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"fuck, y/n," jungkook moaned, causing you to come back in realization. you pulled away, from the crook
of jungkook's neck and you stopped in your actions. bewilderment seems to slowly, make an appearance within his expression but he was not as confused as you were.

you feel your eyes water and you wipe your lips with the back of your hand as you bring yourself off from jungkook's lap. you've stood, in front of him, feeling unexpected coldness inherited into this atmosphere inside of the room.

jungkook looked confused as he fixed his posture on the sofa, and afterward standing up, buckling up the leather belt he had worn.

"you said my name," you spoken, taking a step back leaving a slight distance, between the two of you. he was bewildered, uplifting a brow, in response. you'd taken jungkook's silence in consideration in regards that he expected you to continue to elaborate.

"you called me by my name.." you continued. "yeah, and?" he responds, as he took one step forward, but you had taken another step back. you didn't want to break the distance between the both of you. you had preferred it this way, regarding your surprised state.

"i've never told you my name." you finished.

realizing what he's done jungkook broke eye contact with you as his gaze travelled towards the floor. he's seemingly shocked as well. he's brushing his fingers through his hair as he lets out an extensive blow out
of air, unaware of what to do.

"why would you lie to me, for all these years? why'd you leave me hurting with a monster?" you ask him with disbelief and disappointment.

"you remember me, don't you." you exhaled.

"y/n, i can explain.." he replied. "but not right now." jungkook finished, his lips pressed into a flat line. it confused you as to why jungkook committed to this, pretending to not know who you are, for an entirety
of a year.

a tear slid down your cheek, "jungkook.. i've missed you," you said as you took a step forward, and wrap your arms around his figure. however you've felt an awfully, sharp knife stabbing deeper into you, when jungkook pushed himself away from you.

"we can't do this.." he stated. "you need to go, right now." he continued as he turned away from you. as you watched him stand carelessly you only felt that jungkook had possibly stopped loving you.

"i can't," you spoke. "i don't want to." you respond, your tears streaming down your cheeks by now. he looked at you, almost in a glare.

"y/n, why would you want to stay? because you love me?" he questions, with infuriation and impatience, heard within his voice. from demanding a dismissal jungkook seemed somehow affected. as if all of this, was forced. but at the same time you weren't able to confirm because he seemed too genuine.

way too convincing.

"yes." you respond. "and i can't lose you again." you proceeded, as he froze in his stance.

his phone ringer goes off, and he brought his device, from out of his back pocket and into view. he looked at the screen, and reads the caller id, before taking a distanced step away from you.

"leave, now." he demanded, in a low tone. "we can't
be together right now. just hold up for a bit longer." jungkook explained — seeming as if he desperately, needed to hint something at you.

with those last words, you turned on your heel and headed towards the exit, without another word.

pushing the curtain aside, you descended down the entire nightclub pushing past the drunk people and finally, making it toward the exit. you felt upset but, mostly felt outraged. the man who you thought had loved you, pushed you away without any feelings of remorse, and he couldn't even give you a reasoning behind his actions of sending you off.

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