Where I Landed

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"Flight 1277's bags will be at baggage claim 5."

Sighing, Della stretched as she walked toward the claim. The flight was fairly good, minus the child who screamed for the entire duration. She was more than ready to go "home" and unpack. Then, she could rest until tomorrow, when she actually had to go and "work."

She carefully made her way to the claim, trying to avoid those who got in her path, accidentally or purposefully. Light shined in from the windows and showed off the scenery outside of the airport, which mostly consisted of cars. Shaking her head slightly, she found a spot along the claim and and waited.

After what seemed like forever (but really was only five minutes), the claim started to turn and bags began to cycle through. Hers was one of the middle bags and she quickly grabbed it and got out of the way.

"It's the same as it was a few months ago," she said under her breath.

Stonehill had sent her up to New York right after she was hired so that she could pick out a few prospective stud horses that were at one of the tracks. Since she'd been at the airport before, she'd known exactly where she was supposed to go. Even though it was more crowded, she still found her way easily.

"Alright..car...where did they say they would put the car," she muttered, looking around.

Firestorm had told her that they would have a car waiting for her in the parking lot. And by a car, they meant a car driven by an employee of their farm. She could only hope that it was one of the employees that she had met.

"Please don't let it be O'Malley," she said under her breath as she walked outside, pulling her bag behind her carefully.

She kept looking around for a sign or a marked car or something.

"Wow, I can really tell that they're looking for me," she laughed softly.

"Hey, Miss Ware!"

She turned toward the direction of the voice and started walking toward it.

"Finally! I was thinking you'd forgotten about me! No matter though..." she trailed off, looking up to see the owner of the voice.

"How's it going, Delaware? You miss me?" a dark-haired guy asked with a grin.

"Tucker!" she shouted happily, closing the distance between them in a hug.

He picked her up easily and spun them in a circle. She kept her arms around his neck as he let her down. With her shorter height, she had to look up at him.

"What are you doing here?!" she asked excitedly.

"Firestorm can't get rid of me that easy. I'm the stallion manager now," he replied. "You're possibly the new geneticist, right?"

"Yeah. I'm here on a trial period," she answered, dropping her arms. "Should be interesting."

"We're gonna have fun. Trust me, you'll love it. Brand new stallion barn, new offices, genetic testing, the whole nine yards. Oh, and I'm there too," he assured, laughing.

"Awesome. I'm excited," she laughed.

"Here, let me get your bag. I parked the car over there to avoid getting blocked in," he explained, grabbing her bag and pulling it behind him.

The car was as Della expected; fairly nice and with Firestorm promotion on the side. She watched as Tucker put her bag away.

"Alright. I'm sure you're about ready to head 'home.' By the way, 'home' is sharing my complex because of the way it's set up or something," he said, walking back over to her.

"Okay," she said softly. "And hey, I missed you. Stonehill's tracks aren't as fun."

"I missed you more," he teased, hugging her again.

"Okay, okay, you win," she laughed, breaking the hug but not stepping away.

She looked up at him.

And, without another word spoken, he closed the space between them.

But, no, not with a hug.

Della immediately stiffened up, half-prepared to break away. But when Tucker's arms wrapped around her waist...that was when she relaxed into it and let herself enjoy it. At the back of her mind, Wash's face flickered briefly. Mentally shrugging it off, she kept kissing Tucker.

Everything's changing...things are starting to fall into place. This is just where I landed....


The End


I promise that this is not the ending of the story! The sequel will be starting soon. Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it!

-Pixie Styx


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth:))

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