Not My Place

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"So, this is Workout Reinvented. York works here too but he's off with a client doing...weightlifting? I don't keep tabs on him at work. Anyway, you can change in the trainer's locker room so you don't have to deal with the normal locker system and the way Delta does things," Carolina explained, half-waving her arms through the air as she gave a tour to Della.

"Delta?" the geneticist asked, shifting her bag on her shoulder as Carolina started into the trainers locker room.

"Yes?" a monotone voice asked.

Della jumped and Carolina laughed.

"Thank you, Delta, for the most priceless face ever!" Carolina said in between laughs.

"You are welcome, Carolina. Log off?" the voice asked.

"Yeah, Delta. Log off," she replied.

"What in the heck was that?!" Della exclaimed.

"Computer program. He's nice but very analytical. Anyway, go get changed in one of the stalls."

        Della went to one of the empty changing stalls and locked herself in. Sighing, she picked out her running attire from the bag. It'd been forever since she'd gone running. Free time wasn't something she'd had often and there was no fun in running without a partner. Now that she had Carolina to run with, running took priority over other free time activities. Like lunch. Della would rather skip eating than dissapoint someone.

        Her choice running clothes were similar to Carolina's. Black shorts. A green tank top instead of a blue one. Green and blue tennis shoes. 

        When she came out of the stall, she set her bag in the corner of the locker room. Next, she went to the mirror and started to half-braid, half-pull her hair up with a black hair tie. Carolina was leaning against the wall nearby, scrolling through what looked like her phone.

"Ready? I checked with Delta, York's running on the track right now because I changed his schedule from five laps to fifteen laps," Carolina called, setting her phone down.

"Dare I ask why?" she replied, following Carolina out to the main gym.

"Just a bit of revenge, Della dear. Don't worry about it," the red-head laughed, sounding somewhat dark.

"You are really starting to scare me, you know that?"

"It's all an act. I grew up having to be tough so that's what I am. Still surprises most that I've never been in the army."

"Oh. You haven't?"

"Nope. No one in our friends group has. York's eye is from that I think about it, he never mentions why it's like that. Huh."

"Not even Maine?"

"Maine is scared of some children. The army would break him."

"And South hasn't?"

"They're...different. She's not as tough as she acts. Her family's put...well...let's just say a lot of things on her."

"What do you mean?"

"She's always been known as the 'tough one'. She never knew anything else, so instead of trying to change it, she embraced it, becoming this bitter person that only turned sweet around Maine."

"That's rough."

By now, the duo had come to the track and were starting their lap.

"She's not the worst one though. Trust me, not be a long shot."

"Who is?"

"It's not my place to give away their story. Give it time and maybe you'll learn it. And then, like me and all the rest, you'll wish you hadn't."

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?"

"Hey, are we going to run or chit chat?"

"Race you to find York?"

"You're on. 3, 2--hey wait! That's a headstart!"


(Disclaimer: I do not own the Red VS Blue characters, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))


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