Violets Are Blue And The Hospital Is Red

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        The end of South's shift was usually a gift, but she was actually not looking forward to the end of it. It'd been a slow day (minus the little North escapade that happened in the morning), the newbies knew what they needed to be doing, Dr. Free spoke in full sentences. It was...nice for a change.

        However, she still wanted to go home. She'd planned on an easy night in. Maybe she'd have Maine over or CT to watch a movie. North wouldn't have Princess Pass-Out over again, so she could just relax and enjoy herself, something she didn't do often.

        As she walked toward the ER desk, the windows caught her attention. The sun was going down and soon, she'd be out walking into it. But for now, she needed to see what needed to be done.

"Anna, what can I do? I've got some free time," she asked, stopping in front of the brunette.

"Well, it's been pretty slow...maybe just wait around and see?" the receptionist suggested.

"Hey South! Anything coming in?" a group of nurses called, walking toward the desk.

"Nope. Slow and easy. Just the way I like it!" she teased, leaning on the desk.

This is 479er. We have a patient coming in ten.'s bad. It's really, really bad. Immediate surgery, tell Free to get ready. Bad throat and head wounds...good luck, gotta go.

 The nurses exchanged looks. 

"Go tell Free to prep for surgery. Get the Alpha and Beta Trauma team ready. Let me educate you quickly; 479er means business. Go!" South ordered, pointing at nurses who looked terrified.

        Each nurse scrambled off to find what they were supposed to. South went to check to make sure there was a recovery room available, if they made it out alive. The silence and peace had become a flurry of activity, everyone trying to get prepared.

You can't be ready enough.

"Alpha team is ready!"

"Beta team, also ready!"

"Beta team to the operating room. Alpha on stand-by," South shouted.

        She saw Dr. Free give her a forced smile as he rushed away with the Beta team. Good, at least someone was on task. Alpha team went outside into the windy sunset, waiting for the ambulance. South grabbed three spare nurses, Meg, Ashley and Lindsay, and pulled them off to the side.

"You ready?" she asked, scanning over their faces.

"As we'll ever be. This sounds bad," Meg answered, biting her lip.

"We're the best hospital in a 100 mile radius, possibly more. We'll save this guy, girl, kid or whatever it is," South assured.


"Let's go team!" Lindsay whispered, eyes flashing breifly with fear.

"Just pretend you're back in school," Ashley suggested.

"Let's go," South interrupted, pulling the girls toward the main lobby area.

        They had to quickly skirt to the side. Alpha team was rushing toward the operating room. South surveyed the scene: a lot of red. The patient's face couldn't be seen, but surprisingly, his arms were clear. 

"Dang," Meg whistled. "He's big."

"Got a lot of blood," Ashley agreed.

        South listened, but only halfway. Time seemed to slow down as she looked at his arms again. On his forearm, black ink decorated paling skin. It wasn't much, only one tattoo. But South still noticed it.

"South? Hey, South? I think Free will want you in the operating room," an Alpha team member called, waving an arm.

"Oh my god," she whispered, just loud enough for the other nurses to hear. "Not him."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :)) 

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