Well, I Guess I'll Stay

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"...stay, I guess. I mean, if you don't want me wrecking my car and you aren't going to drive me home, then really what choice do I have? But you are not preventing me from going to work tomorrow, okay?"

North let out a breath of relief.

"I guess you can go to work," he said sarcastically, watching her face go from emotionless to annoyed quickly. "I mean, yeah, I'm not stopping you. Do whatever you want. Seriously."

"Breathe, North," she laughed. "You seriously need to relax. Like, a lot."

"Look who's talking," he said, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Hey, be nice, please?" she said, fake pouting.

"Fine, if I have too," he agreed. "So South keeps some clothes here and you'll still be swimming in them, but less than if I gave you my stuff. I'll go get them, you can have the bed and I'll take the couch."

"No. We are not playing this game," she corrected, stopping him from walking toward a closet.

"What game?" he asked, confused.

"I'm at your house, I'm not taking your bed, that's dumb. I've slept on plenty of couches, North, this one is no different. Plus, it's big," she replied, crossing her arms.

"And I've slept on plenty of couches too. Including this one. You're a geneticist and I'm a nurse. Who really needs more sleep?" he asked, going into the closet.

"Considering you save lives, you," she answered.

"No, that's my sister," he corrected, holding a purple shirt in his hands. "I just make kids laugh all day."

"That's way more important than what I do. I match up horses for money and tell idiotic and clueless barn managers from nearby farms that they're doing everything fine even though they aren't, but I can't tell them that because 'Save face, Della' or 'Be more polite, Della' or 'They mean well, Della'. I'm just there as a pretty face to back their numbers," she snapped, eyes burning with a flame that North could only describe as a Carolina-Mad-At-York-Level-Fire. 

North fell silent, eyes falling to the fabric he held in his hands.

"Take the bed," she said quietly. "Seriously."

"Just change and then we'll see," North replied, tossing clothes at her.

"I'm not kidding."

"Neither am I. Bathroom is on the right."

        Sighing audibly, she walked toward the direction he told her that the bathroom was in. She opened the door and turned on the light. Observing the room, she let the door shut and lock behind her. The room was surprisingly clean, but, then again, it was North. Not much surprised her about him.

"South likes purple, huh?" she hummed, laying out the lilac long-sleeved pocket t-shirt and black-with-purple-accents shorts. 

        Folding her own clothes, she tried to stay neat. Slipping into South's shirt was easy; she was about a size larger than Della was. However, this caused her to have to roll the waistline of the shorts down once, then twice. Satisfied, she looked into the mirror. Make-up still clouded her eyes, eyeliner smudged slightly from the almost-tears that occured earlier. Her hair, once in pretty curls, was messy. It took a few hair ties, but she pulled it into a temporary messy bun for until she went to bed, or rather, couch. 

"Best as it's going to get," she said under her breath as she left the bathroom.

She found North in his living room with, of all things, pillows, surrounding him.

"Pillow fort. Now no one wins," he declared, tossing one at her.

"Never made one, to be honest," she said, biting her lip as she caught it.

"Were you a deprived child?!" he asked dramatically. "Pillow forts are a neccesscity for childhood."

"I guess I grew up too quickly," she said softly, kneeling amongst the mess of fabric and stuffing.

"Do you, uh, want to go into that or avoid it? I don't want to make you upset," he asked, immediately going into Caring-North-Knows-Best mode.

"It's more of a talk over lunch thing, so avoid for now," she decided, grabbing a blanket from the couch.

"Instead, we are going to make the best pillow fort this apartment complex has ever seen!" he declared, half-tackling her into the pillows.

"Okay, you'll have to show me how," she laughed, watching him next to her.

"Not too late of course."


"Remember? Some of us have work."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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