Violet Personality

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"We have a code green inbound in five!"

"What does that mean?"


Ah, the lovely sounds of the ER. One nurse screaming at another. Quite...interesting as many would say. Any time you entered the ER, a scenario similar to this is typically happening.

A woman with short, somewhat choppy, blonde hair had a what seemed permanent scowl on her face. The other nurse she'd just finished screaming at had rushed off to figure out the code, leaving her to card through it tiredly. Her shift was about over and that she was glad for. Social skills weren't her strong suit; she could hardly put up with people's stupidity. But her twin brother had gotten her into this job so she had to keep it by his terms. 

"Sadie, Dr. Free wants you in room 114."

Almost growling, the woman snapped her gaze to another newbie nurse who clearly did not know what they were doing. They also, apparently, did not know what they had gotten themselves into.

"Look, newbie, I already lectured you once. It's South. Not Sadie. South. Got it?" she hissed, shoving past the terrified nurse.

"Sorry Sad-I mean South!" the nurse squeaked, rushing off. 

Rolling her eyes, South continued on to room 114 where the nurse had told her to go. Dr. Free wasn't always the most intelligent doctor, but he was good at remaining calm in the most trying situations (which was most likely why his medical license hadn't been revoked). South worked with him often, her hot-headed personality often snapping his cotton-gathering mind back into place. 

"What's the situation, Free?" she asked, sounding bored as she stepped into the room, surveying the scene.

A kid was laid up on the bed, bandages and stitches nearly covering his (or her?) body. South felt bad, the kid looked like they'd been through a lot. But what surprised her more was the other nurse, a man dressed in darker purple scrubs, standing beside the kid, joking with him. Dr. Free was scribbling on a clipboard while half-listening to the jokes.

"Dr. Free?" South repeated, getting impatient.

"Oh! Yes, uh...South! Yes, I called you in here. I did," the doctor sputtered, dropping the clipboard in a stumbled surprise.

"According to the idiotic newbie, yeah, you did," she muttered, leaning on the doorway.

"Well, I'm about finished here. This patient needs to go to the pediatric recovery and I figured you could take him there!" he declared, smiling at the kid on the bed.

"But you already brought a nurse from pediatric recovery down here. Do we really need two nurses to take one kid up to recovery when there is a code green coming in and not one of the newbies knows what that is?" she asked, trying not to clip her tone.

"Well, well, well. Miss South is quite snippy today," he muttered with a warning glance to her. "No, your shift is about over so you might as well just head up with your brother to pediatrics and then you can leave for the day."

"You're ever so kind," she praised sarcastically as he exited the room. "Hello, brother."

The other nurse paused from talking to the kid. Now that both nurses were in the room, you could see their family resemblance. Both had blonde hair and both had blue eyes. However, South was very petite in comparison to her brother. He was tall and broad but his personality was rather mellow which is why they hired him for pediatrics, unlike his fiery, hot-tempered sister.

"Michael, this is my twin sister. Her real name is Sadie but we call her South," he introduced to the patient, smiling.

"Oh, I get it! Cause you're Nathan but everyone calls you North and she's South! That's cool!" the kid said almost cheerfully.

"Whoop dee do. Let's go," South said, annoyed, grabbing a wheel chair.

"Also, I'm the nicer twin."



After a ten minute argument-filled commute to the pediatric ward, South was about ready to hit her brother and everyone in a six foot radius. North sometimes pushed South's buttons a little too much. In his mind, it was anything to make the kids smile, even if he risked getting punched by his sister.

"That kid was nice. I hope he gets out of here soon," North sighed happily, snagging a water bottle out of the fridge as he and South passed it.

"I hope I get out of here soon," South grumbled, noticing a newbie wave at her from the ER desk.

"They're only trying. They don't know any better," he chided, pushing her shoulder lightly.

"They're going to get people killed if they aren't careful," she replied, crossing her arms.

"You'll be fine. We're leaving now and you don't have to deal with them tomorrow," he assured, smiling down to her.

"Ugh, I guess that's worth it," she agreed, stepping out of the hospital doors and into the sunset-bathed parking lot. "Are we going to dinner with everyone tonight?"

"Well, Carolina and York said yes because they both get off at the same time tonight. Wyoming and Maine said they're closing up early for dinner so they'll be there. Wash may show up. CT is coming and she's bringing the new girl she's been working with in genetics out in horse country," he listed, pulling out his car keys as he came to the silver car he'd driven him and his sister to work in.

"New girl?" South asked, frowning as she slid into the passenger seat.

North started the car and began driving out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, some horse geneticist for a big racehorse farm outside of town. Kept getting complaints about some color defect among foals so she went to CT to try to fix it," he continued.

"Is she nice?"

"I would assume. And it wouldn't hurt if we introduced her to Wash."

"So she's a horse love doctor and you and York are going to play human love doctor? Yeah, let me know how that one works out."

"Hey, he's seriously going to start dating his cat if we don't get him a girlfriend."

"How about I make friends with her before you shove Wash into her face?"

"I'm not going to shove-"

"You are going to 'accidentally' trip her and she'll 'somehow' end up on Wash."







(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Red Vs Blue characters...they belong to the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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