daze as he stood between the car door. he adjusted his suit, "are you coming along with me, or not?" he questioned.

your mouth formed into an 'o' shape, realizing that he expected you to come along. you unbuckle your seatbelt, exiting the vehicle as he shuts the drivers door. he approached you from the other side of the car, and gestured with his head to follow him.

you followed after his steps, curiosity overcoming you. was this his home? and if it was, why would he bring you to such a place — but you did not plan on asking anymore questions, due to how jungkook made it clear how it is annoying.

"i left my wallet here. this is my friends house." he informed, as if he had read your mind.


"more like a brother to me. you'll meet him." he responds, as the two of you made it towards the front of the house.

jungkook reached his arm out, and with a simple knock against the enormous front doors — as the doors swung widely open, blasted party music instantly hits your ears. jungkook glances towards you, as you looked back at him making eye contact. his eyes trail down your arm, and he wrapped his hand around your wrist.

"where's kim," jungkook asked the butler who held the door opened, the tone of his voice making his question sound more of a demand. the two of you entered the house.

"he's located on the lowest floor," the butler paused between his sentence.

"in the party room, sir."

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