Change Your Fate

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"Maine's ready to leave the hospital."


"I told him that you'd come to pick him up and that you'd take the first night watch when he gets home."

"You said what?"

South glared at Wyoming. He could've just as easily glared back but instead he kept a calm and collected gaze. With South, you had to or else you'd be fighting fire with fire.

"Look, I'll even drive you to the hospital," he offered.

"How very kind," she replied sarcastically.

"Yes or no?"

"Of course I'll go to get him."

"You can't hit him."

"But w--"

"But nothing, Sadie! This is your problem, not his. He did his job as a boyfriend which was to protect you for your own good, even if it was from yourself. Sometimes people lie to save the pain from reaching others," he shouted, now returning her glare with a stern look.

South closed her open mouth.

"Then when does he stop?" she asked quietly.

"When does he stop what?" he asked in return, confused.

"When does he stop lying, huh? When does the truth start?" she snapped.

"That's the great thing about relationships. You have to trust that he'll stop when he needs to."

South's mind travelled to other places when Wyoming's words entered her head. A further relationship with Maine. Could they do it?

Well, obviously sign language would become integrated in their life. Since they'd been dating for a year, marriage wasn't out of the question, or at least, South thought so. But could she settle down and be a wife?

She'd never been into the whole "housewife" deal, but kids had crossed her mind often enough. She and Maine could raise kids just fine. It'd be a shame that they'd never hear their father speak. And forget teaching them to drive; Maine would put a stop to that immediately. She doubted he'd ever want to drive again, not that it bothered her.

What did though, was herself.

If she raised kids, she'd tell them to not be like her. She'd tell them to be as kind as North, as strong as Carolina, as successful as Della, as persistent as CT, as innocent as Wash, as funny as York, as wise as Wyoming and as patient as Maine. Absolutely nothing like her. Who could blame her?

She was never the good one and she wasn't going to pass that on.


"Okay, so if you have any complications, just call us," Lindsay said with a smile, half-leaning on the car door as South started her engine.

"Okay. Thank you for everything," South replied, smiling as if it were forced (she didn't want to admit it was).

Lindsay left and South got into her car. Maine sat in the passenger seat, gripping the door and the console with white knuckles. She pretended not to notice.

"Ready?" she asked.

He nodded slightly.

"You okay? I have a blanket in the back if you wanna wrap up in that," she said, turning to look for the blanket.

A hand on her shoulder caused her to stop.

"Okay, so a no on the blanket," she muttered, edging the car forward.

She heard him take in a deep breath.

"My apartment's closer," she suggested. "You can just stay there?"

A quick nod confirmed her answer.

She tried to drive quickly and safely but it didn't seem to ease Maine's nerves. It wasn't until she had parked that he relaxed. Shaky hands unbuckled the seatbelt and he opened the door while waiting for South to help him out of the car.

"Easy," she said softly, letting him steady himself on her hand.

He really tried to walk on his own, but quickly found out that he couldn't and South was eager to help even though she was smaller than he was. Once she got him inside, he carefully made his way toward the couch until she stopped him.

"No. Bed. Now," she corrected, gently tugging him toward her bedroom.

She got him settled into her bed and started out of her room when she heard a thump. Turning around, she got sight of something unusual. Maine with his whiteboard.

Thank you

And I'm sorry for what I did

Can we talk? Or, in my case, write?

So, South sat back down and they began to talk. Oh, and write.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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