The Unspoken Truth

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        Not many things surprised North, but the transformation of Della did. Sure, she was pretty even with a tight bun that made her look serious, but now that he could see her hair down, she was even prettier. In the back of his mind, thoughts about Wash being single and York clearly wanting dibs seemed to disappear. All that remained were the thoughts screaming at him to make a move. 

"Uh, wow. I mean, no you weren't too long. Just, uh, wow. No, I mean, I just wanted to check on you!"

Well that could not have gone worse.

"Aw, you're cute when you stumble over your words. But anyways, I'm fine. My food's probably getting cold and York must be practically dying without my company, hm?" she replied, smiling softly at him.

"Oh, uh, thanks. And you uh, wow. I mean, let's just go back to the table," North agreed, trying hard to form proper sentences.

Again, Nathan. Could not have gone worse.

        The duo started through the restaurant. North was trying to ignore the fact that every few seconds, Della would brush her arm or fingers against him. He didn't know what had happened to her in the bathroom, but he knew that he liked it. Maybe it was just her warming up to everyone?

"Della, York has something he'd like to say."

CT's talking now. Pay attention. You're at dinner. You are trying to fix York's problem. There is a really pretty girl sitting a few seats away....Snap out of it! Think of something Theta! Cute little bunny rabbit that eats carrots...

"Look, Della, I'm so--"

"Hey, it doesn't bother me any. Just surprised at first, but whatever. I think the bun was cutting off circulation to my brain. Besides, you're pretty clever and that's...interesting," Della interjected, running a hand through her hair with a smile.

"Wait, what?" York sputtered, almost choking on a piece of bread he'd been eating.

Everyone's gaze snapped up, wondering why Della had basically done a 180.

"You're clever. I like that. And North slips up on his words, which is cute. Plus Wash has the whole guy-with-cute-animals thing going so I like that too," she explained, sipping her drink.

"Well...isn't that funny," Carolina half-laughed, poking her salad.

        North, York and Wash all were staring at the table, two of the three blushing. York shook his head every so often in silent disbelief. North looked like he wanted to say something, but instead kept quiet. Wash just looked embarrassed. Della, looking quite pleased with herself, simply ate her pasta and watched the trio she'd called out.

"Well, that was pretty good. I might just have to come back here sometime, hm Maine?" South commented, looking across the table.

"Yeah," was all she got in reply.

"Well, York you still owe me dessert if you'll pull your head out of the ground," Carolina declared, picking up the menu.

"My head isn't in the ground," he snapped, rubbing his temples as if he was stressed.

"Hey, I could rat you out to the director again and you might get fired again," she snapped back.

"And then you'd convince him to hire me back again," he muttered.

"Enough, you two," Wyoming interjected.

"You know what, I'm not hungry. You can pay me back later. Any more of your arrogance tonight and I might get poisoned by it," she said sharply, scribbling on a piece of paper quickly. "I'll pay at the front. Della, here's my number. Call me if you want to go for a run or coffee or whatever."

Taking it, Della quickly put it into her phone and sent a message to Carolina.

"Later," Carolina called over her shoulder, grabbing her bag and walking off.

Silence fell over the table.

"Yeah, I'm about done here too," Wyoming agreed.

"Same," CT added.

"Yep," South said softly, staring at the table.

Looking at North, Della mouthed only one sentence.

Wanna get out of here?


(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Red VS Blue characters, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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