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"You know, my faith was coming back in you, York. Then you pulled that and it left again."

South was practically steaming at this point. Sure, she'd been sorta-kinda tuned out of the main conversation and was more interested in Maine's conversation. It was a limited conversation, but she enjoyed it anyway. Most people had her written off as bitter and heartless by the start. Words spread like wildfire and the ones about her were no exception.

Even though she'd hadn't known Della for long, she understood why she was so uncomfortable. York's questions were like arrows piercing her little walls she'd tried to create. South had gone through the same thing when she'd tried to make friends with the hospital nurses. But her brother had let it slip that she was, well, tempermental and everyone took that as a warning to stay away. So instead of trying to fix it, she became what they were scared of. She was used to North-Knowing-Best and most of the time, he was right. So he must be right about her right?

"I don't care what you were trying to do, York. You couldn't even be civil for one night! I knew she'd figure out your game eventually but I was hoping you would've held off from it just for tonight. She's been here for three months and she told me that she hasn't made friends. I was trying to be nice by bringing her here to meet all of you guys. Thanks, York. Really," CT snapped, slamming her hands on the table.

York avoided everyone's glare, which was an amazing feat.

"Well, someone should go after her," Wyoming suggested, leaning on the table.

"North. You should go," South interjected, looking over at her twin.

"Wait, shouldn't a girl go?" Wash asked, confused.

"Well I mean, I can go, but North's kind of better with the whole words thing," she explained, drawing circles onto the table.

"You really want me or Carolina to go?" CT asked, half-laughing. "I'm not leaving this table so I can lecture York and I'm sure Carolina would love to help me."

"I'll go. Worse comes to worse and I'll just come back and grab CT or something," North agreed, standing up.

"Don't do anything stupid," the three girls said simultaneously.

"I won't! Jesus, it's like you think I've never tried to fix York's mess before," he assured, walking in the direction Della had fled.

On the flip side, Della was oblivious to the twin coming to check on her. She was pacing back and forth in the bathroom, trying to process the information that had been fed to her. York's questions were intimidating to her and she really wasn't able to handle that. CT promised it'd be fun and it wasn't turning out to be.

The twins were nice. She would've talked to North more if she'd been sitting closer to him. He seemed to be like Wash but a little more...animated? Wash was also nice but he seemed like he didn't want to really get in the way of York. South seemed much more interested in Maine and he seemd to feel the same. Carolina was too busy keeping York on a leash and York was well, York. Wyoming just seemed happy to be there. And CT? She clearly was one of the more submissive of the group, but at least she was trying to help Della out.

"Why did I even think I'd fit in with them?" she muttered, looking into the mirror.

Her reflection stared back at her, face flushed pink. Green eyes were brighter with the blouse she wore that matched it. The bun that was pulled back tightly seemed to make every feature of her face more severe, as if she were a strict science teacher instead of a young geneticist. Biting her lip, she began dismantling the bun quickly. One by one, wavy sections of her hair fell to frame her face. By the time she finished, she'd collected herself more, to the point of her complexion returning to normal.

"Hey? Della, you in there?"

The voice outside the door made her jump, dropping bobby pins into the sink. Cursing softly, she picked them back up and shoved them into her pocket. She rolled her sleeves up on her blouse and ran a hand through her hair quickly.

No more shy Delilah. Put on a show and give them an interesting you.

She opened the door to see North leaning against the wall across from her.

"Hey, hope I wasn't too long."


(Dislclaimer: I do not own the Red VS Blue characters, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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