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"a little fun can't hurt, however i suppose you enjoy
to ruin the mood. i'm not being ridiculous, i'm only stating that you've overreacted." you provoked him.

jungkook turned once more, immediately stepping
to your direction, as your eyes widened. he pushed your figure backward until you feel your behind hit the wall. you gasped as he pressed his body against your very own, his actions shocking you.

"you wanna have a little fun? then strip for me." he demanded, his tone lowering, intimidating you.

"jungkook.." you respond, almost in a whisper, and broke eye contact. instead jungkook grasps on your chin, forcing you to look up at him once more.

"rules are simple, you strip for each and every good question you can't provide a truthful answer for me with." his voice was stern, and low and his piercing gaze cut through you like blades.

his lips curved up into a sly smirk, "and once you're fully exposed, i'll fuck the shit outta you." he added.

these words caused you reminisce. these words are not new to your head, and are indeed familiar from when you, and jungkook had first met; and became something more than acquaintances or enemies. at first you have assumed that this man, the very well known jeon jungkook is just some wealthy, no good and ignorant person who got all of his priorities set
on money and possession.

but instead, he was something more. he wasn't just some man who you were having an affair with. he's someone who was genuinely there for you when all had fallen downhill. he was the man you were head over heels for. the man of your dreams.

"why play a seemingly long lasting game, when we
can go straight to the good part?"

your flirtatious suggestion causes the man who has you against the wall, to be at loss of words. actions, are most known to be stronger than words and you and jungkook, were already aware of that.

gazes locked and breaths becoming unsteady, your lower facial muscles, caused the corner of your lips
to unknowingly tug up, into a alluring smile — that exact man who has you in between his arms took it
as confirmation; afterwards pulling you into a deep kiss with full consent.

with both feelings and actions in balance, with the both of your lips clashed together you followed his movements, as he slowly leaded the both of you to
the bed.

carefully, yet ever so effortlessly, the man who had you lost by his touch carried you over the bed, him over top of your desperate to be touched body. the both of your lips never separated.

the force of the collision, with lips over lips, tongue against yours — was bruising; enough, to knock the breath out of you the second they connected unless that was only the way you were feeling. however, it wasn't just that it was adrenaline.

this adrenaline was felt, coursing right through your body — blood pounding right through your ears as a familiar shiver had run down your spine that was so powerful, that you'd thought you might faint. you're aware that only one person is capable of making you feel this way.

one specific man. and it was jungkook.

with him over top of your fragile figure, jungkook's hands carefully pressed you deeper down upon the softness of the king-sized mattress.

your hands cupped his finely shaped jaw, while the hands of a sinfully attractive man, travels down the material of your formal dark red satin dress. as you remained hypnotized from this lip to lip action you suddenly felt goosebumps form on your warm skin once he has pulled the dress upwards, exposing the beautiful figure hiding beneath.

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