Hey There Delilah

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"Look, all I'm saying is that I think it's a bad idea."

"Explain why it's a bad idea."

"For one, you are going to traumatize her."

"Again, that happened one time, South. You promised to not bring it up again."

        Sighing, the female twin leaned back in her chair. They'd arrived at the downtown restaurant early to discuss the boundries that needed to be set among the guys of the friends group. However, South wasn't getting much of anywhere with her twin. He was full of excuses and it was making her mad.

"I promise a lot of things, North. I don't always mean them," she muttered, taking a sip of her water.

"Isn't that the truth."

        Rolling her eyes, she dripped water on her jeans. Hopefully, she'd gotten all of the ER junk off of her. First impressions were everything and CT made it sound like this chick was important over in racehorse land. South had even worn the gray and blue sweater that Carolina had gotten her for Christmas.

        On the other hand, her brother looked like he was trying too hard to get this girl's attention. His hunter-green t-shirt hugged his body and clearly displayed that he worked out. Thankfully, his jeans and tennis shoes didn't attract much more attention, but South still had to roll her eyes and groan upon sight of him before they left.

"Well, seems like the battle duo have arrived," North half-laughed, watching a scowling Carolina and a grinning York stroll in.

"Idiot thinks he can drive on a flat tire," Carolina grumbled, plopping down next to South.

"Aw, babe, I'm hurt. You doubt my driving skills?" York asked, clearly trying to make her more mad than she already was.

"Watch it. You still owe me dessert," she hissed in reply.

"Alright, you two. Play nice. We don't want to scare the new girl off, now do we?" North interrupted in his Mother-Knows-Best (more like North-Knows-Best) tone.

"Oh yeah, we wouldn't want to scare off York's only chance at a girl in this town," Carolina snapped, crossing her arms.

"Again, I'm hurt, Lina. I'll give the other guys a fair chance first," York replied smugly, grinning again.

"You both are literal pigs. Like, I had faith in you and look, there it goes," South muttered, stirring her water.

"Thanks, South. Really shows you care. But look, there's Maine! Be...happy?" York replied, looking over his shoulder as the tank of a man (who really, really scared York) walked in and sat in a chair across from South.

        Soon after, Wyoming came in. He looked like he'd been through a windstorm, clothes blown back and hair...well, let's just say it wasn't pretty. But he was dressed decently as was Maine, so hopefully it'd please the girls for now.

"You both clean up decently," Carolina commented, softening her scowl to a smile.


        South raised her eyebrows at their simultaneous response. Shrugging, Maine gave her a soft smile. She blushed in reply, trying to hide that she was.

"Wow. You two really need to shut up. You're both too loud," York said sarcastically.

        South started to glare at him, but she spotted CT's close-clipped haircut walking into the restaurant. A slim girl followed behind. She looked the part of an important asset to a company. Her hair was twisted up into a neat braided bun, she was wearing jeans and heels, and her top was a dressy green blouse, which brought out bright green eyes. South was intimidated, no doubt. But she needed to play nice for the girl's sake.

"She's coming. Don't do anything dumb," South hissed, eyeing her twin and York.

"Don't worry about little ole me," York laughed, running a hand through his hair.

CT walked up to the table, soft smile speaking miles to everyone at it.

"Hey, guys!" she greeted cheerfully, pulling out a chair beside Carolina.

Everyone gave a round of hellos and the new girl took her seat next to CT.

"And who is this lovely lady?" York asked, smiling in her direction.

"I'm Delilah Ware, but most people call me Della," the girl replied, voice sounding a bit shy.

"Well, hey there Delilah, have you heard what it's like in New York City?" he teased.

"That's York," CT explained.

"Oh...New York City....Hey there Delilah....I get it now," Della said softly, her gaze shifting around.

"I'm Caroline but I like Carolina better."

"Sadie Drew but you can call me South."

"I'm Sadie's twin, Nathan, but everyone calls me North."

"I'm York, as CT said, but I'm really Nick Yukon."

"William Yahl but Wyoming suits me better."

"Magnum Ealand. Maine."

"Wow. I imagine the stories behind the nicknames are quite interesting," Della said politely.

"So you're a geneticist?" North asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. Stonehill Farms. Equine geneticist. AKA Horse Cupid," she replied, tapping her fingers on the table.

"Okay, sorry I'm late, I know! But Phi got stuck behind the couch again so I had to move it and get him out!"

        Everyone looked up as a flustered Wash sat down across from Della. She smiled softly and he blushed back. Straightening his gray button up, he turned to the rest of the table.

"David Washington, but about everyone I know calls me Wash," he introduced, smiling back. "But don't feel pressured to call me that. Call me whatever you want. I'm not partial. At all."

York rolled his eyes and North groaned audibly.

"Delilah Ware but most people call me Della," she replied, giggling slightly at his attempts to introduce himself.

"Oh! You're the girl who works for Stonehenge Farms?" he asked, biting his lip in thought.

"Close. Stonehill Farms," she corrected.

"Ah, that's what it is. Yeah, my shelter adopted out a few kittens to the place to be mousers."

"Epsilon and Upsilon?!"


"Those two are always in my office! They're too cute."

"They were fun when I had them. But I'm sure they're more fun where they get to play all the time."

"They have their own fun."

"Uh, excuse me? Chatty Cathys? Can we join the conversation or nah?" York interrupted.

        Della bit her lip and sat back in her chair, gaze averted. CT gave York a look that read really-you-had-to-say-it-that-way? Wash eyed Della before looking at York patiently.

"Enlighten us, York. Do you need to elaborate on the importance of driving with a flat tire?" Carolina asked, tone harsh and cold. "Or is your ego begging for attention again?"

"Driving with a flat tire is perfectly fine if you are on a tight schedule, which I was..."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the Red VS Blue characters, they belong to the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :)) 

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