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"you're cute, don't forget to text me!"

you chuckle after hearing his last few words as you exited the store with your packet of gummy bears. you smile to yourself, thinking about how kind the man was towards you.

jaesun was a nice guy, it made you want to become friends with him. it was too bad jungkook was the complete opposite. because jungkook was just filled with immaturity.

you come back into realization remembering about jungkook, who was still waiting for you in his car. you notice jungkook through the tinted windows of his benz with his head against his palm of his hand as his elbow was rested over the small ledge.

you made your way towards the passengers side of the car, opening the door.

"forgive me, there was a man who offered to pay for my candies, and we ended up talking—" jungkook cuts you off, "yeah, no shit." the annoyance in his voice was clear as he repositions himself in his seat.

"i watched the whole scene of you swooning over that man, regarding that the windows were made to be transparent." he explains, inserting his keys into the ignition, reversing from his parking spot.

you scoff, "swooning? god, don't create misleading scenarios in that mind of yours." you nagged, as he stayed silent, but glared in your direction.

"are you usually this cold toward people? i see that you tend to have quite the attitude."

you hummed, and buckled your seatbelt as the man continued driving — his eyes focused on the road. you were surprised jungkook didn't lash out toward you after your sassy remark.

"better get used to it," he responded, his expression staying blank.

"and by that you mean..?" you question, furrowing your brows as you spoke. he sighs due to how slow you were at realizing what he was referring to. you were slowwitted after all, and you couldn't really control that.

"slowwitted, aren't you," he spoke as you shrugged.

"and so i was told."

"who knows... it is a possibility we may encounter like this again." he implied.

you folded your arms over your chest, with a smug look making an appearance over your face. "please, you'd be the last person i'd pay a visit to." you said, which caused jungkook to glance at you for a short moment. you kept your gaze on your surroundings that were outside of the window.

"i beg your pardon? who wouldn't enjoy this?" he continued, gesturing to himself.

"egocentric and conceited, i see." you roll your eyes at his cocky statement, as you notice jungkook nod his head through your peripheral vision.

"indeed... however, any maiden would die to be in your very position right now." jungkook continued. "do you know how many women approach me on a day to day basis? it's quite tiring if you were to ask me." he explained as you grew annoyed.

"flattering yourself won't get you anywhere. it just gives you the impression of a ladies' man." you warned — he hummed in response before he spoke.

"i'm aware."

he sighed, leaning back in his seat as he kept one hand on the wheel.

"if that will give me the impression of a ladies' man, then i suppose, i am one."


you have awoken due to the little nudge you felt on your shoulder. you open your eyes, seeing jungkook who was attempting to wake you up from your slumber — in which, it had worked within seconds.

"wake up, you've fallen asleep," he rolls his eyes as you repositioned yourself from your slouched one.
you scratched the nape of your neck, glancing out of the window, seeing that you were at your parents' house, parked outside of the gates.

"i fell asleep?" you questioned putting your hand in front of your mouth politely as a light yawn escapes your lips.

you were exhausted. tonight was quite rough with dohyun. you barely got any time to rest, regarding that dohyun made you wake up at seven o'clock in the morning. it wasn't only today that he made you awaken, but it was apart of your daily routine. you wake up, and do absolutely nothing but stay at the house by yourself.

"nonsense, you died. and you just resurrected." he said, as you scoffed. "what a stupid joke—" you cut yourself off mid sentence, as jungkook hovers over you in the passenger seat.

you are taken aback at how ridiculously close he was getting towards you. the both of you met, that same exact night. how is jungkook already so comfortable around you?

you bite your lower lip, feeling nervousness invade you. too caught up in his gaze, you hear a click-like noise occur. he unbuckled the seat belt.

you deeply inhale, gaze shifting down to your lap. you mentally face palmed yourself at the absurd thoughts that lingered through your mind.
feeling embarrassed, you didn't bother to look him in the eye — instead, your cheeks heated up.

"thinking dirtily again, miss?"

"of course not, don't be absurd..." you immediately denied, as the careless man remained close to you.
"you may go now," a smirk forming on his face, you froze. he backs away — fixing his position into the driver seat. hesitantly, you opened the car door and approach the gates to your parents' house.

you punched in the code, as the large gates started to automatically open.

but suddenly, you flinch hearing a loud honk from jungkooks car. you turned around raising a brow in confusion, as he rolled down the window which reveals the man with a stern expression in his face.

"forgetting something?"

your mouth forms a shape of an 'o' after realizing that you had not yet thanked jungkook for saving you earlier, at the nightclub.

"right, my apologies." you said, slightly bowing as a sign of respect. "thank you for tonight, and i deeply apologize for all of the commotion caused. however i appreciate your help, and—"

all of the sudden, your phone was thrown towards you from the window, along with your purse and packet of candies afterwards. thankfully you caught your purse and device, but the candies fell to the ground.

you bent down, picking up the packet of candies as you heard a scoff from jungkook.

"filled with idiocy, as always."

jungkook hurled an insult to you before driving off. you scoffed, flipping him off as you watched his car slowly disappear, down the dark roads.

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