I'd Hate To Love You

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"Your brother freaks out very easily."

"Ugh, I know. It's like the world was about to end. Boo hoo, your girlfriend you stole from Wash passed out because she's about a size -00 and she didn't eat anything. Seriously, get over it."

"I get that part. I'm talking about how he doesn't trust your word."

"Despite the fact that we're twins, he still likes to remind everyone that I'm the little sister. It's...rather annoying. Oh, great! The food's gone cold."

"South, you're literally 5'6 and he's like what 6'5 or 6'6?"

"So are Wash, York and you! Height doesn't matter!"

"Really? You're going to play that card?"

        Rolling her eyes, South pushed the container that held their food into the microwave. Maine stifled a laugh when he noticed she was on her toes. Slamming the door shut, she punched numbers in and then whirled off in a storm of anger.

"South, I was kidding!" Maine called, watching her storm into her room. "Do you want to come back out?"

"Quit making fun of me and we'll see what I want to do," she snapped, voice muffled through a door that she'd slammed.

"I was not making fun of you," he corrrected calmly.

"Sure sounded like it!"

Sighing, he simply pulled his phone out and sent her a message.

To: Spitfire

I'm sorry. Come back out? I'm hungry :(


"Oh, come on!"

"If you go buy ice cream, I might forgive you."


"Fine. I will forgive you if you go buy ice cream."

"Okay, I'll be back," he agreed, getting up with his keys.

        When he got to the door, he opened it and shut it, staying inside her apartment. Hiding not-so-stealthily behind a corner, he waited silently. A few doors opened and then familiar blonde hair swung past him. He quickly picked her up in his arms, holding onto her tightly.

"MAINE!" she screeched.

"Hello South. Why go buy ice cream when I've got something sweet enough right here?" he asked, watching her blush with either embarrassment or anger.

"How very cute," she said sarcastically. " Put me down, I'm still mad."

"No. When you calm down I will let you down," he replied, smiling.

"I am calm," she said through gritted teeth.

"And I'm short," he laughed, getting an irritated look from her. "What? I thought we were playing the lying game?"

"I really, really, hate you," she muttered.

"No, you love me. You told me so two days ago," he teased, making his voice sound dramatic.

"I changed my mind," she snapped.

"But South," he whined. "I still love you."

She groaned, rubbing her forehead.

"I win," he said happily.

"For now," she said under her breath.

"How about you sit here," he suggested, setting her on a chair. "And I'll go get that ice cream you were asking for?"

"Seriously?" she sputtered, eyes lighting up.

"Of course. As long as you want it," he replied.

"Yeah, I still want it. In five minutes, my mind has not changed," she said quickly.

"I'll be back."

"Did I ever say how much I love you?"

"Hm, I don't recall ever hearing it."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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