Just Go Ahead And Cry, Cry, Cry

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"South, please don't hurt anyone at work."

"I'm not promising anything."


"If newbie #7 calls me Sadie one more time--"


"Maybe today it'll be newbie #4 who spills coffee all over the files. That'd be rich."


"Fine! I won't hurt anyone physically. Or, mentally too, I guess. If I have to."

        Rolling her eyes, South tried to avoid her brother's glaring gaze as they both walked toward the hospital. His darker purple scrubs matched her lighter purple ones, both with green accents for fun. North was in an interesting mood, almost as if something was bugging him. South debated on whether or not to ask.

"So how's Princess Pass-Out?" she asked, kicking a rock.

"Delilah is fine. She borrowed your clothes last night to stay over because I didn't want her driving home," he replied, tone clipped.

"And she fit? Wow, impressive," his twin said sarcastically, giving a slow clap.

"And Maine tells me that you had a bit of a short temper last night," he retorted, walking through the automatic doors.

"No thanks to you. By the way, I'm pretty sure you need to get an anxiety test or something. You freak out way too much," she replied coolly, walking toward the desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Next time someone collapses in my kitchen, I'll go have a drink with York and discuss politics before I do anything about it," he snapped, crossing his arms.

"Look, I'm pretty sure Della can handle herself, alright? Us women are tough. I don't think you give us enough credit," she said calmly, her brother's sudden anger concerning her.

"Oh, she's tough. In her opinions. So stubborn and I don't know why! Everything with her is all about work and impressing people and being the best and then when I talk to her it seems impossible that she could ever be like that," he half-laughed.

"She's probably just used to being told what to do and how to do it. She's probably always done it right. She's probably had someone breathing down her neck her entire life. And she probably is getting pretty tired of it," she said, gritting her teeth together. "But how would know?"

        North watched his twin's eyes turn fiery. But this fire wasn't her usual I'm-Just-Done-With-Your-Stupidity flame. No, it was a I'm-Not-Telling-You-Something-For-A-Reason flame. The question was, could he get it out of her?

"What's wrong?" he asked slowly, preparing for backlash.

"Nothing's wrong, North! Go to work and leave me alone!"

Ah, and there it was.

"South, I'm trying to help you here," he sighed, watching her storm toward their break room.

"You really aren't!" she shouted, slamming the door.

        Sighing again, he started toward the elevator. South's moods were like the weather; unpredictable and a pain for him to deal with. Looking up at the ceiling, he debated trying to get the information out of Maine, but remembered that it'd most likely take six hours at the rate he talked. He'd probably have to bite his tongue and wait for her to come to him or for her to go to Maine. There wasn't a right or wrong way for her to say it, it was just a matter of when.

        Maybe she'd storm into North's apartment,  a hurricane of words and emotions, and then she'd leave as quick as she came. Or she might wait outside Maine's apartment, hoping that he'd get home quick before rain hit, despite the fact she'd end up soaked anyway, half with tears and half with the rainwater. There was only one thing they did not want her to ever do again.

They didn't want her to be alone.

        It happened once, and they hardly mentioned it now. There were times when they'd hint at it to warn her but it was only for the greater good. They wanted it to scare her, they wanted it to haunt her, they wanted it to never happen again. 

        The day had seemed to be fine enough. Slow day in the ER and the rest of the hospital in general. North started to call for her when Dr. Free said she'd left. Gone. Just signed out and headed for the hills. The taller twin had checked every place he could think of, calling York, Wash, Carolina and the others. They still couldn't find her. North's apartment was untouched, but once inside, he could hear faint little sobs coming from his ceiling. A call to York and ten minutes later, North found his sister in her bedroom, a broken mess.

        It almost made him collapse with her. She'd torn the sheets from the bed, smashed a picture of their family (he knew she'd done it on purpose because there was glass in her arms that he found later), her hair was a mess and she was a sobbing mess. 

        York had been forgotten in that moment because North simply just held her and let her sob. She fought him hard (he ended up with bruises on his legs and arms) but he held her tightly. And let her cry. And cry. And cry.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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