5.9K 301 52

[ various of crimes and sexual assault mentioned. read at your own risk. ]


[ reporter 1 ]
who knew a man causing great smiles and having great reputation was the one behind all crimes jeon jungkook was accused of.

[ reporter 2 ]
lee dohyun sentenced for being accused of all the various crimes, listed below;

[ reporter 3 ]
attempted rape, multiple attempts of kidnapping, drug possession, and domestic violence.

[ reporter 4 ]
exposed, defamed, and sentenced. lee dohyun was not that man everybody perceived him as.

[ reporter 5 ]
jeon jungkook freed from his sentence.


'just do it. end it all.'

you repeated those words in your head; the chant and temptation growing on you.

you brought your hand that held all the pills up to your mouth, but before you were able to drop one past your lips, the loud sound of the doorbell, had interrupted you in your movements.

you froze bringing your hand down from your lips and came back into realization. the sound of these pills falling onto the floor made you flinch as your mouth heaved out a gasp. you snapped out of it as you glance down to the pills, scattered all over the tiled bathroom floor.

"what was i doing.." you mumbled to yourself, as your pulse speed increased.

the ringing sound of the doorbell interrupted you
in your thoughts once more causing you to take a step back from the pills scattered on the floor and run out of the master bedroom.

as you made it to the stairs, your steps slow down. you approached the front door, grabbed onto your front door handle, and swung the door opened. as your head was hung low, the first thing you saw is shoes. your eyes travelled from the shoes up to his legs, onto his body, and finally his face.

once your eyes met with his, you completely froze. your lips parted from each other, as tears brims in the corner of your eyes.

there he was.

the love of your life.

there was nothing but silence, between the both of you at that exact moment. you felt as if your entire body went completely numb as your mind spun in circles. your vision became a blur, due to the tears that welled up in the corners of your eyes. you feel both sadness and happiness hit you at the sight of the man of your dreams who stood in front of you.

you hoped you weren't dreaming. you hoped that you weren't hallucinating.

your knees went weak as you snapped out of your thoughts, pulling the body into a tight, and warm hug. your held in tears flows down your reddened cheeks as you broke down in sobs, in his embrace.

"i'm here now, don't worry."

jungkook repeated those words in a calming chant
as he rubbed circles on your back. his reassurance, was what you desired. what you needed. especially
at a difficult time like this.

because with him, you felt nothing but safeness in his warm embrace.


jungkook was rested over your sofa, stroking your hair in a calm manner. you laid over his lap as one
of your favourite movies were playing, midway on the television. but the both of you did not pay any attention to the film.

you were only focused on him.

with your head rested over his lap you managed to turn around, facing him, as jungkook watched you
in awe. the corners of his lips slightly tugged up in
a soft smile, however, you did not return the smile.

"we need to talk," you spoke, your voice raspy and dry, but you neglected that. there are more things, that are way more important than a glass of water. jungkooks small smile disappears, understanding where the conversation would go.

you pulled yourself up from your laid position with the support of jungkook.

now seated up, you faced him, as he fixed himself into a straight posture, facing you as well. "what's the matter?" he wonders. you sighed feeling thick tears gather in the corner of your eyes once again.

you choked up, trying to beat the sobs, that would try to cut you off, midway through your sentences.

"i thought i was going to lose you.."

there was a moment of silence between the both of you, before jungkook gently grasps onto your wrist and pulls you into a hug for the second time. that's when your tears, departed from your eyes — it was almost as if, this moment with jungkook is surreal.

"i'm here now.." he reassured, voice trembling due
to the sensitive subject of nearly being imprisoned not too long ago. "your plan worked. i'm here with you, and i'm not leaving." he continued.

"and you'd no longer need to worry about dohyun. all is fine now, and we're both safe."


short chapter, but dohyun is finally gone for the time being. how are we feeling?

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